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== Song Information ==
== Song Information ==
[[Image:Tokai seifuku Girls.png|thumb|都会征服Girls☆'s jacket.]]
[[Image:LT Tokai seifuku Girls.png|thumb|246px|都会征服Girls☆' pop'n music banner.]]
Artist: 日向美ビタースイーツ♪<br>
Artist: 日向美ビタースイーツ♪<br>
Composition/Arrangement: [[Youhei Kimura|ARM]](IOSYS)<br>
Composition/Arrangement: [[Youhei Kimura|ARM]](IOSYS)<br>
Lyrics: [[Yoshimi Youno]](IOSYS)<br>
Lyrics: [[Takafumi Suzuki|Yoshimi Youno]](IOSYS)<br>
Vocals: Ibuki Izumi (CV: Minami Tsuda), Meu Meu (CV: Hiromi Igarashi)<br>
Vocals: Ibuki Izumi (CV: Minami Tsuda), Meu Meu (CV: Hiromi Igarashi)<br>
BPM: 140 (jubeat, REFLEC BEAT), 70-140 (pop'n music)<br>
BPM: 140 (GITADORA, jubeat, REFLEC BEAT, SOUND VOLTEX), 70-140 (pop'n music)<br>
Length: 1:52<br>
Length: 1:52<br>
pop'n music Character: 和泉一舞 / 芽兎めう [SP]<br>
pop'n music Character: 和泉一舞 / 芽兎めう [SP]<br>
Movie: ?<br>
Movie: ?<br>
First Music Game Appearance: [[jubeat saucer fulfill]] / [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]<br>
Jacket design: [[CUTEG]]<br>
Other Music Game Appearances:  
First Music Game Appearance: [[AC jb saucer fulfill|jubeat saucer fulfill]] / [[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]]<br>
* [[AC GITADORA OverDrive|GITADORA OverDrive]]
Other Music Game Appearances:
* [[PnM AC Lapistoria|pop'n music ラピストリア]]
* [[AC DDR A3|DanceDanceRevolution A3]]
* [[CS DDR GRAND PRIX|DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX]]
* [[AC GD OverDrive|GITADORA OverDrive]]
* [[CS jb plus|jubeat plus]] / [[CS jb plus Android|jubeat plus (Android)]] ひなビタ pack 3
* [[AC pnm Lapistoria|pop'n music ラピストリア]]
* [[CS RB plus|REFLEC BEAT plus]] ひなビタ PACK 3

== Lyrics ==
== Lyrics ==
None yet.
=== Game Size ===
==== Japanese ====
<pre>都会も世界もあたしんだし!! Hey!!
完ペキ  伝説級じゃない?  ライバル目じゃない!
無敵  ステキ  ドキドキ  Heartbeat!!
超新星じゃなくなくない?  田舎モノじゃなくなくない!
刺激  カゲキ  ウキウキ  Tension!!
おしゃれカフェなら  東京でしょやっぱ!
ケーキも  空気も  甘い感じ  ゆるい感じ
「毎日  退屈  うんざりだし」 なんて
勝手な自己中  それでいいのか?
君に感謝  親に感謝  先祖に感謝  シャカに感謝
ホトケ様の顔に三度  感謝  感シャカ
Hey!!  Hey!!  Hey!!  Hey!!  Hey!!
Yeah Yeah Yeah 君となら Wow Wow Wow
未来の先へ たどり着く
たとえこの惑星が 消えたとしても
Yeah Yeah Yeah いつまでも Wow Wow Wow
重ねてゆく歌声は 友情の証さ
勝利も栄光もあたしんだし! Hey!!</pre>
=== Romaji ===
<pre>tokai mo sekai mo atashin dashi!! Hey!!
kanpeki densetsukyuu jyanai? RIVAL me jyanai?
muteki suteki dokidoki Heartbeat!!
choushinsei jyanakunaku nai? inaka mono jyanakunaku nai!
shigeki kageki ukiuki Tension!!
oshare CAFE nara Tokyo de shoyappa!
CAKE mo kuuki mo amai kanji yurui kanji
"mainichi taikutsu unzari dashi" nante
kitotte iu no mo niatterun dashi!
katte na jikochuu sore de ii noka?
daiji na mon mietenain jyanai noka?
kimi ni kansha oya ni kansha senzo ni kansha shaka ni kansha
hotokesama no kao ni sandou kansha kanshaka
hey!! hey!! hey!! hey!! hey!!
Yeah Yeah Yeah kimi to nara Wow Wow Wow
mirai no saki e tadori tsuku
tatoe kono wakusei ga kieta to shite mo
Yeah Yeah Yeah itsumademo Wow Wow Wow
kasanete yuku utagoe wa yuujou no akashi sa
shouri mo eikou mo atashin dashi! Hey!!</pre>
=== Long Version ===
==== Japanese ====
{{hide text|<pre>都会も世界もあたしんだし!! Hey!!
完ペキ 伝説級じゃない? ライバル目じゃない!
無敵 ステキ ドキドキ Heartbeat!!
超新星じゃなくなくない? 田舎モノじゃなくなくない!
刺激 カゲキ ウキウキ Tension!!
おしゃれカフェなら 東京でしょやっぱ!
ケーキも 空気も 甘い感じ ゆるい感じ
「毎日 退屈 うんざりだし」なんて
勝手な自己中 それでいいのか?
君に感謝 親に感謝 先祖に感謝 シャカに感謝
ホトケ様の顔に三度 感謝 感シャカ
Hey!! Hey!! Hey!! Hey!! Hey!!
Yeah Yeah Yeah 君となら Wow Wow Wow
未来の先へ たどり着く
たとえこの惑星(ほし)が 消えたとしても
Yeah Yeah Yeah いつまでも Wow Wow Wow
重ねてゆく歌声は 友情の証(あかし)さ
勝利も栄光もあたしんだし! Hey!!
絶対 殿堂入りじゃない? 誰もかなわない!
大胆 不敵 ウキウキ Heat up!!
即マイリスじゃなくなくない? 限界なんてないないない!
油断は 大敵 マジマジ Victory!!
ウィンドウショッピン 東京だね最高!
センスも ムードも シブい感じ ヤバい感じ
「来期の 流行 予習済みだし」
店員さんにも 頼られちゃったり!
山に感謝 海に感謝 今日に感謝 宇宙感謝
神様にも皆様にも 感謝 感謝めう
Hey!! Hey!! Hey!! Hey!! Hey!!
Yeah Yeah Yeah 気づいてる Wow Wow Wow
大事なものは ひとつだけ 胸の奥にある あの日の言葉
Yeah Yeah Yeah 抱きしめて Wow Wow Wow
二度と離したりしない 約束の明日(あした)へ
「スカイツリーはやっぱ高いしっ! 東京の象徴だしっ!」
いつか大人に なっちゃうのかな
好きなメロディーも 忘れちゃうのかな
そんなのは ヤダよ 輝いてく いつまでも
Hey!! Hey!! Hey!! Hey!! Hey!!
Yeah Yeah Yeah 君となら Wow Wow Wow
未来の先へ たどり着く
たとえこの惑星(ほし)が 消えたとしても
Yeah Yeah Yeah いつまでも Wow Wow Wow
重ねてゆく歌声は 友情の証(あかし)さ
勝利も栄光もあたしんだし! Hey!!</pre>}}

== Song Connections / Remixes ==
== Song Connections / Remixes ==
* 都会征服Girls☆ is the thirteenth song from HinaBitter♪ in BEMANI. The other songs from HinaBitter♪ are:
* A practice version of 都会征服Girls☆, titled ''都会征服Girls☆(練習@兎月堂ver)'', can be heard on the [ twelfth HinaBitter♪ web radio broadcast]. It was later put on the [[Chocolate Smile Girls!!]] album.
** [[Koi to King Kong|恋とキングコング]], which appears in [[jubeat saucer]].
** [[Ibu no jidai!|イブの時代っ!]], which appears in [[REFLEC BEAT colette -Winter-]].
** [[Meumeupettantan!!|めうめうぺったんたん!!]], which appears in [[AC DDR 2013|DanceDanceRevolution (2013)]].
** [[Tottemo tottemo, arigatou.|とってもとっても、ありがとう。]], which appears in jubeat saucer.
** [[Kokuu to koumyou no discourse|虚空と光明のディスクール]], which appears in [[PnM AC SP|pop'n music Sunny Park]] and [[REFLEC BEAT colette -Spring-]].
** [[Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku ~HinaBitter edition~|凛として咲く花の如く ~ひなビタ♪edition~]], which appears in [[REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-]].
** [[Chikuwa parfait da yo CKP|ちくわパフェだよ☆CKP]], which appears in [[AC GITADORA|GITADORA]].
** [[Catharsis no tsuki|カタルシスの月]], which appears in [[REFLEC BEAT colette -Autumn-]].
** [[Haunted maid lunch|ホーンテッド★メイドランチ]], which appears in GITADORA, jubeat saucer and [[REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-]].
** [[Horobi ni itaru ellampsis|滅びに至るエランプシス]], which appears in [[PnM CS rhythmin|pop'n rhythmin]].
** [[Hashire melonpan|走れメロンパン]], which appears in [[jubeat saucer fulfill]] and REFLEC BEAT colette -All Seasons-.
** [[Mirai prism|ミライプリズム]], which appears in [[SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection-]].
** [[Onkochishin de iko!|温故知新でいこっ!]], which appears in jubeat saucer fulfill and [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]].
* A practice version of 都会征服Girls☆ can be heard on the [ twelfth HinaBitter♪ web radio broadcast].

== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
* 都会征服Girls☆ originates from [[HinaBitter|HinaBitter♪]] (ひなビタ♪), a [[Tomosuke Funaki|TOMOSUKE]] and FujimiShobo (富士見書房) media mix project.
* 都会征服Girls☆ originates from [[HinaBitter|HinaBitter♪]] (ひなビタ♪), a [[Tomosuke Funaki|TOMOSUKE]] and FujimiShobo (富士見書房) media mix project. It features both Ibuki Izumi and Meu Meu from ''Hinatabi Bitter Sweets♪'' (日向美ビタースイーツ♪) singing.
** 都会征服Girls☆ features both Ibuki Izumi and Meu Meu from HinaBitter♪ singing.
* 都会征服Girls☆ was released as a digital single on August 27th, 2014 and was later included on ひなビタ♪'s Chocolate Smile Girls!! album.
* 都会征服Girls☆ was added to jubeat saucer fulfill and REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! on July 17th, 2014.
* 都会征服Girls☆ was added to jubeat saucer fulfill and REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! on July 17th, 2014.
* 都会征服Girls☆ was added to pop'n music ラピストリア on July 18th, 2014.
* 都会征服Girls☆ was added to pop'n music ラピストリア on July 18th, 2014.
* Unlike the other ひなビタ♪ duet songs, 都会征服Girls☆ doesn't have to be unlocked in pop'n music.
* Unlike the [[AC pnm Sunny Park|pop'n music Sunny Park]] ひなビタ♪ duet songs, 都会征服Girls☆ is the first one that doesn't have to be unlocked in pop'n music.
* In pop'n music, 都会征服Girls☆ isn't keysounded.
* In pop'n music, if you play as 和泉一舞, 芽兎めう will be your rival character instead of her.
* In pop'n music, if you play as 和泉一舞, 芽兎めう will be your rival character instead of her.
* 都会征服Girls☆ is one of the songs part of the ''HinaBitter♪ OverDrive!'' (ひなビタ♪OverDrive!) event of GITADORA OverDrive. It can be unlocked from August 20th, 2014.
* 都会征服Girls☆ is one of the songs part of the ''HinaBitter♪ OverDrive!'' (ひなビタ♪OverDrive!) event of GITADORA OverDrive. It can be unlocked from August 20th, 2014 by clearing a song with full combo.
** As of [[AC GD Tri-Boost|GITADORA Tri-Boost]], it is available by default.
* 都会征服Girls☆ was added to SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS on October 1st, 2015.
* After being removed from the initial release of [[AC RB Reflesia|REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア]], 都会征服Girls☆ was revived on March 13th, 2017.
* 都会征服Girls☆ is available in [[CS GD Konasute|コナステ GITADORA]] as part of the '''Konasute GITADORA HinaBitter♪ SELECTION PACK''' (コナステ GITADORA ひなビタ♪セレクションパック).
* 都会征服Girls☆'s [[CS jb 2021|jubeat (2021)]] ratings were adjusted to its jubeat clan ratings on March 7th, 2022.
* 都会征服Girls☆ is available in DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX's GRAND PRIX mode from December 21st, 2023, by purchasing the '''SPECIAL music pack feat.HinaBitter♪ vol.1''' (スペシャル楽曲パック feat.ひなビタ♪ vol.1).
** By purchasing the pack with an active subscription, 都会征服Girls☆ can be played in DanceDanceRevolution A3 and [[AC DDR WORLD|DanceDanceRevolution WORLD]].
** From December 27th, 2024 in DanceDanceRevolution WORLD, it will be available by default for all players.
* 都会征服Girls☆ is available in [[CS pnm Lively|pop'n music Lively]] as part of the '''pop'n music Lively HinaBitter♪ Selection Music Pack vol.1''' (pop'n music Lively ひなビタ♪セレクション 楽曲パック vol.1).

== Music Comment ==
== Music Comment ==
Line 49: Line 180:

== Song Production Information ==
== Song Production Information ==

== Video Production Information ==
== Video Production Information ==
Line 58: Line 189:

== Difficulty & Notecounts ==
== Difficulty & Notecounts ==
GF/DM XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99.<br>
DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from X onwards.<br>
jubeat difficulty rated from 1 to 10.<br>
GuitarFreaks & DrumMania XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99.<br>
jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards.<br>
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards.<br>
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards.<br>
REFLEC BEAT difficulty rated from 1 to 10+. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from [ BEMANIWiki 2nd] and [ Pop'n Music Fever].)
REFLEC BEAT to groovin'!! Upper difficulty rated from 1 to 10+, 1 to 13 in VOLZZA/VOLZZA 2, and 1 to 15 in 悠久のリフレシア.<br>
SOUND VOLTEX BOOTH to III GRAVITY WARS difficulty rated from 1 to 16, and 1 to 20 from IV HEAVENLY HAVEN onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from [ BEMANIWiki 2nd], [ Pop'n Music Fever], and [[GITADORA Rating Sources]].)
=== DanceDanceRevolution ===
{{DDR Chart Header|
{{DDR Chart Notecounts|73 / 0|142 / 35|311 / 17|401 / 38|- / - / -|142 / 35|311 / 17|390 / 37|- / - / -}}
{{DDR Chart|DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX|2|4|10|13|-|4|10|13|-}}
{{DDR Chart|DanceDanceRevolution A3&rarr;Present|2|4|10|13|-|4|10|13|-}}

=== GuitarFreaks & DrumMania ===
=== GuitarFreaks & DrumMania ===
==== XG & GITADORA Series ====
==== XG & GITADORA Series ====
{|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto"
{{GFDM XG Chart Header|
{{GFDM XG Chart Notecounts|155|440|857|-|231|404|416|-|293|400|472|-}}
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" rowspan="2" width="200px"|Game
{{GFDM XG Chart|GITADORA OverDrive&rarr;Tri-Boost|2.10|5.00|7.50|-|3.10|5.50|7.00|-|3.35|5.75|7.70|-}}
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="4"|Drums
{{GFDM XG Chart|GITADORA Tri-Boost Re:EVOLVE|&darr;1.50|&darr;4.35|7.50|-|&darr;2.95|&darr;4.75|&darr;6.55|-|&darr;3.00|&darr;4.95|&darr;7.45|-}}
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="4"|Guitar
{{GFDM XG Chart|GITADORA Matixx|&uarr;2.20|&uarr;4.50|&uarr;7.70|-|&uarr;3.10|&uarr;5.20|&uarr;6.90|-|&uarr;3.85|&uarr;5.30|&uarr;7.75|-}}
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="4"|Bass
{{GFDM XG Chart|GITADORA EXCHAIN|&darr;2.00|&uarr;4.75|&uarr;7.90|-|&darr;3.05|&darr;5.10|&uarr;7.10|-|&darr;3.55|&darr;5.20|&uarr;7.95|-}}
{{GFDM XG Chart|GITADORA NEX+AGE|&uarr;2.05|&uarr;4.80|7.90|-|&uarr;3.10|&uarr;5.15|&uarr;7.15|-|&uarr;3.60|5.20|7.95|-}}
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="55px"|Basic
{{GFDM XG Chart|GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE&rarr;FUZZ-UP|&darr;1.75|&darr;4.75|7.90|-|&uarr;3.15|&uarr;5.55|&uarr;7.35|-|&uarr;3.85|&uarr;5.60|&uarr;8.15|-}}
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="55px"|Advanced
{{GFDM XG Chart|GITADORA GALAXY WAVE&rarr;Present|&uarr;2.15|4.75|7.90|-|3.15|5.55|7.35|-|3.85|5.60|8.15|-}}
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="55px"|Extreme
{{GFDM XG Chart|コナステ GITADORA|2.05|4.80|7.90|-|3.10|5.15|7.15|-|3.60|5.20|7.95|-}}
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="55px"|Master
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="55px"|Basic
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="55px"|Advanced
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="55px"|Extreme
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="55px"|Master
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="55px"|Basic
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="55px"|Advanced
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="55px"|Extreme
!style="background:#9999ee;" width="55px"|Master
| Notecounts || style="background:#73C2FB;"|155 || style="background:#eeee77;"|440 || style="background:#FB607F;"|857 || style="background:#9966CC;"|- || style="background:#73C2FB;"|231 || style="background:#eeee77;"|404 || style="background:#FB607F;"|416 || style="background:#9966CC;"|- || style="background:#73C2FB;"|293 || style="background:#eeee77;"|400 || style="background:#FB607F;"|472 || style="background:#9966CC;"|-
| GITADORA OverDrive&rarr;Present || style="background:#73C2FB;"|2.10 || style="background:#eeee77;"|5.00 || style="background:#FB607F;"|7.50 || style="background:#9966CC;"|- || style="background:#73C2FB;"|3.10 || style="background:#eeee77;"|5.50 || style="background:#FB607F;"|7.00 || style="background:#9966CC;"|- || style="background:#73C2FB;"|3.35 || style="background:#eeee77;"|5.75 || style="background:#FB607F;"|7.70 || style="background:#9966CC;"|-

=== jubeat ===
=== jubeat ===
{|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto"
{{jubeat Chart Header|
{{jubeat Chart Notecounts|278|430|719}}
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" rowspan="2" width="200px"|Game
{{jubeat Chart|jubeat saucer fulfill&rarr;Qubell|3|6|8}}
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="3"|Level
{{jubeat Chart|jubeat clan&rarr;Present|&darr;2|&darr;5|8}}
{{jubeat Chart|jubeat plus|3|6|8}}
{{jubeat Chart|jubeat plus (Android)|3|6|8}}
{{jubeat Chart|jubeat (2021)|2|5|8}}
| Notecounts || style="background:#92dd44;"|278 || style="background:#eeee77;"|430 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|719
| jubeat saucer fulfill&rarr;Present || style="background:#92dd44;"|3 || style="background:#eeee77;"|6 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|8

=== pop'n music ===
=== pop'n music ===
{|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto"
{{pnm Chart Header|
{{pnm Chart Notecounts|151|380|625|1023|222|523}}
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" rowspan="2" width="250px"|Game
{{pnm Chart|pop'n music ラピストリア&rarr;Present|6|24|34|42|8|18}}
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="4"|Standard
{{pnm Chart|pop'n music Lively|6|24|34|42|-|-}}
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="2"|Battle
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="40px"|Easy
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Normal
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Hyper
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="40px"|EX
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Normal
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Hyper
| Notecounts || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|151 || style="background:#92dd44;"|380 || style="background:#eeee77;"|625 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|1023 || style="background:#92dd44;"|222 || style="background:#eeee77;"|523
| pop'n music ラピストリア&rarr;Present || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|6 || style="background:#92dd44;"|24 || style="background:#eeee77;"|34 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|42 || style="background:#92dd44;"|8 || style="background:#eeee77;"|18

{{RB Chart Info
==== Old Charts ====
| bsc_notes = 128
{{RB Chart Header|
| med_notes = 286
{{RB Chart Notecounts|128|286|496|-}}
| hrd_notes = 496
{{RB Chart|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!&rarr;VOLZZA 2|3|6|9|-}}
| chart_version_1 = REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!&rarr;Present
{{RB Chart|REFLEC BEAT plus|3|6|9|-}}
| bsc_difficulty_1 = 3
| med_difficulty_1 = 6
| hrd_difficulty_1 = 9
==== New Charts ====
{{RB Chart Header|R=a|
{{RB Chart Notecounts|147|341|554|-|R=a}}
{{RB Chart|REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア|'''3'''|'''8'''|'''11'''|-|R=a}}
{{SDVX Chart Header|
{{SDVX Chart Max Chain|533|548|1283|-}}
{{SDVX Chart Effector|スカイシュート|スカイシュート|スカイシュート|-}}
{{SDVX Chart|SOUND VOLTEX III|3|8|13|-}}
{{SDVX Chart|SOUND VOLTEX IV&rarr;Present|3|8|&uarr;14|-}}
{{SDVX Chart|SOUND VOLTEX III コナステ|3|8|14|-}}
{{SDVX Chart|SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR コナステ|3|8|14|-}}


[[Category:GFDM XG & GITADORA Songs]]
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[[Category:pop'n music Lapistoria Songs]]
[[Category:pop'n music BEMANI Songs]]
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[[Category:Songs in 5 or more BEMANI games]]