Suwa Hideo no gorogoro nengo oboeuta ketteiban: Difference between revisions

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== Song Information ==
== Song Information ==
[[Image:18 NENGO ROCK.png|thumb|246px|すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版's pop'n music banner.]]
[[Image:18 NENGO ROCK.png|thumb|246px|すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版's pop'n music banner.]]
[[Image:18 NENGO ROCK jk.png|thumb|すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版's jacket.]]
Artist: すわひでお<br>
Artist: すわひでお<br>
Composition/Arrangement: [[seishin|sei☆shin]]<br>
Composition/Arrangement: [[Seishin Kajibayashi|sei☆shin]]<br>
Lyrics/Vocals: [[Hideo Suwa]]<br>
Lyrics/Vocals: [[Hideo Suwa]]<br>
Chrous: [[Daichi Watanabe|PON]]<br>
Chorus: [[Daichi Watanabe|Nengo oboetai]]<br>
BPM: 156<br>
BPM: 156<br>
Length: 1:57<br>
Length: 1:57<br>
pop'n music Genre: NENGO ROCK (年号ロック)<br>
pop'n music Genre: NENGO ROCK (年号ロック)<br>
pop'n music Character: [[Mimi]]&[[Nyami]] [18]<br>
pop'n music Character: [[Mimi]]&[[Nyami]] [18]<br>
pop'n CG design: [[Tomoko Shiono|shio]]<br>
pop'n CG designer: [[Tomoko Shiono|shio]]<br>
First Music Game Appearance: [[PnM AC 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]<br>
First Music Game Appearance: [[AC pnm 18|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝]]<br>
Other Music Game Appearances:
Other Music Game Appearances:
* [[PnM CS rhythmin|ポップンリズミン]] ポップンせんごくパック1
* [[CS pnm rhythmin|ポップンリズミン]] ポップンせんごくパック1

== Lyrics ==
== Lyrics ==
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=== Long Version ===
=== Long Version ===
==== Japanese ====
==== Japanese ====
<pre>歴史嫌いなあの人に 教えてあげよう語呂合わせ
{{hide text|<pre>歴史嫌いなあの人に 教えてあげよう語呂合わせ
人にゃ誰でも歴史あり 日本人なら覚えとこう!!行くぞ~!!
人にゃ誰でも歴史あり 日本人なら覚えとこう!!行くぞ~!!

鳴くよ(794)うぐいす平安京 なんと(710)美し平城京
鳴くよ (794) うぐいす平安京 なんと (710) 美し平城京
やれご(805)苦労さん、最澄さん 迷い晴れろ(806)と空海さん
やれご (805) 苦労さん、最澄さん 迷い晴れろ (806) と空海さん

無事故(645)でOK大化の改新 何を(720)伝える日本書紀
無事故 (645) でOK大化の改新 何を (720) 伝える日本書紀
なじみ(743)の墾田わしのもの おなごに(752)そっくり大仏開眼
なじみ (743) の墾田わしのもの おなごに (752) そっくり大仏開眼

泣くな(797)よしよし田村麻呂麻呂 白紙(894)に戻そう遣唐使
泣くな (797) よしよし田村麻呂麻呂 白紙 (894) に戻そう遣唐使
いい国 (1192) 作った頼朝さん
以後、予算 (1543) かかるバッキュン種子島

いっぱい込み(1853)合ってるな~ 黒船見物、ペリー来航
いっぱい込み (1853) 合ってるな~ 黒船見物、ペリー来航
ヒーローおっさん (1603) 家康ババ~ン!!

19050 724106 (いくぜ ゴー! なにしてる)
19050 724106 3750 14106 13280840 4649 34070
3750 14106 (みんな ゴー! あいしてる)
0213 724106 083 14106 33460 14106
13280840 (あいさつはおはよう!)
4649 34070(よろしく! さようなら!)
0213 724106(おじいさん! なにしてる)
083 14106(おばあさん! あいしてる)
33460 14106(みそしるを あいしてる)

歴史嫌いなあの人も ぞくぞくしちゃうぞ語呂合わせ
歴史嫌いなあの人も ぞくぞくしちゃうぞ語呂合わせ
負けるな!!すわひでお ここにあり!!
負けるな!!すわひでお ここにあり!!
一般教養 張り切って!!レッツゴー!!
一般教養 張り切って!!レッツゴー!!

卑弥呼にサンキュー (239) 魏の皇帝
ゲルマン民族、みんなでゴー!! (375)
百済の仏にご参拝 (538) 国民 (593) 歓迎、聖徳太子

群れよ(604)る民に十七条 なおい(701)い律令、大宝律令
群れよ (604) る民に十七条 なおい (701) い律令、大宝律令
人ごみ(1053)あふれる鳳凰堂 一味散々(1333)鎌倉幕府
人ごみ (1053) あふれる鳳凰堂 一味散々 (1333) 鎌倉幕府

平氏の人々ごく(1159)ろうさん 一日三人(1232)ご成敗!
平氏の人々ごく (1159) ろうさん 一日三人 (1232) ご成敗!
瞳さわやか足利尊氏 いざ国(1392)まとめて南北朝統一
瞳さわやか足利尊氏 いざ国(1392)まとめて南北朝統一

一番ムキムキ (1866) ですな~!!西郷隆盛、薩長同盟
やむな(1867)く慶喜、大政奉還 あっそうか、
やむな (1867) く慶喜、大政奉還 あっそうか、

19051 724106 (いくぜ来い! なにしてる)
19051 724106 3751 14106 08228 87710 8610 3810 187
3751 14106 (みんな来い! あいしてる)
0103 724106 02963 14106 2689 14106
08228 87710 (おやつには バナナと)
8610 3810 187 (ハムと サバと いわな)
0103 724106 (おとうさん! なにしてる)
02963 14106(おふくろさん! あいしてる)
2689 14106 (プロやきゅう  あいしてる)

8889869 829156 (母はくつろぐ  パンツ食い込む)
8889869 829156


19050 724106 (いくぜ ゴー! なにしてる)
19050 724106 3750 14106 29122 0291012881106
3750 14106 (みんな ゴー! あいしてる)
593 724106 240381106 06020 14106
29122 0291012881106(肉豆腐に  お肉と豆腐も入ってる)
593 724106 (コックさん! なにしてる?)
240381106 (にしんをさばいてる)
06020 14106 (オムレツを あいしてる)

00290 1090 (おれにくれ  あいをくれ)
00290 1090 17590 33390 34390 161690
17590 33390 (いなごくれ  ササミくれ )
34390 161690 (さしみくれ  いろいろくれ)

いないないば~ (1998) からあっという間に
18作目のポップン上等 (2010)


== Song Connections / Remixes ==
== Song Connections / Remixes ==
* A long version of すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 can be found on the ''pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 AC CS ポップンミュージック & portable & うたっち'' original soundtrack.
* A long version of すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版, titled ''すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄完璧版'', appears in the [[pop'n music 18 Sengoku Retsuden AC & CS pop'n music & portable & Utacchi|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 AC CS ポップンミュージック & portable & うたっち]] and [[pop'n music Usagi to neko to shounen no yume Original Soundtrack|pop'n music うさぎと猫と少年の夢 Original Soundtrack 20th Anniversary Edition]] albums.

== Trivia==
== Trivia ==
* すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 marks the first appearance of sei☆shin in the pop'n music series.
* すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 is the final song of the ''Mezase tenka touitsu! pop'n fuuunroku'' (めざせ天下統一! ポップン風雲録) event. It could be unlocked in pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 from June 2nd to July 15th, 2010, after obtaining all of the charts of [[Jo|序]].
* すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 marks Seishin Kajibayashi's debut in BEMANI.
** It is also his first song with Hideo Suwa in BEMANI.
** It is also his first song with Hideo Suwa in BEMANI.
* All the lyrics of すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 are comprimised of "goroawase", Japanese wordplay with numbers.
* Most of the lyrics of すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 are comprised of [[Wikipedia:Japanese wordplay#Goroawase|goroawase]], Japanese wordplay with numbers, which correspond to dates in Japanese history:
* A scrapped 2P palette for Mimi&Nyami can be found in the pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 data. The portrait is replaced by a silhouette with the words 'Coming Soon!!', and the character animations are replaced by DUMMY☆'s animations, a placeholder character.
** ''naku yo (794) uguisu Heiankyou'' - 794 - the Heian period begins with the establishment of Heiankyou (modern day Kyoto) as the capital.
** ''nanto (710) utsukushi Heijoukyou'' - 710 - the Nara period (the period immediately prior to the Heian period) begins, when Heijoukyou (modern day Nara) becomes the capital.
** ''yare go (805) kurousan, Saichou-san'' - 805 - the Buddhist monk Saichou visits Tang-dynasty China. On his return, he will introduce tea to Japan and establish the Tendai school of Buddhism.
** ''mayoi harero (806) to Kuukai-san'' - 806 - Kuukai returns from China with Chinese and Sanskrit texts and establishes Shingon (esoteric) Buddhism. Traditionally, the kana writing system is attributed to him.
** ''mujiko (645) de OK Taika no kaishin'' - 645 - Emperor Koutoku establishes the Taika Reforms, land and government reforms based on Confucian principles.
** ''nani wo (720) tsutaeru Nihon Shoki'' - 720 - Nihon Shoki, a historical record of ancient Japan and the first of the country's Six National Histories, is published.
** ''najimi (743) no konden washi no mono'' - 743 - a change in law of land ownership allows aristocrats to gain more power and will weaken the strength of the Emperor in favour of local clans.
** ''onago ni (752) sokkuri daibutsu kaigan'' - 752 - the dedication of the Great Buddha in Nara.
** ''naku na (797) yoshi yoshi Tamuramaro maro'' - 797 - Sakanoue no Tamuramaro, who will conquer the northern Honshu island (corresponding to what is now the Tohoku region) is named shogun.
** ''hakushi (894) ni modosou kentoushi'' - 894 - Japanese missions to Tang China are halted at the order of Emperor Uda.
** ''ii kuni (1192) tsukutta yoritomo san'' - 1192 - After winning the Genpei War, Minamoto no Yoritomo is named shogun, establishing the Kamakura shogunate.
** ''igo, yosan (1543) kakaru bakkyun tanegashima'' - 1543 - The first Europeans arrive in Japan, landing at Tanegashima island and bringing the first firearms to Japan.
** ''ippai komi (1853) atteru na kurofune kenbutsu, Perry raikou'' - 1853 - US Commander Matthew C. Perry arrives in Japan, who will establish the first treaty leading to the opening of Japan and the ending of isolation, and eventually the Tokugawa shogunate.
** ''HERO ossan (1603) Ieyasu baban!!'' - 1603 - Tokugawa Ieyasu becomes the first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, established in Edo (modern day Tokyo).
* たぬちよ and ぺるりさん cameo in すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版's movie.
* A scrapped 2P palette for Mimi&Nyami can be found in the pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝 data. The portrait is replaced by a silhouette with the words "Coming Soon!!", and the placeholder character DUMMY☆ is used for its animations.
** This might point that at certain point of development, すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 was supposed to have a normal character instead of a "movie" character (note that the character in the data is named "nengo", not referencing Mimi or Nyami).
** This might point that at certain point of development, すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 was supposed to have a normal character instead of a "movie" character (note that the character in the data is named "nengo", not referencing Mimi or Nyami).
** すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 has character icons for both 1P and 2P palettes, though it's a circle with the 仮 (kari, "temporary") kanji on it.
** Mimi&Nyami have character icons for their 1P and 2P palettes, though both are circles with the 仮 (kari, "temporary") kanji on them.
** Any data of the scrapped 2P palette for Mimi&Nyami was removed in [[PnM AC 19|pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET]].
** All data of the scrapped 2P palette for Mimi&Nyami was removed in [[AC pnm 19|pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET]].
* すわひでおのゴロゴロ年号覚え唄決定版 is available in [[CS pnm Lively|pop'n music Lively]] as part of the '''pop'n music Lively Music Pack vol.2''' (pop'n music Lively 楽曲パック vol.2).

== Music Comment ==
== Music Comment ==
Line 168: Line 171:

=== pop'n music ===
=== pop'n music ===
{|class="wikitable" border="1px" style="background:#ccccee; font-size:90%; text-align: center; margin: 1em auto 1em auto"
{{pnm Chart Header|5b=a|
{{pnm Chart Notecounts|256|427|891|1188|252|429}}
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" rowspan="2" width="250px"|Game
{{pnm Chart|pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝&rarr;20 fantasia|13|21|32|39|14|21}}
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="4"|Standard
{{pnm Chart|pop'n music Sunny Park&rarr;Present|-|27|38|45|14|21}}
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" colspan="2"|Battle
{{pnm Chart|pop'n music Lively|-|27|38|45|-|-}}
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|5 Button
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Normal
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Hyper
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;" width="40px"|EX
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Normal
!style="background:#9999ee; text-align: center;"|Hyper
| Notecounts || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|256 || style="background:#92dd44;"|427 || style="background:#eeee77;"|891 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|1188 || style="background:#92dd44;"|252 || style="background:#eeee77;"|429
| pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝&rarr;20 fantasia || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|13 || style="background:#92dd44;"|21 || style="background:#eeee77;"|32 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|39 || style="background:#92dd44;"|14 || style="background:#eeee77;"|21
| pop'n music Sunny Park&rarr;Present || style="background:#7DF9FF;"|- || style="background:#92dd44;"|27 || style="background:#eeee77;"|38 || style="background:#ee3fff;"|45 || style="background:#92dd44;"|14 || style="background:#eeee77;"|21

=== ポップンリズミン ===
=== ポップンリズミン ===
{{Rhythmin Chart Info
{{rhythmin Chart Header|
| nor_notes = 157
{{rhythmin Chart Notecounts|157|249|459}}
| hyp_notes = 249
{{rhythmin Chart|ポップンリズミン|3|5|9}}
| ex_notes = 459
| chart_version_1 = ポップンリズミン
| nor_difficulty_1 = 3
| hyp_difficulty_1 = 5
| ex_difficulty_1 = 9
{{pop'n fuuunroku}}

[[Category:Pop'n Songs]]
[[Category:pop'n music Songs]]
[[Category:Pop'n Music 18 Category]]
[[Category:pop'n music 18 Songs]]