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| ''This page is under heavy construction.''
| | Want to know which is the shortest song in a BEMANI game? Which one has the most notes? Which artist has the most contributions? These pages detail that information, and more! |
| __NOTOC__
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| <center><div id="toc" class="toc plainlinks hlist" align="center"> '''Contents:'''<br>[[#beatmania IIDX|beatmania IIDX]] - [[#pop'n music|pop'n music]] - [[#GuitarFreaks & DrumMania|GuitarFreaks & DrumMania]] - [[#DanceDanceRevolution|DanceDanceRevolution]] - [[#jubeat|jubeat]] - [[#SOUND VOLTEX|SOUND VOLTEX]] - [[#ノスタルジア|ノスタルジア]] - [[#DANCERUSH|DANCERUSH]]<br>[[#beatmania|beatmania]] - [[#pop'n stage|pop'n stage]] - [[#KEYBOARDMANIA|KEYBOARDMANIA]] - [[#ParaParaParadise|ParaParaParadise]] - [[#REFLEC BEAT|REFLEC BEAT]] - [[#DanceEvolution|DanceEvolution]] - [[#BeatStream|BeatStream]] - [[#MÚSECA|MÚSECA]]</div></center>
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| = BEMANI Records =
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| Want to know which is the shortest song in a BEMANI game? Which one has the most notes? Which artist has the most contributions? This page details that information, and more! | |
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| Please note that this page only includes records for the BEMANI games covered by RemyWiki. | | Please note that these pages only include records for the BEMANI games covered by RemyWiki. Do note that some pages are incomplete, feel free to add the missing information. |
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| == Active BEMANI Series == | | == Active BEMANI Series == |
| === beatmania IIDX ===
| | * [[BEMANI Records/beatmania IIDX|beatmania IIDX]] |
| [[#pop'n music|↓ Next section]] | | * [[BEMANI Records/pop'n music|pop'n music]] |
| | | * [[BEMANI Records/GITADORA|GITADORA]] |
| ==== Game Records ====
| | * [[BEMANI Records/DanceDanceRevolution|DanceDanceRevolution]] |
| * Most songs removed in one game: [[AC EMPRESS|beatmania IIDX 16 EMPRESS]] (37 songs)
| | * [[BEMANI Records/jubeat|jubeat]] |
| * Most songs revived in one game: [[AC 9th style|beatmania IIDX 9th style]] (28 songs)
| | | * [[BEMANI Records/NOSTALGIA|ノスタルジア]] |
| ==== Song Records ====
| * Songs with the most appearances in beatmania IIDX AC releases: [[5.1.1.]], [[GRADIUSIC CYBER]], and [[R3]] (all games) | | * [[BEMANI Records/DANCE aROUND|DANCE aROUND]] |
| * Songs with the most appearances in beatmania IIDX CS releases: [[V]] (10 appearances)
| | * [[BEMANI Records/Polaris Chord|ポラリスコード]] |
| * Longest song: [[Scripted Connection|Scripted Connection⇒ long mix]] (5:37)
| |
| * Shortest song: [[e-motion]] (1:09)
| |
| * Fastest BPM: [[Y&Co. is dead or alive]] (876 BPM)
| |
| * Fastest constant BPM: [[ONIGOROSHI]] (400 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest BPM: [[MAX 300]] (12 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest constant BPM: [[Be in my paradise]] (63 BPM)
| |
| | |
| ==== Chart Records ====
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: [[Scripted Connection|Scripted Connection⇒ long mix]] Single HYPER (4459 notes)
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty (excluding Long version songs):
| |
| ** BEGINNER: [[V2|V₂]] (400 notes)
| |
| ** Single NORMAL: [[G59]] (906 notes)
| |
| ** Single HYPER: [[V2|V₂]] (1620 notes)
| |
| ** Single ANOTHER: [[Chrono Diver -PENDULUMs-]] (2222 notes)
| |
| ** Single LEGGENDARIA: [[Verflucht]] (2401 notes)
| |
| ** Single 黒ANOTHER: [[MENDES]] (2626 notes)
| |
| ** Double NORMAL: ?
| |
| ** Double HYPER: ?
| |
| ** Double ANOTHER: [[Waltz dai 17 ban totanchou "Ooinu no waltz"|ワルツ第17番 ト短調"大犬のワルツ"]] (2290 notes)
| |
| ** Double LEGGENDARIA: [[CHRONO DIVER -NORNIR-]] (2477 notes)
| |
| ** Double 黒ANOTHER: [[MENDES]] (2603 notes)
| |
| * Lowest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** BEGINNER: ?
| |
| ** Single NORMAL: [[Beginning of life]] (57 notes)
| |
| ** Single HYPER: [[jam jam reggae]] (62 notes)
| |
| ** Single ANOTHER: [[Beginning of life]] (96 notes)
| |
| ** Single LEGGENDARIA: ?
| |
| ** Single 黒ANOTHER: ?
| |
| ** Double NORMAL: [[5.1.1.]] (83 notes, old CS chart)
| |
| ** Double HYPER: [[jam jam reggae]] (77 notes)
| |
| ** Double ANOTHER: [[jam jam reggae]] (141 notes)
| |
| ** Double LEGGENDARIA: ?
| |
| ** Double 黒ANOTHER: ?
| |
| | |
| ==== Other Records ====
| |
| * Artist who has appeared in the most IIDX games: [[Takayuki Ishikawa]], with songs in all 27 numbered IIDX styles so far.
| |
| * Most songs by one artist in a single beatmania IIDX game: [[Toshiyuki Kakuta]] and [[Naoyuki Sato]], with 9 songs each in [[AC PENDUAL|PENDUAL]].
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| [[#top|Back to top ↑]]
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| === pop'n music ===
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| [[#beatmania IIDX|↑ Previous section]]<br>
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| [[#GuitarFreaks & DrumMania|↓ Next section]]
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| ==== Game Records ====
| |
| * Most songs removed in one game: [[AC pnm 17|pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE]] (73 songs)
| |
| * Most songs revived in one game: [[AC pnm 9|pop'n music 9]] (? songs) | |
| | |
| ==== Song Records ====
| |
| * Song with the most consecutive arcade appearances: [[Shock of Love]]
| |
| * Longest song overall: [[Seishuning|セイシュンing]] (LONG) (4:59)
| |
| * Longest non-LONG version song: [[Saint Seiji no uta|セイント★セイジのうた]] (2:57)
| |
| * Shortest song: [[e-motion]] (1:09)
| |
| * Fastest BPM: [[Shinobianko wa koi no jumon|忍びアン子は恋の呪文]] (740 BPM, HYPER/EX charts only)
| |
| * Fastest constant BPM: [[Funky sonic World]] (400 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest BPM: [[Hideo taisou daiichi|ヒデオ体操第一]] (8 BPM, EX chart only)
| |
| * Slowest constant BPM: [[Mush na heya|マッシュな部屋]] (70 BPM)
| |
| | |
| ==== Chart Records ====
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: [[Seishuning|セイシュンing]] (LONG) EX (2356)
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty (not counting LONG version songs):
| |
| ** 5-Buttons: ?
| |
| ** EASY: [[Dandandou|男々道]] (URA・HIP ROCK 2) (470)
| |
| ** NORMAL: [[Principle|プリンシプル]] (790)
| |
| ** HYPER: ?
| |
| ** EX: [[oto|o†o]] (1947)
| |
| * Lowest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** 5-Buttons: [[Sazae-san ikka|サザエさん一家]] (48)
| |
| ** EASY: [[Maji LOVE2000%|マジLOVE2000%]] (89)
| |
| ** NORMAL: [[the Claw & the Dragon]] (98)
| |
| ** HYPER: [[Quick Master]] (175)
| |
| ** EX: [[Seal]] (378)
| |
| | |
| ==== Other Records ====
| |
| To be updated.
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| [[#top|Back to top ↑]]
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| === GuitarFreaks & DrumMania ===
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| [[#pop'n music|↑ Previous section]]<br>
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| [[#DanceDanceRevolution|↓ Next section]]
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| ==== Game Records ====
| |
| * Most songs removed in one game: [[AC GF7DM6|GUITARFREAKS 7thMIX & drummania 6thMIX]] (74 Songs)
| |
| * Most songs revived in one game: ?
| |
| | |
| ==== Song Records ====
| |
| * Longest song: [[Hotaru|蛍]] (5:28)
| |
| * Longest non-LONG version song: [[MODEL DD ULTIMATES]] (2:54)
| |
| * Shortest song: [[Thank You For Playing]] (0:05)
| |
| * Fastest BPM: [[Funky sonic World]] (400 BPM)
| |
| * Fastest constant BPM: [[Funky sonic World]] (400 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest BPM: [[CLASSIC PARTY triathlon]] (36 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest constant BPM: [[EVIL EYE]] (58 BPM)
| |
| | |
| ==== Chart Records ====
| |
| ===== GuitarFreaks =====
| |
| * Highest Guitar rating:
| |
| ** Classic Series: [[DAY DREAM]] EXTREME, [[A.DOGMA]] EXTREME, [[Rock to Infinity]] EXTREME, [[Jungle]] EXTREME, [[Sonne]] EXTREME: 99.
| |
| |
| * Lowest Guitar rating:
| |
| ** Classic Series: [[Ai no shirushi|愛のしるし]] BASIC: 10.
| |
| ** XG & GITADORA Series: [[CRAZY FOR YOU (Kylee)|CRAZY FOR YOU]] (チャレンジ) BASIC, [[Kiseki|キセキ]] (チャレンジ) BASIC: 0.50.
| |
| * Highest Bass rating:
| |
| ** Classic Series: [[DAY DREAM]] EXTREME, [[MODEL DD6]] EXTREME, [[Rock to Infinity]] EXTREME: 99.
| |
| ** XG & GITADORA Series: [[MODEL FT2 Miracle Version]] MASTER: 9.90.
| |
| * Lowest Bass rating | |
| ** Classic Series: [[Mister magic]] BASIC, [[Be Proud]] BASIC, [[Anma|アンマー]] BASIC, [[Tsugumi|つぐみ]] BASIC, [[Venus to Jesus|ヴィーナスとジーザス]] BASIC: 10.
| |
| ** XG & GITADORA Series: [[To the IST]] BASIC, [[Hito ni yasashiku|人にやさしく]] BASIC, [[Marigold]] BASIC, [[rebirth of love]] BASIC, [[Give Us Kiss!]] BASIC, [[Link up]] BASIC, [[Fashion monster|ファッションモンスター]] BASIC, [[For You (Czecho No Republic)|For You]] BASIC, [[Sand Blow]] BASIC. [[Zenryoku batankyuu|全力バタンキュー]] BASIC, [[Get Money]] BASIC: 1.00.
| |
| * Highest Open Pick rating: [[DAY DREAM]] EXTREME, [[Concertino in Blue]] EXTREME, [[Timepiece phase II]] EXTREME, [[Ichimoudajin|一網打尽]] EXTREME, [[A.DOGMA]] EXTREME, [[Rock to Infinity]] EXTREME, [[Jungle]] EXTREME, [[Sonne]] EXTREME: 99.
| |
| * Lowest Open Pick rating: [[CROSS ROAD]] BASIC: 11.
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: ?
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty (Classic Series):
| |
| ** BASIC: ?
| |
| ** ADVANCED: ?
| |
| ** EXTREME: ?
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty (XG & GITADORA Series):
| |
| ** BASIC: ?
| |
| ** ADVANCED: ?
| |
| ** EXTREME: ?
| |
| ** MASTER: ?
| |
| * Lowest notecount overall: ?
| |
| * Lowest notecount by difficulty (Classic Series):
| |
| ** BASIC: ?
| |
| ** ADVANCED: ?
| |
| ** EXTREME: ?
| |
| * Lowest notecount by difficulty (XG & GITADORA Series):
| |
| ** BASIC: [[Mr. Darling]] Guitar BASIC (76), [[Shanghai honey|上海ハニー]] Bass BASIC (78)
| |
| ** ADVANCED: ?
| |
| ** EXTREME: ?
| |
| ** MASTER: ?
| |
| | |
| ===== DrumMania =====
| |
| * Highest rating:
| |
| ** Classic Series: [[DAY DREAM]] EXTREME, [[The Least 100sec]] EXTREME, [[A.DOGMA]] EXTREME, [[Rock to Infinity]] EXTREME, [[Sonne]] EXTREME: 99.
| |
| ** XG & GITADORA Series: [[DAY DREAM]] (CLASSIC) EXTREME, [[MODEL FT2 Miracle Version]] MASTER: 9.99.
| |
| * Lowest rating:
| |
| ** Classic Series: [[NA-NA-NA]] BASIC, [[CROSS ROAD]] BASIC, [[Akogare|あこがれ]] BASIC, [[Stairway Generation]] BASIC, [[Ayumi|歩み]] BASIC, [[Kimi wo mamotte Kimi wo aishite|君を守って 君を愛して]] BASIC: 10.
| |
| ** XG & GITADORA Series: [[Kimagure romantic|気まぐれロマンティック]] (チャレンジ) BASIC: 0.30.
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: ?
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty (Classic Series):
| |
| ** BASIC: ?
| |
| ** ADVANCED: ?
| |
| ** EXTREME: ?
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty (XG & GITADORA Series):
| |
| ** BASIC: ?
| |
| ** ADVANCED: ?
| |
| ** EXTREME: ?
| |
| ** MASTER: ?
| |
| * Lowest notecount overall: ?
| |
| * Lowest notecount by difficulty (Classic Series):
| |
| ** BASIC: ?
| |
| ** ADVANCED: ?
| |
| ** EXTREME: ?
| |
| * Lowest notecount by difficulty (XG & GITADORA Series):
| |
| ** BASIC: [[Uso|嘘]] BASIC (76)
| |
| ** ADVANCED: ?
| |
| ** EXTREME: ?
| |
| ** MASTER: ?
| |
| | |
| ==== Other Records ====
| |
| To be updated.
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| [[#top|Back to top ↑]]
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| === DanceDanceRevolution ===
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| [[#GuitarFreaks & DrumMania|↑ Previous section]]<br>
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| [[#jubeat|↓ Next section]]
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| ==== Game Records ====
| |
| * Most songs removed in one game: [[AC DDRMAX|DDRMAX -DanceDanceRevolution 6thMIX-]] (122 songs)
| |
| * Most songs revived in one game: [[AC DDR EXTREME|DanceDanceRevolution EXTREME]] (47 songs) | |
| | |
| ==== Song Records ====
| |
| * Longest song: [[Power 2 stargaze mix]] (5:43)
| |
| * Longest song (excluding Long Version songs): [[DDR MEGAMIX]] (2:30)
| |
| * Shortest song: [[IN MY HEAD]] (1:07)
| |
| * Fastest BPM: [[Tohoku EVOLVED]] (1020 BPM)
| |
| * Fastest constant BPM without stops: [[Across the nightmare]] (300 BPM)
| |
| * Fastest constant BPM with stops: [[PARANOiA -Respect-]] (300 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest BPM: [[Sakura|桜]] (20 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest constant BPM: [[I'll Make Love To You]] (50 BPM)
| |
| * Most BPM changes in a single song: [[deltaMAX|ΔMAX]] (473 changes)
| |
| * Highest number of stops: [[SP-TRIP MACHINE ~JUNGLE MIX~|SP-TRIP MACHINE~JUNGLE MIX~(SMM-Special)]] (71)
| |
| | |
| ==== Chart Records ====
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: [[Xmix5 (Overcrush)]] (1003)
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty (excluding Long Version songs):
| |
| ** BEGINNER: [[MAX 360]] (312)
| |
| ** BASIC: [[MAX 360]] (Single: 506 - Double: 489)
| |
| ** DIFFICULT: [[MAX 360]] (Single: 680 - Double: 631)
| |
| ** EXPERT: [[MAX 360]] (Single: 888) - [[Lachryma(Re:Queen'M)|Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》]] (Double: 846)
| |
| ** CHALLENGE: [[MAX 360]] (Single: 1000 - Double: 948)
| |
| * Highest notecount by level (Single, excluding Long Version songs):
| |
| ** Level 1: [[Setsuna trip|セツナトリップ]] (BEGINNER - 101)
| |
| ** Level 2: [[TSUBASA]] (BEGINNER - 137)
| |
| ** Level 3: [[Nou shou sakuretsu girl|脳漿炸裂ガール]] (BEGINNER - 170)
| |
| ** Level 4: [[Luckgakist|ラクガキスト]] (BEGINNER - 213)
| |
| ** Level 5: [[Monkey Punk]] (BASIC - 222)
| |
| ** Level 6: [[MAX LOVE]] (BASIC - 317)
| |
| ** Level 7: [[Luckgakist|ラクガキスト]] (BASIC - 324)
| |
| ** Level 8: [[MAX LOVE]] (DIFFICULT - 365)
| |
| ** Level 9: [[Saishuu kichiku imouto Flandre-S|最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S]] (BASIC - 405)
| |
| ** Level 10: [[Houkago stride|放課後ストライド]] (DIFFICULT - 400)
| |
| ** Level 11: [[VEGA]] (DIFFICULT - 459)
| |
| ** Level 12: [[Okome no oishii takikata, soshite okome wo taberu koto ni yoru sono kouka.|お米の美味しい炊き方、そしてお米を食べることによるその効果。]] (DIFFICULT - 516)
| |
| ** Level 13: [[Rinnetensei (Mafumafu)|輪廻転生]] (EXPERT - 612)
| |
| ** Level 14: [[Koisuru uchuu sensou!!|恋する☆宇宙戦争っ!!]] (EXPERT - 652)
| |
| ** Level 15: [[MAX 360]] (DIFFICULT - 680)
| |
| ** Level 16: [[Rinnetensei (Mafumafu)|輪廻転生]] (CHALLENGE - 794)
| |
| ** Level 17: [[ZETA~sosuu no sekai to chouetsusha~|ZETA~素数の世界と超越者~]] (CHALLENGE - 811)
| |
| ** Level 18: [[MAX 360]] (EXPERT - 888)
| |
| ** Level 19: [[MAX 360]] (CHALLENGE - 1000)
| |
| * Highest notecount by level (Double, excluding Long Version songs and including Shock Arrows):
| |
| ** Level 1: [[MOON]] (BASIC - 104)
| |
| ** Level 2: [[SO IN LOVE]] (BASIC - 86)
| |
| ** Level 3: [[Bad Apple!! feat. nomico]] (BASIC - 184)
| |
| ** Level 4: [[Hana ranman -Flowers-|華爛漫 -Flowers-]] (BASIC - 184)
| |
| |
| ** Level 6: [[LoveLove DokiDoki]] / [[SHION]] (BASIC - 268)
| |
| ** Level 7: [[Luckgakist|ラクガキスト]] (BASIC - 309)
| |
| ** Level 8: [[Hatsune Miku no shoushitsu|初音ミクの消失]] (BASIC - 382)
| |
| ** Level 9: [[Saishuu kichiku imouto Flandre-S|最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S]] (BASIC - 405)
| |
| ** Level 10: [[SHION]] (DIFFICULT - 410)
| |
| ** Level 11: [[Hatsune Miku no shoushitsu|初音ミクの消失]] (DIFFICULT - 528)
| |
| ** Level 12: [[Okome no oishii takikata, soshite okome wo taberu koto ni yoru sono kouka.|お米の美味しい炊き方、そしてお米を食べることによるその効果。]] (DIFFICULT - 516)
| |
| ** Level 13: [[Rinnetensei (Mafumafu)|輪廻転生]] (EXPERT - 601)
| |
| ** Level 14: [[Nou shou sakuretsu girl|脳漿炸裂ガール]] (CHALLENGE - 627)
| |
| ** Level 15: [[Last Card]] (EXPERT - 675)
| |
| ** Level 16: [[Rinnetensei (Mafumafu)|輪廻転生]] (CHALLENGE - 788)
| |
| ** Level 17: [[ZETA~sosuu no sekai to chouetsusha~|ZETA~素数の世界と超越者~]] (CHALLENGE - 787)
| |
| ** Level 18: [[POSSESSION (20th Anniversary Mix)]] (CHALLENGE - 883)
| |
| ** Level 19: [[MAX 360]] (CHALLENGE - 948)
| |
| * Lowest notecount (Single): [[1, 2 Step]] (BEGINNER) (19)
| |
| * Lowest notecount (Double): [[ONCE UPON A TIME (Jertz mix)]] (BEGINNER) (35)
| |
| * Lowest notecount by level (Single, excluding Long Version songs):
| |
| ** Level 1: [[1, 2 Step]] (BEGINNER - 19)
| |
| ** Level 2: [[BAD GIRLS]] (BEGINNER - 48)
| |
| ** Level 3: [[Baile Le Samba]] (BASIC - 55)
| |
| ** Level 4: [[KEEP ON MOVIN']] (BEGINNER - 51)
| |
| ** Level 5: [[Pluto Relinquish]] (BEGINNER - 47)
| |
| ** Level 6: [[CHAOS]] (BEGINNER - 56)
| |
| ** Level 7: [[CURUS]] (DIFFICULT - 123)
| |
| ** Level 8: [[Pluto The First]] (BEGINNER - 117)
| |
| ** Level 9: [[BALLAD FOR YOU~omoi no ame~|BALLAD FOR YOU~想いの雨~]] (DIFFICULT - 150)
| |
| ** Level 10: [[Baile Le Samba]] (DIFFICULT - 161)
| |
| ** Level 11: [[Under the Sky]] (EXPERT - 197)
| |
| ** Level 12: [[D2R|D2R("FREEZE" Special)]] (CHALLENGE - 175)
| |
| ** Level 13: [[Right on time (Ryu Remix)|Right on time (Ryu☆Remix)]] (CHALLENGE - 217)
| |
| ** Level 14: [[AM-3P|AM-3P("CHAOS" Special)]] (CHALLENGE - 309)
| |
| ** Level 15: [[NGO]] (EXPERT - 371)
| |
| ** Level 16: [[Shiny World]] (CHALLENGE - 426)
| |
| ** Level 17: [[SABER WING (Akira Ishihara Headshot mix)]] (CHALLENGE - 492)
| |
| ** Level 18: [[NGO]] (CHALLENGE - 418)
| |
| ** Level 19: [[Valkyrie dimension]] (CHALLENGE - 712)
| |
| * Lowest notecount by level (Double, excluding Long Version songs):
| |
| ** Level 1: [[Remember You]] (BASIC - 47)
| |
| ** Level 2: [[oarfish]] (BASIC - 70)
| |
| ** Level 3: [[murmur twins]] (BASIC - 74)
| |
| ** Level 4: [[BALLAD FOR YOU~omoi no ame~|BALLAD FOR YOU~想いの雨~]] (BASIC - 75)
| |
| ** Level 5: [[TimeHollow]] (BASIC - 91)
| |
| ** Level 6: [[e-motion]] (BASIC - 110)
| |
| ** Level 7: [[Pa pi pu Yeah!|パ→ピ→プ→Yeah!]] (BASIC - 128)
| |
| ** Level 8: [[e-motion]] (DIFFICULT - 136)
| |
| ** Level 9: [[KEEP ON MOVIN']] (DIFFICULT - 162)
| |
| ** Level 10: [[KEEP ON MOVIN']] (EXPERT - 164)
| |
| ** Level 11: [[e-motion]] (EXPERT - 154)
| |
| ** Level 12: [[MAKE IT BETTER (So-REAL Mix)]] (CHALLENGE - 192)
| |
| ** Level 13: [[D2R|D2R("FREEZE" Special)]] (CHALLENGE - 158)
| |
| ** Level 14: [[CHAOS]] (EXPERT - 316)
| |
| ** Level 15: [[CHAOS]] (CHALLENGE - 360)
| |
| ** Level 16: [[NGO]] (EXPERT - 370)
| |
| ** Level 17: [[NGO]] (CHALLENGE - 423)
| |
| ** Level 18: [[DEAD END|DEAD END("GROOVE RADAR" Special)]] (CHALLENGE - 455)
| |
| ** Level 19: [[Valkyrie dimension]] (CHALLENGE - 634)
| |
| * Highest Shock Arrow count:
| |
| ** Single: [[Firestorm]] (122)
| |
| ** Double: [[Firestorm]] (144)
| |
| * Highest Freeze Arrow count:
| |
| ** Single: [[Out of Decaf]] (CHALLENGE - 203)
| |
| ** Double: [[Out of Decaf]] (CHALLENGE - 204)
| |
| * Highest number of jumps:
| |
| ** Single: [[Prey]] (CHALLENGE - 196)
| |
| ** Double: [[Youkoso Japari Park e|ようこそジャパリパークへ]] (CHALLENGE - 217)
| |
| * Most arrows in a row (Single): [[Bi|び]] (CHALLENGE has 125 down arrows in a row)
| |
| | |
| ==== Other Records ====
| |
| * Longest song title:
| |
| ** [[Okome no oishii takikata, soshite okome wo taberu koto ni yoru sono kouka.|お米の美味しい炊き方、そしてお米を食べることによるその効果。]] in Japanese with 30 characters.
| |
| ** [[ZETA~sosuu no sekai to chouetsusha~|ZETA ~The World of Prime Numbers and the Transcendental Being~]] in English with 63 characters.
| |
| * Longest name of artist in a song:
| |
| ** ARM・まろん (IOSYS) × ランコ・パプリカ (豚乙女) in Japanese with 44 characters.
| |
| ** BEMANI Sound Team "L.E.D.-G" feat. Mayumi Morinaga in English with 55 characters.
| |
| * Artist with the most songs: [[Naoki Maeda]] (187 songs)
| |
| * Licensed artist(s) with the most songs: SMiLE.dk (14 songs)
| |
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| === jubeat ===
| |
| [[#DanceDanceRevolution|↑ Previous section]]<br>
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| [[#SOUND VOLTEX|↓ Next section]]
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| | |
| ==== Game Records ====
| |
| * Most songs removed in one game: 73 ([[AC jb prop|jubeat prop]])
| |
| * Most songs revived in one game: 1 (tie between [[AC jb saucer|jubeat saucer]] and [[AC jb clan|jubeat clan]]) | |
| | |
| ==== Song Records ====
| |
| * Fastest Songs:
| |
| ** 1: [[Rampage Rag|Rampage☆Rag]] - 334 BPM
| |
| ** 2: [[POLICY BREAK Medley from SOUND VOLTEX x jubeat|POLICY BREAK Medley from SOUND VOLTEX×jubeat]] - 93-311 BPM
| |
| ** 3 (tie): [[eyes]] - 300 BPM | |
| ** 3 (tie): [[Hakuchou no mizuumi|白鳥の湖]] - 180-300 BPM
| |
| ** 5: [[Unmei|運命]] - 198-299 BPM
| |
| Note: [[JOMANDA]]'s actual BPM is 90-300, but it is shown in-game as 90-195.
| |
| * Slowest Songs:
| |
| ** 1: [[Ganbare Goemon 2 Kiteretsu shougun McGuinness medley|がんばれゴエモン2 奇天烈将軍マッギネス メドレー]] - 20-158 BPM
| |
| ** 2: [[Ganbare Goemon Yukihime kyuushutsu emaki medley|がんばれゴエモン ゆき姫救出絵巻 メドレー]] - 28-172 BPM
| |
| ** 3: [[Pee-wee Boogie]] - 45-180 BPM
| |
| ** 4: [[Fox4-Raize-]] - 50-200 BPM
| |
| ** 5: [[Everything]] - 66 BPM
| |
| * Longest song: ?
| |
| * Shortest song: [[Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen|ペンパイナッポーアッポーペン]] (0:45)
| |
| | |
| ==== Chart Records ====
| |
| * Highest Number of Notes:
| |
| ** BASIC
| |
| *** 1: [[Megalara Garuda]] - 932, 29 Hold Markers
| |
| *** 2: [[Diastrophism]] - 797
| |
| *** 3: [[Elemental Creation -GITADO ROCK ver.-]] - 586
| |
| *** 4: [[Shounen wa sora wo tadoru|少年は空を辿る]] - 552
| |
| *** 5: (tie) [[WONDER WALKER]] - 544
| |
| *** 5: (tie) [[Struggle]] - 544
| |
| |
| *** 1: Confiserie - 919
| |
| *** 2: Megalara Garuda - 912, 41 Hold Markers
| |
| *** 3: [[V]] - 896
| |
| *** 4: 少年は空を辿る - 894
| |
| *** 5: [[Barairo no rengadoori|薔薇色の煉瓦通り]] - 832
| |
| |
| *** 1: [[1116]] - 1116, 62 Hold Markers
| |
| *** 2: [[Lost one no goukoku|ロストワンの号哭]] (jubeat plus chart) - 1083
| |
| *** 3: [[Dopamine|ドーパミン]] - 1077
| |
| *** 4: [[KHAMEN BREAK|KHAMEN BREAK -SDVX Infinity MashUp-]] - 1050
| |
| *** 5: [[Hopeful Frontier!!!]] - 1047
| |
| * Lowest Number of Notes:
| |
| ** BASIC
| |
| *** 1: [[Hurray hurray watashi|フレーフレーわたし]] - 58
| |
| *** 2: [[Let it go ~ari no mamade~|レット・イット・ゴー~ありのままで~]] - 64
| |
| *** 3: [[back into my world]] - 65
| |
| *** 4: [[Uchiage hanabi|打上花火]] - 66
| |
| *** 5: [[Natsumachi|夏待ち]] - 71
| |
| |
| *** 1: [[Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen|ペンパイナッポーアッポーペン]] - 137, 6 Hold Markers
| |
| *** 2: perfect slumbers - 158
| |
| *** 3: [[Koibitotachi no pavement|恋人達のペイヴメント]] - 168
| |
| *** 4: [[Yuria... towa ni|ユリア・・・永遠に]] - 171
| |
| *** 5: [[Smith ekaki uta|スミスえかきうた]] - 180, 7 Hold Markers
| |
| |
| *** 1: ペンパイナッポーアッポーペン - 227, 6 Hold Markers
| |
| *** 2: [[Good bye little girl]] - 250
| |
| *** 3: スミスえかきうた - 268, 23 Hold Markers
| |
| *** 4: [[Cutie Honey|キューティーハニー]] - 302
| |
| *** 5: 恋人達のペイヴメント - 308
| |
| * Highest Hold Marker count: [[Torikago no houou|トリカゴノ鳳凰]] [ 2 ] (EXTREME - 147)
| |
| * Lowest Hold Marker count: [[aleatrik]] (all charts - 1)
| |
| | |
| ==== Other Records ====
| |
| To be updated.
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| === SOUND VOLTEX ===
| |
| [[#jubeat|↑ Previous section]]<br>
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| [[#ノスタルジア|↓ Next section]]
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| ==== Game Records ====
| |
| * First song to be removed: [[Cyber thunder cider|サイバーサンダーサイダー]] in [[AC SDVX III|SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS]] | |
| | |
| ==== Song Records ====
| |
| * Longest song: [[Help me, ERINNNNNN!! -VENUS mix-]] (2:43)
| |
| * Shortest song: [[Arcadia]] (1:24)
| |
| * Fastest BPM: [[Chou chou kou soku de mae sai soku!!! Speed star Kanade|超☆超☆光☆速☆出☆前☆最☆速!!! スピード★スター★かなで]] (999 BPM)
| |
| * Fastest constant BPM: [[666]] (666 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest BPM: [[Gate of Atlantis]] (8 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest constant BPM: [[Haruiro portrait|春色ポートレート]] (80 BPM)
| |
| | |
| ==== Chart Records ====
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: [[666]] MAXIMUM (4151)
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** NOVICE: [[666]] (1555)
| |
| ** ADVANCED: 666 (2264)
| |
| ** EXHAUST: 666 (3249)
| |
| ** MAXIMUM: 666 (4151)
| |
| |
| | |
| ==== Other Records ====
| |
| * Artist with the highest amount of accepted FLOOR entries: [[BlackY]] and [[Masaya Oya|かめりあ]], with 17 songs each.
| |
| * Most songs by one artist in a single SOUND VOLTEX game: [[Hommarju]], with 10 songs in [[AC SDVX II|SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection-]].
| |
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| === ノスタルジア ===
| |
| [[#SOUND VOLTEX|↑ Previous section]]<br>
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| [[#DANCERUSH|↓ Next section]]
| |
| | |
| ==== Game Records ====
| |
| To be updated.
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| | |
| ==== Song Records ====
| |
| * Longest song: ?
| |
| * Shortest song: [[Arabesque|アラベスク]], [[Kodomo ga hitori mori no naka de|小人がひとり森の中で]] and [[Minuet totanchou|メヌエット ト短調]] (1:08)
| |
| * Fastest BPM: ?
| |
| * Fastest constant BPM: [[Rampage Rag|Rampage☆Rag]] - 334 BPM | |
| * Slowest BPM: ?
| |
| * Slowest constant BPM: ?
| |
| | |
| ==== Chart Records ====
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: [[Koukyoukyoku dai 9 ban dai 4 gakushou "Kanki no uta"|交響曲第9番第4楽章"歓喜の歌"]] Real (2159)
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty: | |
| ** Normal: [[Turkey koushinkyoku (Mozart)|トルコ行進曲]] (672)
| |
| ** Hard: [[Preserved Valkyria]] (1167)
| |
| ** Expert: [[Be a Hero!]] (1797)
| |
| ** Real: [[Koukyoukyoku dai 9 ban dai 4 gakushou "Kanki no uta"|交響曲第9番第4楽章"歓喜の歌"]] (2159)
| |
| * Lowest notecount overall: [[Minuet itanchou|メヌエット イ短調]] Normal (66)
| |
| * Lowest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** Normal: [[Minuet itanchou|メヌエット イ短調]] (66)
| |
| ** Hard: メヌエット イ短調 (136)
| |
| ** Expert: メヌエット イ短調 (160)
| |
| ** Real: [[Minuet|メヌエット]] (204)
| |
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| === DANCERUSH ===
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| [[#ノスタルジア|↑ Previous section]]<br>
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| [[#beatmania|↓ Next section]]
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| ==== Game Records ====
| |
| To be updated.
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| | |
| ==== Song Records ====
| |
| * Longest song: ?
| |
| * Shortest song: ?
| |
| * Fastest BPM: [[Afterimage d'automne]] (232 BPM)
| |
| * Fastest constant BPM: [[Afterimage d'automne]] (232 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest BPM: ?
| |
| * Slowest constant BPM: ?
| |
| | |
| ==== Chart Records ====
| |
| * Lowest notecount overall: [[SpongeBob lesson|スポンジボブレッスン]] Normal (27, 1 Player), ? (2 Players)
| |
| * Lowest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** Easy: スポンジボブレッスン (27, 1 Player), ? (2 Players)
| |
| ** Normal: [[Playa]] (194, 1 Player), ? (2 Players)
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: [[Shiva]] Normal (580, 1 Player), ? (2 Players)
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** Easy: [[BEYOND THE EARTH (STARDOM Remix)]] (473, 1 Player), ? (2 Players)
| |
| ** Normal: Shiva (580, 1 Player), ? (2 Players)
| |
| | |
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| == Inactive BEMANI Series == | | == Inactive BEMANI Series == |
| === beatmania ===
| | * [[BEMANI Records/beatmania|beatmania]] |
| [[#DANCERUSH|↑ Previous section]]<br> | | * [[BEMANI Records/pop'n stage|pop'n stage]] |
| [[#pop'n stage|↓ Next section]]
| | | * [[BEMANI Records/Dance Maniax|Dance Maniax]] |
| ==== Game Records ====
| | * [[BEMANI Records/ParaParaParadise|ParaParaParadise]] |
| * Most songs removed in one game: [[AC bm 6th|beatmania 6thMIX]] (80 songs)
| | * [[BEMANI Records/MAMBO A GO GO|MAMBO A GO GO]] |
| * Most songs revived in one game: [[AC bm THE FINAL|beatmania THE FINAL]] (87 songs)
| | * [[BEMANI Records/Toy'sMarch|Toy'sMarch]] |
| | | * [[BEMANI Records/DANCE 86.4|DANCE 86.4]] |
| ==== Song Records ====
| * Longest song: [[BEMANI HIT TRACKS]] (3:00) | | * [[BEMANI Records/DanceEvolution|DanceEvolution]] |
| * Shortest song: [[PRACTICE STAGE]] (0:51)
| | * [[BEMANI Records/BeatStream|BeatStream]] |
| * Fastest BPM: [[Nishishinjuku seisou kyoku|西新宿清掃曲]] (280 BPM)
| | * [[BEMANI Records/MUSECA|MÚSECA]] |
| * Fastest constant BPM: [[JET WORLD|Jet World]] (276 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest BPM: [[DOLLY CATCHER]] (MANIAC) (72 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest constant BPM: [[FIRE DUB]] (85 BPM)
| |
| | |
| ==== Chart Records ====
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: [[IMPLANTATION]] Double ANOTHER (1065)
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** NORMAL: ?
| |
| ** HARD: [[A! Kotori ni nacchatta!|あ! ことりになっちゃった!]] Double (1024)
| |
| ** ANOTHER: [[IMPLANTATION]] Double (1065)
| |
| * Lowest notecount overall: [[PRACTICE STAGE]] Single (15)
| |
| * Lowest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** NORMAL: [[PRACTICE STAGE]] Single (15)
| |
| ** HARD: [[jam jam reggae]] Single (62)
| |
| ** ANOTHER: ?
| |
| | |
| ==== Other Records ====
| |
| To be updated.
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| === pop'n stage ===
| |
| [[#beatmania|↑ Previous section]]<br>
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| [[#KEYBOARDMANIA|↓ Next section]]
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| | |
| ==== Song Records ====
| |
| * Longest song: [[Bit of Love]] (1:45)
| |
| * Shortest song: [[Go no stopping]] (1:24)
| |
| * Fastest BPM: [[the Claw & the Dragon]] (300 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest BPM: [[BoaBoaLady!]] (90 BPM)
| |
| | |
| ==== Chart Records ====
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: [[WE TWO ARE ONE]] 10-Switches ANOTHER (471)
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** 6-Switches NORMAL: [[Que vas a hacer?|¿Que vas a hacer?]] (181)
| |
| ** 6-Switches ANOTHER: [[LET ME FEEL SO HIGH]] (318)
| |
| ** 6-Switches MANIAC: [[LET ME FEEL SO HIGH]] (407)
| |
| ** 10-Switches NORMAL: [[Que vas a hacer?|¿Que vas a hacer?]] (359)
| |
| ** 10-Switches ANOTHER: [[WE TWO ARE ONE]] (471)
| |
| ** 10-Switches MANIAC: [[Que vas a hacer?|¿Que vas a hacer?]] (335)
| |
| * Lowest notecount overall: [[the Claw & the Dragon]] 6-Switches NORMAL (63)
| |
| * Lowest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** 6-Switches NORMAL: [[the Claw & the Dragon]] (63)
| |
| ** 6-Switches ANOTHER: [[Let's me Let's go]] (165)
| |
| ** 6-Switches MANIAC: [[Love Is Strong To The Sky]] (237)
| |
| ** 10-Switches NORMAL: [[the Claw & the Dragon]] (114)
| |
| ** 10-Switches ANOTHER: [[Musical "5 choume monogatari" yori overture|ミュージカル"5丁目物語"よりオーヴァチュア]] (179)
| |
| ** 10-Switches MANIAC: [[Viva!2000]] (177)
| |
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| [[#pop'n stage|↑ Previous section]]<br>
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| [[#ParaParaParadise|↓ Next section]] | |
| | |
| ==== Game Records ====
| |
| * Most songs removed in one game: [[AC KBM 3rd|KEYBOARDMANIA 3rdMIX]] (24 songs)
| |
| * Most songs revived in one game: [[AC KBM 3rd|KEYBOARDMANIA 3rdMIX]] (3 songs) | |
| | |
| ==== Song Records ====
| |
| * Longest song: ?
| |
| * Shortest song: ?
| |
| * Fastest BPM: [[The Least 100sec]] (264 BPM)
| |
| * Fastest constant BPM: [[MR.C.C]] / [[SENSATION -from SALAMANDER2]] (200 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest BPM: [[Midori no kaze|緑の風]] (24 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest constant BPM: [[Memories]] (80 BPM) | |
| * Highest number of BPM changes: [[Elise no tame ni|エリーゼのために]] (125)
| |
| | |
| ==== Chart Records ====
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: [[Carezza]] Double REAL (1139) | |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** LIGHT: ?
| |
| ** LIGHT+: ?
| |
| ** REAL: [[Carezza]] Double (1139)
| |
| ** ANOTHER: Carezza (845)
| |
| | |
| ==== Other Records ====
| |
| To be updated.
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| === ParaParaParadise ===
| |
| [[#KEYBOARDMANIA|↑ Previous section]]<br>
| |
| [[#REFLEC BEAT|↓ Next section]]
| |
| | |
| ==== Song Records ====
| |
| * Longest song: [[YESTERDAY]] (1:54)
| |
| * Shortest song: [[MONEY GO!]] (2nd MIX cut) (1:10)
| |
| * Fastest BPM: [[BANDOLERO COMANCHERO]] / [[MIKADO]] (163 BPM) | |
| * Slowest BPM: [[CELEBRATE NITE]] (144 BPM)
| |
| | |
| ==== Chart Records ====
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: velfarre2000 EXPERT (1st MIX Plus)/HARD (2nd MIX) (644)
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| |
| |
| ** HARD (PPP→1st MIX Plus): [[Deluxe -eurobeat version-|デラックス -EUROBEAT MIX-]] (399) | |
| ** EXPERT (PPP→1st MIX Plus)/HARD (2nd MIX): velfarre2000 (644)
| |
| |
| * Lowest notecount overall: [[TRY ME|PRACTICE STAGE]] ENJOY (42)
| |
| * Lowest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** PARAPARA: [[JAM JAM JAM]] (64)
| |
| ** NORMAL: [[CRAZY FOR YOU]] (106)
| |
| ** HARD (PPP→1st MIX Plus): [[I WANNA DANCE]] (156)
| |
| ** EXPERT (PPP→1st MIX Plus)/HARD (2nd MIX): [[POPTEEN]] (214) | |
| ** ANOTHER: [[EUROBEAT]] (347)
| |
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| === REFLEC BEAT ===
| |
| [[#ParaParaParadise|↑ Previous section]]<br>
| |
| [[#DanceEvolution|↓ Next section]]
| |
| | |
| ==== Game Records ====
| |
| * Most songs added in one game: [[AC RB groovin'!!|REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]] (138 songs)
| |
| * Most songs removed in one game: [[AC RB VOLZZA|REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA]] (59 songs)
| |
| * Most songs revived in one game: ?
| |
| | |
| ==== Song Records ====
| |
| * Longest song: [[Help me, ERINNNNNN!! -VENUS mix-]] (2:43) | |
| * Shortest song: ?
| |
| * Fastest BPM: [[deltaMAX|ΔMAX]] (573 BPM)
| |
| * Fastest constant BPM: [[Funky sonic World]] (400 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest BPM: [[Sakura|桜]] (13 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest constant BPM: [[Nostalgic Magica]] (63 BPM)
| |
| * Longest titles:
| |
| ** [[YAKYUKEN ODORI-Ehime Matsuyama Emotion- genkyoku yakyuuken sakkyoku Maeda Goken|YAKYUKEN ODORI-Ehime Matsuyama Emotion- 原曲 野球拳 作曲 前田伍健]] with 54 characters, including spaces
| |
| ** [[Ganbare Goemon 2 Kiteretsu shougun McGuinness medley|"GANBARE GOEMON 2 KITERETSUSHOUGUN MAGGINESU" Music Medley]] with 58 characters, including spaces (REFLEC BEAT+ only)
| |
| | |
| ==== Chart Records ====
| |
| ===== Pre-[[AC RB Reflesia|悠久のリフレシア]] =====
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: [[V2|V₂]] SPECIAL (1100 notes)
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** BASIC: [[quaver|quaver♪]] (370 notes)
| |
| ** MEDIUM: [[Rebellio]] (689 notes)
| |
| ** HARD: [[Rebellio]] (1073 notes)
| |
| ** SPECIAL: [[V2|V₂]] (1100 notes)
| |
| * Highest notecount by level:
| |
| ** Level 1: [[Sayonara heaven|サヨナラ・ヘヴン]] BASIC (89) (groovin'!!→VOLZZA 2)
| |
| ** Level 2: ?
| |
| ** Level 3: ?
| |
| ** Level 4: ?
| |
| ** Level 5: [[quaver|quaver♪]] BASIC (370)
| |
| ** Level 6: [[SHION]] MEDIUM / [[NEON WORLD]] MEDIUM (388)
| |
| ** Level 7: [[Luckgakist|ラクガキスト]] MEDIUM (480)
| |
| ** Level 8: [[Stand Alone Beat Masta]] MEDIUM / [[Eclipse Zero]] MEDIUM (556)
| |
| ** Level 9: [[Lost one no goukoku|ロストワンの号哭]] HARD (690) (AC chart)
| |
| ** Level 10: [[OverDriveTrain]] HARD (818)
| |
| ** Level 11: [[V]] SPECIAL (1014)
| |
| ** Level 12: [[V2|V₂]] SPECIAL (1100)
| |
| * Lowest notecount by level:
| |
| ** Level 1: ?
| |
| ** Level 2: ?
| |
| ** Level 3: [[Kokuu to koumyou no discourse|虚空と光明のディスクール]] BASIC (56)
| |
| ** Level 4: ?
| |
| ** Level 5: [[DAY DREAM]] BASIC (117)
| |
| ** Level 6: ?
| |
| ** Level 7: ?
| |
| ** Level 8: [[Ashita no hikari|アシタノヒカリ]] HARD (210)
| |
| ** Level 9: ?
| |
| ** Level 10: [[DAY DREAM]] HARD (327)
| |
| ** Level 11: [[CODE:1]] HARD (434)
| |
| ** Level 12: [[TITANS RETURN]] SPECIAL (538)
| |
| | |
| ===== 悠久のリフレシア =====
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: [[Rebellio]] HARD (1663 notes)
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** BASIC: ? (? notes)
| |
| ** MEDIUM: ? (? notes)
| |
| ** HARD: [[Rebellio]] (1663 notes)
| |
| ** WHITE HARD: [[X-TREME 6]] (1250 notes)
| |
| | |
| ==== Other Records ====
| |
| To be updated.
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| === DanceEvolution ===
| |
| [[#REFLEC BEAT|↑ Previous section]]<br>
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| [[#BeatStream|↓ Next section]]
| |
| | |
| ==== Song Records ====
| |
| * Longest song: ?
| |
| * Shortest song: ? | |
| * Fastest BPM: [[Sakura|桜]] (320 BPM)
| |
| * Fastest constant BPM: [[Chikuwa parfait da yo CKP|ちくわパフェだよ☆CKP]] (205 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest BPM: [[Sakura|桜]] (13 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest constant BPM: [[Open Your Eyes]] (82 BPM)
| |
| | |
| ==== Chart Records ====
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: [[Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku|凛として咲く花の如く]] MASTER (340 notes)
| |
| * Lowest notecount overall: [[Open Your Eyes]] LIGHT (29 notes)
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** LIGHT: [[Sweet Rain]] (105 notes)
| |
| ** STANDARD: [[Sweet Rain]] (146 notes)
| |
| ** EXTREME: [[Sweet Rain]] (309 notes)
| |
| ** MASTER: [[Rin to shite saku hana no gotoku|凛として咲く花の如く]] (340 notes)
| |
| * Lowest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** LIGHT: [[Open Your Eyes]] (29 notes)
| |
| ** STANDARD: [[Happy synthesizer|ハッピーシンセサイザ]] (53 notes)
| |
| ** EXTREME: [[irony]] (78 notes)
| |
| ** MASTER: [[irony]] (82 notes)
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| ==== Other Records ====
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| To be updated.
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| [[#top|Back to top ↑]]
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| === BeatStream ===
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| [[#DanceEvolution|↑ Previous section]]<br>
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| [[#MÚSECA|↓ Next section]]
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| ==== Game Records ====
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| * Most songs removed in one game: [[AC BST AnimTribe|BeatStream アニムトライヴ]] (18 songs)
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| * Most songs revived in one game: BeatStream アニムトライヴ (4 songs)
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| ==== Song Records ====
| |
| * Longest song: ?
| |
| * Shortest song: ?
| |
| * Fastest BPM: [[Ttewi! ~eientewi Ver~|ってゐ! ~えいえんてゐVer~]] (340 BPM)
| |
| * Fastest constant BPM: [[Kurokami midareshi shura to narite~Rin edition~|黒髪乱れし修羅となりて~凛 edition~]] (300 BPM) | |
| * Slowest BPM: [[Sousei no Aquarion|創聖のアクエリオン]] (66 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest constant BPM: [[Ayakashi kakushi|妖隠し -あやかしかくし-]] (85 BPM)
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| ==== Chart Records ====
| |
| * Highest notecount overall: [[CHERNOBOG]] NIGHTMARE (1132)
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** LIGHT: [[Otome ryouran mai sakihokore|乙女繚乱 舞い咲き誇れ]] (264)
| |
| ** MEDIUM: [[BEAT-NEW-WORLD]] (559)
| |
| ** BEAST: [[0]] (967)
| |
| ** NIGHTMARE: [[CHERNOBOG]] (1132)
| |
| * Lowest notecount by difficulty:
| |
| ** LIGHT: [[Boukyaku no tabiji|忘却の旅路]] (45)
| |
| ** MEDIUM: [[Zankoku na tenshi no these|残酷な天使のテーゼ]] (102)
| |
| ** BEAST: [[Warau kado ni uma kitaru!|笑う門に午来る!]] (212)
| |
| ** NIGHTMARE: [[Sarishinohara|サリシノハラ]] (339)
| |
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| ==== Other Records ====
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| To be updated.
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| [[#top|Back to top ↑]]
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| === MÚSECA ===
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| [[#BeatStream|↑ Previous section]]<br>
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| ==== Game Records ====
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| To be updated.
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| ==== Song Records ====
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| * Longest song: ?
| |
| * Shortest song: ?
| |
| * Fastest BPM: [[Bolerrot|Bolérrot]] (358 BPM)
| |
| * Fastest constant BPM: [[kyokugen da!!]] (239 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest BPM: [[Hana Kagerou|華陽炎-Hana Kagerou-]] (85 BPM)
| |
| * Slowest constant BPM: [[Kogare uta|焦がれ唄]] (100 BPM)
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| ==== Chart Records ====
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| * Highest notecount overall: [[V]] Red (1293)
| |
| * Lowest notecount overall: ?
| |
| * Highest notecount by difficulty:
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| ** Green: ?
| |
| ** Orange: [[CENSORED!!]] (853)
| |
| ** Red: [[V]] (1293)
| |
| * Lowest notecount by difficulty:
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| ** Green: ?
| |
| ** Orange: [[Karakuri pierrot|からくりピエロ]] (187)
| |
| ** Red: [[Double lariat|ダブルラリアット]] (401)
| |
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| ==== Other Records ====
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| * First song to be removed: [[Brain Power]] in [[AC MSC 1+1/2|MÚSECA 1+1/2]]
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| [[#top|Back to top ↑]]
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| {{stub}} | | {{BEMANI Records}} |
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| [[Category:Other]] | | [[Category:Other]] |