Bad City -readymade 524 mix-

Bad City -readymade 524 mix-

Song Information

Artist: Remixed by KONISHI yasuharu (Original Music by SHOGUN)
Composition/Lyrics: Casey Rankin
Arrangement: Yasuharu Konishi
Album: 探偵物語Remix~これにて一件落着~ (2001)
BPM: 180-200
Length: 2:02
Movie: ?
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania 6thMIX + CORE REMIX
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


Bad city,bad bad city,fat city bad
Bad city,bad bad city,fat city bad

Bad city,bad bad city,fat city bad
Bad city,bad bad city,fat city bad

You get up in the morning at the crackin'of dawn
You hussle and you hassle all day
The things that a man has to do for a livin'
Just to keep the reaper away

Somebody give me a break
I've had as much as a body can take

Nobody hears you,nobody sees you,
nobody ever breaks free
from the
Bad city,bad bad city,fat city bad
Bad city,bad bad city,fat city bad

Bad city,bad bad city,fat city bad
Bad city,bad bad city,fat city bad

Bad city,bad bad city,fat city bad
Bad city,bad bad city,fat city bad

Song Connections / Remixes

  • Bad City -readymade 524 mix- is a remix of SHOGUN's Bad City, from their Lonely Man/Bad City single album.


  • The original Bad City was used as the opening theme of the Tantei monogatari (探偵物語) TV drama.

Song Production Information


Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania difficulty rated from 1 to 9.

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Normal Hard Another Normal Hard Another
Notecounts 364 504 - 457 528 -
beatmania 6thMIX + CORE REMIX 3 5 - 3 5 -