Who are you...?

Song Information

Who are you...?'s jacket.

Artist: BPM15Q
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: TeddyLoid
Vocals: BPM15Q (ICHIGORINAHAMU&nicamoq)
Album: Who are you...? (2023)
BPM: 125
Length: TBD
First Music Game Appearance: ポラリスコード
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


Lyrics are from the full version of Who are you...?.


Who are you...? You...? 
Who are you...? You...? 
Who are you...?
Who are you...?
Who are you...?

Hush! ラジオ 破棄 サテライト
有りと無しと とにもかくにも、あー... 
月の裏側で落ち合おう 後ろの正面誰なの? 
喋るまやかし 幽霊とあやかし わっ、マジだりー 
相性はテレパシー これもまぼろし? 
だだぼやけた だらだだだれか
もう駄々 こらえた 感情のキメラ

Who are you...? You...? 
Who are you...?
Who are you...?
Who are you...?

揺らいでる 未来の想像に嫌なフェイク 
繰り返す 夢の夢の中で
Night & dawn
Night & dawn
Night & dawn 「だれ?」

Who are you...? You...?
Who are you...? You...?
Who are you...?
Who are you...?

Who are you...? 

Song Connections / Remixes



  • Who are you...? was added to ポラリスコード on May 3rd, 2024.

Difficulty & Notecounts

ポラリスコード difficulty rated from 1 to 12.

Game Level
Notecounts 572 955 1206 1329 -
ポラリスコード 3 6 8 11 -

External Link

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