Tsugumi Kataoka
Tsugumi Kataoka
Artist Information
- Name: Tsugumi Kataoka (片岡嗣実)
- Birth date: March 21
- Birth place: Oofuna
- Blood type: A
- Website: http://tsugumikataoka.com/index.html
Tsugumi Kataoka is mostly known as being the former composer and arranger for Parquets, with Manami Fujino on the vocals. Together, they contributed with at least a song on nearly every pop'n music arcade game until pop'n music 18 せんごく列伝, and also with some music for anime like Mirmo de Pon.
Tsugumi has also composed music for other artists, like Hideo Suwa, Sanae Shintani and Sachiko Sugawara. He also composes instrumental music for the pop'n music series, and even performs some of his own songs.
- Of all the arcade pop'n music games after his debut up until pop'n music ラピストリア, pop'n music 5 is the only one that didn't have a new song composed or arranged by Tsugumi Kataoka.
- Tsugumi Kataoka is tied with Seiya Murai with the most appearances of any non-vocalist in the arcade pop'n music titles, with 20 games.
- He also holds the current record for the most active commission artist in any BEMANI series, having appeared in 21 pop'n music games.
- Tsugumi composed a song for SEGA's maimai arcade music game series - ピーマンたべたら.
- ブタパンチ (primary alias)
- パーキッツ (with Manami Fujino)
- わるじぇんぬ (with Manami Fujino and Yukie Sasara)
- ひので155
- ツグ
- ラジカル·ツグ
- Butapunch Philharmonic Orchestra
- Wパンチ+3M
- ぶちパンダ
- ツグミーノ
- Ako Atak
- カタオカツグミ
Princess Piccolo Original Soundtrack
1st solo album
Release date: 03/31/2012
Track 09 exclusive to the remastered version of the album
01. Precious Prelude すてきな予感
02. Main Theme ピッコロ姫の夢と目覚め
03. Peter the Piper Boy 笛吹きの少年ペーテル
04. The Arabian Wizard アラビアの魔法使い
05. Pegasus Cruise ペガサス・クルーズ
06. Nervous Emperor of Darkness 魔王様の激しい躁鬱
07. Welcome Home Our Princess お帰りなさい、プリンセス
08. "Princess Piccolo" Super Long グランド・フィナーレ
09. Downward Spiral Stairs 下降螺旋階段
TSUG and the PICKLES mini-album
Release date: 08/11/2012
01. 24時間のヒーロー
02. P.C. I Love You
03. invisible lover (feat.ALT)
04. ヤバイオンナ
05. うるとら☆ボーイ
Track 05 is originally composed by Seiya Murai.
Hinode 155 (ひので155) mini-album
Release date: 12/31/2012
01. おもいで列車(トレイン)
02. 突然ゴルゴンゾーラ
03. DE10(1000番台)
04. 登山者たち
05. IKKI! Explosion
06. さようならこんにちは
KING of the SEA
Butapunch (ブタパンチ) limited-edition mini-album
Release date: Unknown
01. KING of the SEA (English Version)
02. サマー・モグーン (instrumental)
03. PERRY CHRISTMAS! (instrumental)
04. KING of the SEA (English Version / Vocal Off)
05. サマー・モグーン Lead & Solo Off
カタオカツグミ プレゼンツ スピンアウツ!
2nd solo album
Release date: 12/31/2013
01. スピンアウトなう!
02. サマー・モグーン
03. スーパーモグーでお買い物 feat.初音さんV3
04. 黒船頭巾のうた
05. ペリークリスマス!
06. あなたのオアシス
07. みんなのオアシス
08. クリスマスケーキも
09. ことしもよろしく
10. 夏のギフトも
11. ゼリーでぇす!
12. 悲しいよね
13. ボクがここにいる理由
14. マタアオネ -閉店の歌- feat.初音さんV3
Butapunch (ブタパンチ) mini-album
Release date: 17/08/2014
01. KING of the SEA(カイゾクロング日本語版)
02. ピッツァ・イタリアーノ(ピザロング)
03. 正調スーパーモグー(チテイタンケン純正ロング)
04. ペリーでぇす!SECOND ENCOUNTERS(黒船ファンクアナザーロング)
05. 24時間のヒーロー(コンビニサーガ・TVサイズ)
06. KING of the SEA(カイゾクロング英語版)