Page history
18 October 2023
→Default Songs
→Default Songs
→Default Songs
→Default Songs
→New Charts
→New Charts: credits to Ukyo (first was RESIDENT)
→General Information / Changes
→Default Songs
→Hidden LEGGENDARIA Charts
→Difficulty Changes
→New Charts
→Default Songs
→Hidden LEGGENDARIA Charts
→Difficulty Changes
→Default Songs
→Default Songs
m→Hidden LEGGENDARIA Charts
→Hidden LEGGENDARIA Charts
→Hidden LEGGENDARIA Charts
→Hidden LEGGENDARIA Charts
→Default Songs
m→General Information / Changes
→Default Songs
no edit summary
→General Information / Changes
no edit summary
→Default Songs
→Default Songs
→General Information / Changes
→Default Songs
→Default Songs
→Default Songs
→Default Songs
→Default Songs
17 October 2023
15 October 2023
→Default Songs
→Default Songs: the R has always been capital
mno edit summary
→General Information / Changes: Forgot that SIRIUS also have Separate BGMs (EXPERT/LEAGUE) across it:
→General Information / Changes
→Removed Songs: also from trailers
→Default Songs: Tuyu also will get a BEGINNER chart, so far according to trailers
→General Information / Changes: I forgot DistorteD had a separate BGM across game mode (STANDARD vs EXPERT/Class):
→Default Songs
→Default Songs: revisited the trailer video and discovered something i missed: (only added something that are clear so far in the video, and there was also a two kanji word at Level 6 not clear)