You need to add the Pop'nnomicon to the navigation bar. :) Rampage 00:51, 11 May 2005 (EDT)

This is done.

--Remy 22:50, 19 May 2005 (EDT)


I'm happy to help out with expanding the new Pop'nomicon or whatever, but thought I'd bring up a few design issues first - firstly, I think we should name the song pages after the genres, not the titles, because that's what most people know and what most people are going to search for. Furthermore, vastly more genres are in English than song titles, meaning we don't have issues with multiple competing versions of the song's primary identifier (original format, multiple romanisations/translations, etc).

Is it allowable to include pictures from the game on song/character pages or does this breach copyright (or rather, does it breach copyright to a level you disallow?)


Naming song pages after Genres sounds more sane to me, although searching shouldn't matter (it generally goes on full text). As far as the pictures go - would you mind linking out to them? I'd like to avoid the wrath of Konami on this one...

--Remy 22:49, 19 May 2005 (EDT)

Linking to the Konami song page then? (They wouldn't like anyone directly embedding the images...) Thing is, if Pop'n Navy already shows the banners... Well, better just leave them off for the time being.

Xythar 20 May 2005

I'm unsure about the whole Genre thing. There's many songs in a genre, and it could get confusing. There could be a genre page that links to songs in that genre. Yes, I understand how Pop'n songs are classified by genre, and I think having a genre page linking to songs, but songs having individual pages is a good compromise. Rampage 20:15, 21 Jun 2005 (EDT)

For some reason, a sunflower doesn't exactly strike me as very representative of the Wiki here (unless you want to go ひまわり or something)... Uh, what would be a better logo? Maybe, uh, a IIDX controller or something? Perhaps something like ... File:Temp logo.JPG, except better quality? (Sorry, Paint's all I've got to work with on the computer right now.) Gameboyguy13 02:11, 5 Aug 2005 (EDT)