
Revision as of 20:32, 7 September 2015 by Henry (talk | contribs) (→‎Trivia)


Song Information

ラクガキスト's SOUND VOLTEX NOVICE / REFLEC BEAT BASIC / jubeat jacket.
ラクガキスト's ADVANCED / MEDIUM jacket.
ラクガキスト's EXHAUST / HARD jacket.
ラクガキスト's DanceDanceRevolution / BeatStream LIGHT jacket.
ラクガキスト's REFLEC BEAT plus / jubeat plus / ポップンリズミン jacket.

Artist: cosMo@暴走P feat.GUMI
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: cosMo@BousouP
Vocals: GUMI
Album: EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalosensation feat. 初音ミク (2013)
BPM: 199
Length: 2:00
Movie: cosMo & syuri22
First Music Game Appearance: SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection-
Other Music Game Appearances:



それでもいいよと開き直って ボクだけの世界をここに築く


統率のとれた発言が穿つ 味とか個性を保身に後悔

だけど それしかないよと開き直って ボクだけの世界選び取る

何ら変わりの無い くだらない言い訳を

それでも無いよりはマシだと そうと思いたく

極度に人見知り それでいて 認めてほしい
過激に人間(ヒト)嫌い それでいて 恋しくて



ネガティヴな言葉で 卑屈に構えた

積み重ならべる綺麗な部分を どうでもいいようなハリボテ部分を


好きが嫌いに反転 そこからぴたりと命を終われるほどの
強さとけじめと諦めと覚悟 もちろん無いからこれから創る

脳内お花畑な思考回路(かいろ) 殺意と共にうらやましくなる

Song Connections / Remixes



  • ラクガキスト was added to SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection- on July 18th, 2013.
  • In the SOUND VOLTEX series, ラクガキスト is the first licensed song to have an EXHAUST chart rated Level 15.
  • ラクガキスト was added to REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer- on September 3rd, 2013 as a default song.
    • セツナトリップ and ラクガキスト were the only licensed songs added in non-release date as default songs in REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-.
  • ラクガキスト marks cosMo@BousouP's first appearance in an arcade REFLEC BEAT title.
    • It also marks cosMo@BousouP's first appearance in the DanceDanceRevolution and jubeat series.
  • Tsumabuki appears on ラクガキスト's SOUND VOLTEX NOVICE and ADVANCED jackets.
  • In the arcade REFLEC BEAT releases, ラクガキスト uses its SOUND VOLTEX NOVICE, ADVANCED and EXHAUST jackets for its BASIC, MEDIUM and HARD jackets respectively.
    • ラクガキスト received a brand new jacket in REFLEC BEAT plus and jubeat plus.
  • In REFLEC BEAT plus, jubeat plus and ポップンリズミン, ラクガキスト's artist is just credited to cosMo@暴走P.
  • ラクガキスト can be unlocked in jubeat saucer fulfill from March 20th, 2014, by acquiring 5 COURSE EXP..
    • In the arcade jubeat releases, ラクガキスト uses its SOUND VOLTEX NOVICE jacket, regardless of the difficulty chosen.
  • ラクガキスト was added to DanceDanceRevolution (2014) on June 19th, 2014, as part of the GUMI 5th Anniversary party Presented by BEMANI event.
    • In DanceDanceRevolution, ラクガキスト uses a slightly modified version of its SOUND VOLTEX NOVICE jacket.
    • ラクガキスト features its music video in DanceDanceRevolution, which is full-screen and eliminates any on-screen dancers.
    • Its BEGINNER chart (despite being only a Level 4) was the first BEGINNER chart for a non-boss song to have more than 200 notes.
  • ラクガキスト's title name is a pun on the Japanese word "rakugaki" (らくがき, Japanese for "graffiti", thus fitting the song's theme) and the English suffix "-ist".

Song Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 20 from X onwards.
jubeat difficulty rated from 1 to 10.
REFLEC BEAT to groovin'!! Upper difficulty rated from 1 to 10+, and from 1 to 12 from VOLZZA onwards.
SOUND VOLTEX difficulty rated from 1 to 16.
ポップンリズミン difficulty rated from 1 to 10. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from SOUND VOLTEX @ wiki and BEMANIWiki 2nd.)


Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 213 / 0 324 / 2 383 / 2 562 / 2 710 / 2 / 0 309 / 2 377 / 6 556 / 2 687 / 2 / 0
DanceDanceRevolution (2014)→Present 4 7 10 13 16 7 10 13 16


Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 214 533 893
jubeat plus 4 8 10
jubeat plus (Android) 4 8 10
jubeat saucer fulfill→Present 4 8 10


Game Level
Basic Medium Hard Special
Notecounts 227 480 675
REFLEC BEAT colette -Summer-→Present 4 7 10
REFLEC BEAT plus 4 7 10


Game Level
Novice Advanced Exhaust Infinite Gravity
Max Chain 538 892 1501
Effected By azuma azuma azuma
Jacket Artists cosMo@暴走P cosMo@暴走P cosMo@暴走P
SOUND VOLTEX II→Present 5 10 15


Game Difficulties
Normal Hyper EX
Notecounts 150 240 475
ポップンリズミン 3 6 9