Buraikku jikorizer
Song Information
Artist: じーざす(ワンダフル☆オポチュニティ!)feat.kradness
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: JesusP (WONDERFUL★OPPORTUNITY!)
Vocals: kradness
Album: KRAD PARADOX (2015)
BPM: 150
Length: 1:38
First Music Game Appearance: REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA
Other Music Game Appearances: None.
None yet.
Song Connections / Remixes
- A different version of 無頼ック自己ライザー with vocals by Len Kagamine can be found in YouTube.
- KRAD PARADOX is kradness' third album.
Difficulty & Notecounts
REFLEC BEAT difficulty rated from 1 to 12 from VOLZZA onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)
Game | Level | |||
Basic | Medium | Hard | Special | |
Notecounts | 125 | 297 | 496 | - |
REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA→Present | 4 | 7 | 10 | - |
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