Hello, darling!

Um...anyway, I'm AngelA.I.Girl (or 01angel on Zenius -I- Vanisher) and I'm a big fan of Pop'n Music, Reflec Beat, Jubeat/Jukebeat, and Dance Dance Revolution (especially Pop'n). I'm here on this wiki to provide up-to-date and correct information about songs in Pop'n Music and other BEMANI games. My username comes from my favorite song, 0/1 ANGEL (yeah I even have it on my iTunes library...so?). Don't worry, I'm not an actual A.I. or anything... ;) My favorite Pop'n Music characters are Alt and Alt 2.0, but you could probably guess that because of my username :P

I have the American REFLEC BEAT + and Jukebeat apps, and I can clear songs up to level 10+ on RB and up to level 9 on Jukebeat. I have played DDR MANY, MANY times, but I've only played Pop'n a few times - the first time AC 14 FEVER! at an arcade near where I live. It was a LOOOOOOONG time ago, though, so I remember that I only played in Enjoy Mode and I didn't even know how to change my character. But, one of the songs I played was the AMAZING song Computer obaachan - and that's where my whole Alt obsession started :)

The second time was at the Chinatown Fair Arcade in NYC in September 2015, where I played a few songs including une lettle de mon copain, Linear Locomotive Love, and of course 0/1 ANGEL. The characters I played as were Alt 2.0 and Alt. I went again on October 12, 2015 where I played some songs such as BOOM BOOM PIRATES, DOES NOT COMPUTE (hardest song I ever cleared), and Autumn G. I plan on coming back to there someday!

And did I mention an arcade in my hometown has IIDX 19 Lincle, DDR X3 vs. 2nd Mix, and a broken Pop'n Music Sunny Park (with a 17 The Movie logo on the machine)?

I tried playing Lincle in August 2015 but I failed on it XD you can't blame me, I tried.


So, that's my story. I'm the kind of gal who "likes music and game".

See you again!

Favorite BEMANI songs

Here's my absolute favorite tunes from all the BEMANI games!

Alt songs

Non-Alt songs

Other facts

  • I predicted the Pop'n Music character for はなまるぴっぴはよいこだけ would be Yakko-chan (BECAUSE THEY SAY HER NAME IN THE SONG!!!), but it ended up being Nyami...oh well...
  • If Marude Matryoshka were crossed over into Pop'n Music, its character would be Alt 2.0 [19-2P].
  • If それは花火のような恋 were crossed over into Pop'n Music, its character would be Kaorin (come on, that girl in the video looks JUST like Kaorin!)
  • Linear Locomotive Love is meant for copula. No ifs ands or buts about it.