Moonlight Walkin'

Revision as of 23:55, 9 February 2018 by GlaringRadiokid (talk | contribs)

Moonlight Walkin'

Song Information

Moonlight Walkin's jacket.

Artist: 入尾信充 with Yah Yah's
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics/Chorus/Guitars/Bass/Other Instruments & Drum Programming: Yoshihiko Koezuka
Vocals: Nobumitsu Irio
Voice/Trumpet: Jimmy Weckl
BPM: 79
Length: 1:43
Movie: K-GO
First Music Game Appearance: GUITARFREAKS 7thMIX & drummania 6thMIX
Other Music Game Appearances:


Game Size


月の光を浴びながら 今夜もwalkin'
ひとりぼっちのぼくと 誰もがすれ違い
冷たい足音が 気持ちいい
誰もがきっと今頃 ケースの中に
自分をしまいこんで こんなに素晴らしい
ぼくだけの自由に 気付かない
moonlight walkin' moonlight walkin'

moonlight talkin' moonlight talkin'
moonlight walkin' moonlight walkin'


tsuki no hikari wo abinagara konya mo walkin'
hitori botchi no boku to daremoga surechigai
tsumetai ashioto ga kimochii
daremoga kitto imagoro CASE no naka ni
jibun wo shimai konde kon'nani subarashii
boku dake no jiyuu ni kizukanai
moonlight walkin' moonlight walkin'

moonlight talkin' moonlight talkin'
moonlight walkin' moonlight walkin'

Long Version


月の光を浴びながら 今夜もwalkin'
ひとりぼっちのぼくと 誰もがすれ違い
冷たい足音が 気持ちいい
誰もがきっと今頃 ケースの中に
自分をしまいこんで こんなに素晴らしい
ぼくだけの自由に 気付かない
moonlight walkin' moonlight walkin'

月の光を浴びながら 今夜もwalkin'
夢を語ればすぐに 朝はやって来る
つらいことなど何も ここにはないけれど
やさしい風の中 眠りたい
moonlight talkin' moonlight talkin'
moonlight walkin' moonlight walkin'
moonlight walkin' moonlight walkin'
moonlight walkin'

Song Connections / Remixes

  • A long version of Moonlight Walkin' appears on Yoshihiko Koezuka's first album, DREAMS., with Koezuka performing the vocals instead of Nobumitsu Irio.


Moonlight Walkin's old jacket.
  • Moonlight Walkin' is the first song in BEMANI with lyrics written by Yoshihiko Koezuka.
  • Moonlight Walkin' is one of the SHOP RANKING revival unlocks in GuitarFreaks V3 & DrumMania V3.
  • Moonlight Walkin' is one of the unlockable songs of the ULTIMATE FESTIVAL!! Halloween Bingo (ハロウィンビンゴ) event of GITADORA OverDrive.
    • It received a new jacket in GITADORA OverDrive.

Song Production Information


Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

GF/DM difficulty rated from 1 to 99.
GF/DM XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania

Original Series

Game Drum Guitar Bass Open
Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 350 516 657 282 348 430 236 236 - 282 348 430
GF7/dm6 22 39 53 17 27 35 N/A N/A - 23 37 55
GF8/dm7 ↓17 ↓37 ↓52 ↑18 ↑30 ↑38 22 26 - ↑25 ↑40 ↑59
GF8/dm7 power-up ver. ↓16 37 52 ↓16 ↓29 ↓37 ↓21 ↓24 - ↓24 ↓39 59
GF/DM V3→V8 ↑21 ↓28 ↑57 ↑21 ↓27 ↑43 ↓18 24 - ↓23 ↓28 ↓46
GF/DM MASTERPIECE SILVER 17 28 42 25 34 45 14 21 - 26 35 49


Game Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Notecounts 342 488 657 - 216 354 430 - 192 236 236 -
GITADORA OverDrive→Tri-Boost 3.20 5.00 6.75 - 2.90 5.50 6.60 - 2.70 5.10 6.30 -
GITADORA Tri-Boost Re:EVOLVE ↓3.15 ↓4.75 ↓6.60 - ↓2.00 ↓4.70 ↓6.10 - 2.70 ↓4.05 ↓5.35 -
GITADORA Matixx→Present ↑3.70 ↑5.00 ↑6.85 - ↑2.85 ↑5.00 ↑6.55 - ↓2.50 ↓3.95 ↑5.55 -