Category talk:Pop'n music Songs

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Revision as of 23:11, 7 March 2006 by Miz (talk | contribs) (Song names, page titles, romanization)

Hey. It occurs to me that, since genres are basically THE unique identifier for most Pop'n songs, maybe we should restructure the song lists in the releases to have the genre first, then the title, artist, and character? I'd definitely be willing to help convert them all. --Miz 18:03, 7 Mar 2006 (EST)

Song names, page titles, romanization

Also, since Pop'n songs tend to have non-Latin characters a lot more than IIDX songs do, I'd like to submit this request here:

Let's not link to non-Latin song names as page titles!

The reason I say this is two-fold. First, non-Latin titles make for URLs that have lots of %XX characters in them, which makes URLs as an identifying tag completely useless. Second, it makes it possible to type a URL or link for a song name, even if you don't have a Chinese/Japanese/Korean/whatever IME installed on your computer, without resorting to copy-paste (which necessitates finding the text somewhere online). The text in the first header, on the other hand, and the text of the link (but not its destination) should be the title exactly as it appears in the game.

Now, of course, this brings up the issue of standard romanization schemes for at least three different languages. Japanese is easy - everybody's favorite tired modified Hepburn method seems to be fairly common (si becomes shi, zi becomes ji, ti becomes chi, di becomes ji, tu becomes tsu, du becomes zu, hu becomes fu), and I think it's what we've been using pretty consistently. Chinese is also easy - pinyin (IMO). (Please no Wade-Giles. It makes the baby Miz cry.) Korean is a bit more of a pain, since there are at least two contemporarily used romanization standards. *shrugs* I don't have an opinion on that yet.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on the subjects. 以上です。--Miz 18:11, 7 Mar 2006 (EST)

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