Yanya yanya Night ~odoroyo XX~

Revision as of 13:41, 4 September 2018 by GlaringRadiokid (talk | contribs)

やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ※※~

Song Information

Artist: ゴールデンボンバー
Composition/Lyrics: Sho Kiryuin
Arrangement: Sho Kiryuin, tatsuo
Album: やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ※※~ (2017)
BPM: 145
Length: 1:53
First Music Game Appearance: jubeat clan
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


All versions of やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ※※~ have almost the same lyrics, with the prefecture of the chorus being different (denoted here with ※※).




保証など無く 諸行無常さ この世界は

Dance Dance Dance 踊れ※※
やんややんやNight 朝まで騒ごう
彩る様な 光と影に怯えながら
Dance Dance Dance どうせこの世は
やんややんやNight 泡沫の夢


Song Connections / Remixes

  • やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ※※~ has 47 different versions, each corresponding to one of the 47 prefectures of Japan.
  • An "all-Japan" version of やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ※※~, titled やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ日本~, also appears in jubeat clan.


  • やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ※※~ was added to jubeat clan on April 26th, 2018, as part of the jubeatでやんややんやNight ~巡ろうよニッポン~ event. When playing やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ※※~, only the version corresponding to the prefecture in which the arcade is located is playable.
    • This total of 47 versions (48, if counting やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ日本~) is the highest number of alternate versions of a single song in BEMANI.
    • Only the Tokyo version (やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ東京~) is available at arcades located outside Japan.
  • The BASIC charts of all versions of やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ※※~ are identical. The ADVANCED and EXTREME charts of やんややんやNight ~踊ろよ※※~ have different unique patterns in the chorus mimicking the shape of the corresponding prefecture.

Difficulty & Notecounts

jubeat to clan difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 175
jubeat clan→Present 3 6 9

※The notecount of the ADVANCED and EXTREME charts depends on the prefecture version of the song:

Prefecture Advanced Extreme Prefecture Advanced Extreme
Aichi (愛知) 430 482 Aomori (青森) 428 480
Akita (秋田) 430 482 Ishikawa (石川) 427 479
Ibaraki (茨城) 427 479 Iwate (岩手) 429 481
Ehime (愛媛) 425 476 Oita (大分) 429 481
Osaka (大阪) 430 482 Okayama (岡山) 429 481
Okinawa (沖縄) 427 479 Kagawa (香川) 428 480
Kagoshima (鹿児島) 429 481 Kanagawa (神奈川) 430 482
Gifu (岐阜) 430 482 Kyoto (京都) 429 481
Kumamoto (熊本) 429 481 Gunma (群馬) 429 481
Kochi (高知) 428 480 Saitama (埼玉) 427 480
Saga (佐賀) 428 480 Shiga (滋賀) 431 483
Shizuoka (静岡) 430 482 Shimane (島根) 428 480
Chiba (千葉) 429 481 Tokyo (東京) 430 481
Tokushima (徳島) 429 481 Tochigi (栃木) 430 482
Tottori (鳥取) 428 480 Toyama (富山) 430 482
Nagasaki (長崎) 427 479 Nagano (長野) 429 481
Nara (奈良) 430 482 Niigata (新潟) 428 480
Hyogo (兵庫) 427 479 Hiroshima (広島) 431 483
Fukui (福井) 427 479 Fukuoka (福岡) 429 481
Fukushima (福島) 429 481 Hokkaido (北海道) 429 481
Mie (三重) 427 479 Miyagi (宮城) 430 482
Miyazaki (宮崎) 428 480 Yamagata (山形) 428 480
Yamaguchi (山口) 430 482 Yamanashi (山梨) 428 477
Wakayama (和歌山) 430 482