Beyond Here and Now Intensified

Revision as of 15:22, 9 October 2021 by Tikal. (talk | contribs)

Beyond Here and Now Intensified

Song Information

Beyond Here and Now Intensified's banner.

Artist: Neuropa
Composition/Arrangement: Albert Martinez, Jason Last
Album: Beyond Here and Now (2001)
BPM: 136
Length: 1:44
First Music Game Appearance: DanceDanceRevolution UNIVERSE
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


Thoughts are drifting far away, a memory of yesterday
Standing in our way, standing in our way
If I surrender to your arms, wasn't captured by your charms
There'd be nothing left to say, nothing left to say

Beyond here and now, I must reach somehow
To free the love I can't contain
'Cause living in doubt, is living without
This harmony without refrain

Beyond here and now, I must reach somehow
To free the love I can't contain
'Cause living in doubt, is living without
This harmony without refrain

Song Connections / Remixes



Song Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 10 from DDRMAX2 to SuperNOVA2.

Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 81 / 4 118 / 13 221 / 24 282 / 30 - / - / - 152 / 11 211 / 26 309 / 2 - / - / -
DanceDanceRevolution / Dancing Stage UNIVERSE N/A 3 5 7 - 4 6 8 -

Other charts not shown on the above table:

  • DanceDanceRevolution UNIVERSE Double BEGINNER chart: Total notes: 86 / 0.