Greetz to BBH, Qube, and Azure, who I know from the Neo-Geo Forums.

I'll do my best to help out on this wiki to the best of my ability. I want to make this wiki a bit more friendly for newcomers to IIDX, and VJA in general (like me).

What else to say, hmm... I'm a newb to IIDX. I've had BMUS since it came out, and I have since bought 6th, 9th, RED, and a second USA KOC (I suck at doubles though so it mainly gets used for two-player).

I put up a page on on modding a IIDX controller's turntable: here.

I've been playing DDR since October 2005 if it matters.

I have a website: I keep my blog on there, and I update my links section rather often. Unfortunately it's down at the moment.

Starting Mid August, 2006, I'll attend The University of Texas at Dallas for their CS course.