Have a good time!

Song Information

Have a good time!'s jacket.

Artist: vivi
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: Konami Amusement (Yoshihiko Koezuka)
Vocals: vivi
Guitars/Bass/Other Instruments & Programming: BEMANI Sound Team "Yoshihiko Koezuka"
BPM: 136
Length: 2:01
Movie: ?
First Music Game Appearance: GITADORA EXCHAIN
Other Music Game Appearances: None.



楽しんでるとき 悲しんでるとき
いつも Have a good time! かがやく未来を描こう

キミに恋して わかったことは
ひとりぼっちも 大切なとき

キモチはいつも 思い通りの
絵にならない 不思議な彩
だ け ど

張りきったあとも 落ち込んだあとも
ずっと Have a good time! 七彩の調べに乗せて
宝石のように オーロラのように
光る Have a good time! 薔薇彩の世界を目指せ

お気に入りの服で お気に入りの場所へ
キミと Have a good time! 二度とない時間を過ごそう
楽しんだ人も 悲しんだ人も
みんな Have a good time! 素敵な毎日を

Song Connections / Remixes



  • Have a good time! is one of the Part 2 unlocks of the Tsuioku no GITADORA 2005~2006 (追憶のギタドラ2005~2006) event. It could be unlocked from May 22nd to June 18th, 2019.
    • In GITADORA NEX+AGE, it could be unlocked from November 11th to 29th, 2020 as part of the Koko hole bear (ココホレベア) event.
    • In GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE, it could be unlocked in the Kyoku tsuku!! Challenge (曲つく!!チャレンジ) event from May 11th to 29th, 2022.
  • Both Have a good time! and 最後のつよがり are the first appearances of vivi in BEMANI since back in GuitarFreaks V3 & DrumMania V3.
  • Have a good time!'s jacket features Rose, the girl from the jacket/video of Sweet Illusion.

Song Production Information


Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

GF/DM XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and GITADORA Rating Sources.)

Game Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Notecounts 280 536 807 978 189 343 437 463 187 298 381 381
GITADORA EXCHAIN 2.20 4.00 6.00 7.00 2.50 4.50 6.40 7.60 2.30 4.00 6.10 7.30
GITADORA NEX+AGE ↑2.25 4.00 6.00 7.00 ↑2.55 ↓4.45 6.40 ↓7.45 2.30 ↓3.90 ↓5.80 ↓7.20
GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE→Present ↑2.30 ↓3.65 ↓5.85 ↓6.90 ↑2.85 ↓4.30 ↑6.70 ↑7.85 ↓2.00 ↓3.60 ↓5.70 ↓6.90