
Revision as of 21:28, 23 February 2007 by Morning Blue (talk | contribs)


Song Information

Artist: Fujino Minami to Naya~n
BPM: 89-104
Genre: Heaven
Character: photon
First Appeared On: Pop'n 14 FEVER! AC
Length: 2:06


Not available at the current moment.

Song Connections / Remixes



The name of the song translates into "Heaven".

Music Production Info

From Fujino Minami:

Hello. It was me who was left in the charge of writing this song. Here I am accompanying Nayan~n this time. The theme of this song is space and how "It is love". Surely the Star Festival plays during this romantic song.

From Nayan~n:

Space is ever more expanding faster now. Moreover, even its speed is increasing. However, what does the opponent have?

"It is love."

Character Info


Staff Comments


I think this and the floating animated character drunk. However, because he is an expert, I like photon.


Making this music score was terrible, but I was happy. Moreover, it had a healing effect too, and I felt glad once or twice more.

However, though, the healing weakens for a moment with the EX music score..though it is interesting.


This may be my favorite character this time around. Let's arrange all the notes by two colors and play.


What if there is a heaven? It is amusing and weird to play this song while imagining that again.

Murai Seiya

The unexpected Combo achievement of Naya~n and Fuji...was this even imaginable for a moment? However, I want to sometimes more often try such a various face match. Doesn't someone want to Combo with me?