Uchouten vivace
- This song also appears in SEGA's rhythm games. For information on this, see the SilentBlue page on this song.
Song Information
Original Version
Artist: Last Note.
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: Last Note.
Vocals: GUMI
Guitar: Moyashi, Meriken
Bass: Irojiro
Album: セツナコード (2013)
BPM: 266
Length: 1:57 (ポップンリズミン, SOUND VOLTEX), 3:31 (GITADORA)
Movie: 明菜
First Music Game Appearance: ポップンリズミン EXIT TUNESパック4
Other Music Game Appearances:
Himi Yasaka Version
Artist: 八坂ひみ(CV.諏訪彩花)
Composition/Lyrics: Last Note.
Arrangement: Yuki Nara
Vocals: Himi Yasaka (CV: Ayaka Suwa)
BPM: 133
Length: 1:44
Movie: 動画工房
Jacket design: 天﨑まなむ
First Music Game Appearance: BeatStream
Other Music Game Appearances: None.
The lines marked with an asterisk (*) are only present on the Himi Yasaka version of 有頂天ビバーチェ. Lines marked with ※ are only present on the game size cut of the original version of the song, and includes the lyrics used in the Himi Yasaka version.
* せーの!で赤あげて なんの!って白あげて 赤白さげないでボルテージ上げろ 『げっちゅー!』 しっちゃかめっちゃかもう! なんちゅーかWant you Come on! おいで。初心者もおっけー☆ 一筆入魂です ピースピース!ノーコンです? 当たるも八卦で当たらぬもカッケー!? 『ふぃーばー!』 ぶっちゃけはっちゃけたい ちょくちょくチョップ!Check It Out! 「書道にこの身捧げましょうぞ」 やー、無理無理。ちょい言いたかっただけ!そんな気は毛頭ないヤッバい まー、やるからにゃ凛とシャンと立って描きましょう! 有頂天ビバーチェ てんやわんやドルチェ まだ気取る?ちぇっ! さあさあ、ノれノれnewbie ぱっぱっぱっ!パッチワークで でっでっでっ?でまかせなんて 突貫?ドッカン許しません! 書は心写す鏡[ミラー]なのです!やり直し、ていっ! 一段飛ばしで バッチリ!先延ばしDay 辛い事ナシでモチベを上げろ 『wake up!』 笑顔咲いたたた 種は蒔いててて 小細工抜きのポジティブ無双 あー、ちっちゃいのは気のせいでして。決して侮ることなかれ 人は見た目じゃわからないってご覧にいれましょう! 有頂天ビバーチェ やんちゃにVIVA&shake! 振り飛ばせ さあさあ、ゆけゆけBoys&Girls ぱっぱっぱっ!パラリラパルラ ラララ♪らりるれローリング 愉快痛快軽快かい? なんか楽しくなっちゃってもういっちょ!書き直し、ていっ! 『ぽいぽいっ!』 赤さげて 『ほいさっさ!』 白さげて 『ほいさっさ!』 赤あげて 『ほいさっさ!』 赤白あげないないで 手を出して 『ほいさっさ!』 ピーマンあげる 『ほいさっさ……?』 盛り上がる? 『ほいさっさッ!!!』 よしよし、もっといくよ……! 少女ビバーチェ てんやわんやドルチェ まだ気取る?ちぇっ! さあさあ、ノれノれnewbie ぱっぱっぱっ!パッチワークで でっでっでっ?でまかせなんて 突貫?ドッカン許しません! さあ、もう一度! ※ 有頂天ビバーチェ やんちゃにVIVA&shake! 振り飛ばせ さあさあ、ゆけゆけBoys&Girls ぱっぱっぱっ!パラリラパルラ ラララ♪らりるれローリング 愉快痛快軽快かい? なんか楽しくなっちゃってもういっちょ、有頂天で!
Song Connections / Remixes
- 有頂天ビバーチェ is the third song in Last Note.'s Mikagura gakuen kumikyoku (ミカグラ学園組曲, Mikagura School Suite) series of songs.
- The GITADORA series uses the full version of 有頂天ビバーチェ, instead of the short version used by the other BEMANI games.
- The BeatStream series uses a remixed cover version of 有頂天ビバーチェ featuring vocals by Himi Yasaka (CV: Ayaka Suwa), instead.
- 有頂天ビバーチェ was added to SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection- in August 7th, 2014.
- 有頂天ビバーチェ is the very first brand-new Long Version song in the GuitarFreaks & DrumMania series since GuitarFreaks V6 & DrumMania V6 BLAZING!!!!.
- It's also the first Long Version licensed song since 絶望ビリー from GuitarFreaks V5 & DrumMania V5 Rock to Infinity.
- It's also the first Long Version song with Bass charts.
- 有頂天ビバーチェ is the character song of Himi Yasaka (八坂ひみ), from the Mikagura gakuen kumikyoku (ミカグラ学園組曲) anime series.
- 有頂天ビバーチェ was added to BeatStream on July 9th, 2015. Its MEDIUM and BEAST charts could be unlocked via the Roboneko mail Futatabi toujoudesu in Takahashi-san Lab..
- As of December 3rd, 2015, these charts have been unlocked by default.
- 有頂天ビバーチェ was moved from the Animation to the Variety category in BeatStream アニムトライヴ.
- 有頂天ビバーチェ was removed from BeatStream アニムトライヴ on April 19th, 2017.
- 有頂天ビバーチェ was added to SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS コナステ's REGULAR course on January 31st, 2018.
- 有頂天ビバーチェ was added to SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR コナステ on October 12th, 2022.
Song Production Information
Video Production Information
Difficulty & Notecounts
BeatStream difficulty rated from 1 to 10, and from 1 to Kami (神) in アニムトライヴ.
GF/DM XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99.
SOUND VOLTEX BOOTH to III GRAVITY WARS difficulty rated from 1 to 16, and 1 to 20 from IV HEAVENLY HAVEN onwards.
ポップンリズミン difficulty rated from 1 to 10. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from SOUND VOLTEX @ wiki, BEMANIWiki 2nd, and GITADORA Rating Sources.)
Game | Level | |||
Light | Medium | Beast | Nightmare | |
Notecounts | 113 | 278 | 583 | - |
BeatStream | 3 | 6 | 10 | - |
BeatStream アニムトライヴ | 3 | ↑7 | ↓10- | - |
GuitarFreaks & DrumMania
Game | Drum | Guitar | Bass | |||||||||
Basic | Advanced | Extreme | Master | Basic | Advanced | Extreme | Master | Basic | Advanced | Extreme | Master | |
Notecounts | 530 | 1343 | 1910 | 2120 | 500 | 855 | 1310 | 1327 | 317 | 645 | 1016 | 1019 |
GITADORA Tri-Boost | 3.15 | 5.95 | 7.40 | 8.25 | 3.40 | 5.75 | 7.80 | 8.40 | 2.50 | 4.45 | 5.50 | 7.40 |
GITADORA Tri-Boost Re:EVOLVE | ↓2.40 | ↓5.30 | 7.40 | ↑8.45 | ↓3.10 | ↓4.80 | ↓7.35 | 8.40 | ↓1.85 | ↓3.60 | ↓4.90 | ↓7.10 |
GITADORA Matixx | ↑2.55 | ↑5.70 | ↑7.70 | ↑8.60 | ↑3.30 | ↑5.15 | ↑7.60 | ↑8.65 | ↑2.45 | ↑3.80 | ↑5.35 | ↑7.45 |
GITADORA EXCHAIN | ↓2.40 | ↑6.00 | ↑7.85 | ↑8.75 | ↓3.20 | ↓4.80 | ↑7.80 | ↑8.80 | ↓2.15 | ↓3.65 | ↓5.25 | ↑7.80 |
GITADORA NEX+AGE | ↑2.45 | ↑6.05 | 7.85 | 8.75 | 3.20 | ↑4.85 | 7.80 | 8.80 | ↑2.20 | ↑3.70 | 5.25 | 7.80 |
GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE→Present | ↑3.00 | ↓6.00 | 7.85 | ↑8.80 | ↑3.65 | ↑5.25 | ↑7.95 | ↑8.95 | ↓1.75 | ↑3.95 | ↑5.65 | ↑8.00 |
Game | Level | ||||
Max Chain | 511 | 744 | 1330 | - | - |
Effected By | azuma | azuma | azuma | - | - |
Jacket Artists | 明菜 | 明菜 | 明菜 | - | - |
SOUND VOLTEX II | 6 | 11 | 15 | - | - |
SOUND VOLTEX III | 6 | 11 | ↓14 | - | - |
SOUND VOLTEX IV→Present | 6 | 11 | ↑16 | - | - |
SOUND VOLTEX III コナステ | 6 | 11 | 16 | - | - |
SOUND VOLTEX EXCEED GEAR コナステ | 6 | 11 | 16 | - | - |
Game | Difficulties | ||
Normal | Hyper | EX | |
Notecounts | 127 | 284 | 431 |
ポップンリズミン | 2 | 5 | 8 |
Last Note.'s ミカグラ学園組曲 songs | |
放課後ストライド - 無気力クーデター - 有頂天ビバーチェ - 我楽多イノセンス - 十六夜シーイング 絵空事スパイラル - 花吹雪リフレクト - 赤裸々キャンディ - 不条理ルーレット - 革新的ヒロイズム - 放課後革命 - 楽園ファンファーレ |