Revision as of 14:07, 14 March 2024 by PhuzBot (talk | contribs) (→‎XG & GITADORA Series: clean up, replaced: |GITADORA FUZZ-UP→Present| → |GITADORA FUZZ-UP|)


Song Information


Artist: 古川もとあき
Composition/Arrangement/Guitar/Other Instruments & Drum Programming: Motoaki Furukawa
BPM: 156
Length: 1:42
Movie: Unknown
First Music Game Appearance: GUITARFREAKS 4thMIX & drummania 3rdMIX
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes


This song has different backgrounds, banners, jackets, or other related images. For more information, please see this page.
  • In GUITARFREAKS 8thMIX & drummania 7thMIX, CAPTAIN'S VOYAGE's artist was 古川元亮.
  • CAPTAIN'S VOYAGE is available in GUITARFREAKS 10thMIX & drummania 9thMIX and GUITARFREAKS 11thMIX & drummania 10thMIX with an e-AMUSEMENT account.
  • CAPTAIN'S VOYAGE received a new banner in GUITARFREAKS 10thMIX & drummania 9thMIX.
  • CAPTAIN'S VOYAGE is one of the revived songs of GITADORA's Kore ga Anata e no Chousenjou!! (これがあなたへの挑戦状!!) event. It could be unlocked from November 7th, 2013, by completing all the bingo lines of Q-BONE's challenges.
    • From February 5th, 2014, it could be unlocked in GITADORA for 5000 Live Pts.
    • In GITADORA OverDrive, it is available by default for new players with an eAMUSEMENT PASS.
    • As of the end of March 2014 in GITADORA OverDrive, it is available by default for all players.
  • CAPTAIN'S VOYAGE received a new jacket in GITADORA.
  • CAPTAIN'S VOYAGE (CLASSIC) could be unlocked in GITADORA EXCHAIN as one of the GF&DM CHRONICLE 2013~2018 songs from July 31st, 2019, by playing one credit.
    • In GITADORA NEX+AGE, it could be unlocked from March 15th to June 21st, 2020 and from October 28th to November 29th, 2020 as part of the Thank you! GITADORA 21st kanshasai (サンキュー! ギタドラ21st感謝祭) event.
    • As of GITADORA FUZZ-UP, it is available by default.
  • CAPTAIN'S VOYAGE and its CLASSIC charts are available in コナステ GITADORA as part of the Konasute GITADORA HISTORY PACK vol.2 (コナステ GITADORA HISTORYパック vol.2).

Song Production Information


This song has an unquestionably light 8-beat sound.
Please play melodiously on its rhythm.

Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

Difficulty for early GF/DM games rated from 1 to 10 stars. GF/DM difficulty for GF5/dm4 and beyond rated from 1 to 99.
GF/DM XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 1.00 to 9.99. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and GITADORA Rating Sources.)

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania

Original Series

Game Drum Guitar Bass Open
Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 326 548 658 242 242 242 312 312 - - - -
GF4/dm3 3 8 9 6 8 8 N/A N/A - - - -
GF5/dm4→GF6/dm5 21 65 74 50 65 69 N/A N/A - - - -
GF7/dm6 ↑22 ↓47 ↓62 ↓35 ↓53 ↓58 N/A N/A - - - -
GF8/dm7 ↓15 ↓44 ↓59 ↑39 ↑59 ↑64 27 29 - - - -
GF8/dm7 power-up ver. ↓14 44 ↓58 39 ↓51 ↓57 ↓26 ↓28 - - - -
GF10/dm9→GF/DM V2 14 44 58 39 51 57 26 28 - - - -
GF/DM V3→V8 14 44 ↑62 39 ↑61 ↑67 26 28 - - - -
GITADORA EXCHAIN 4.00 6.00 7.00 4.80 6.40 7.25 3.60 4.20 - - - -
GITADORA NEX+AGE→Present 4.00 ↑6.05 ↑7.05 ↑4.85 6.40 7.25 ↑3.75 4.20 - - - -
ギタドラ! GF4/dm3 3 8 9 6 8 8 N/A N/A - - - -
コナステ GITADORA 4.00 6.05 7.05 4.85 6.40 7.25 3.75 4.20 - - - -


Game Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Notecounts 239 422 683 - 152 223 242 - 183 312 312 -
GITADORA→Tri-Boost 3.50 5.40 7.50 - 2.80 5.00 6.40 - 2.65 4.50 5.90 -
GITADORA Tri-Boost Re:EVOLVE ↓2.90 ↓4.55 ↓7.20 - ↓1.95 ↓4.25 ↓5.85 - ↓1.90 ↓3.75 ↓5.35 -
GITADORA Matixx ↓2.80 ↑4.60 ↑7.40 - ↓1.70 ↑4.60 ↑6.30 - ↓1.50 ↑3.90 ↑5.80 -
GITADORA EXCHAIN ↓2.70 ↑4.65 ↑7.50 - ↓1.20 ↓4.30 6.30 - ↑2.10 ↓3.65 ↓5.75 -
GITADORA NEX+AGE ↑2.75 4.65 7.50 - ↑1.35 4.30 6.30 - ↑2.20 ↑3.70 ↑5.80 -
GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE ↓2.30 ↓4.50 ↓7.45 - ↓1.25 ↑4.70 ↑6.65 - ↓1.60 ↑4.15 ↑6.30 -
GITADORA FUZZ-UP 2.30 4.50 ↓7.15 - 1.25 4.70 6.65 - 1.60 4.15 6.30 -
コナステ GITADORA 2.75 4.65 7.50 - 1.35 4.30 6.30 - 2.20 3.70 5.80 -