BEMANI Records/DanceEvolution
DanceEvolution Records
This page lists songs, charts, or other miscellaneous records in the DanceEvolution series.
Game Records
To be updated.
Song Records
- Longest song: あそびかたレッスン! (2:45)
- Shortest song: 回レ!雪月花 (1:27)
- Fastest BPM: 桜 (320 BPM)
- Fastest constant BPM: ちくわパフェだよ☆CKP (205 BPM)
- Slowest BPM: 桜 (13 BPM)
- Slowest constant BPM: Open Your Eyes (82 BPM)
Chart Records
- Highest notecount overall: 凛として咲く花の如く MASTER (340 notes)
- Lowest notecount overall: Open Your Eyes LIGHT (29 notes)
- Highest notecount by difficulty:
- LIGHT: Sweet Rain (105 notes)
- STANDARD: Sweet Rain (146 notes)
- EXTREME: Sweet Rain (309 notes)
- MASTER: 凛として咲く花の如く (340 notes)
- Lowest notecount by difficulty:
- LIGHT: Open Your Eyes (29 notes)
- STANDARD: ハッピーシンセサイザ (53 notes)
- EXTREME: irony (78 notes)
- MASTER: irony (82 notes)
Other Records
Longest song title:
- ふな ふな ふなっしー♪~ふなっしー公式テーマソング~ in Japanese with 27 characters.
- CAN'T STOP FALLIN' IN LOVE -super euro version- and L'amour et la liberté(Darwin & DJ Silver remix) in English with 47 characters.
Longest name of artist in a song:
- ダイナミック野球兄弟 v.s. クロスファイヤーPrim in Japanese with 27 characters.
- SOUND HOLIC Vs. VENUS feat. Nana Takahashi in English with 42 characters.
BEMANI Records | |
Active Series | beatmania IIDX - pop'n music - GITADORA - DanceDanceRevolution - jubeat - SOUND VOLTEX - ノスタルジア - DANCERUSH DANCE aROUND - ポラリスコード |
Inactive Series | beatmania - pop'n stage - KEYBOARDMANIA - Dance Maniax - ParaParaParadise - MAMBO A GO GO - Toy'sMarch DANCE 86.4 - REFLEC BEAT - DanceEvolution - BeatStream - MÚSECA |
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