No more I love you

Revision as of 12:35, 8 November 2024 by Angryjoe1111 (talk | contribs) (Added English translations to sections; feel free to make any necessary changes [pnm 10 GB song music comment changes from])

No more I love you

Song Information

Original Version

Artist: I.W.hyper
Composition/Arrangement: Takeshi Iwakiri
BPM: 104
Length: 1:52
pop'n music Genre: NUDY (ヌーディー)
pop'n music Character: JUDY [1-1P]
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music GB
Other Music Game Appearances: None.

Arranged Version

No more I love you's pop'n music banner.

Artist: WAX
Composition: Takeshi Iwakiri
Arrangement: Yuichi Tsuchiya
Lyrics: Ayako Masuda
Vocals: Ayako Masuda, Hisako Agatsuma
BPM: 104
Length: 1:51
pop'n music Genre: NUDY (ヌーディ)
pop'n music Character: May-Fa [CS2-1P]
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 4 APPEND DISC
Other Music Game Appearances:


These lyrics are for the arranged version of No more I love you. The original No more I love you has no vocals.


夜が遮る  揺らめいた Sweet Passion
絡まり合う螺旋  駆け引きが闇を作る

甘い吐息も  飾り立てた嘘も

Won't you baby see my heart?
最初に本気になった私の mistake in your game

Too Late  もう騙されない
No more I love you...

Song Connections / Remixes

  • A re-arranged, vocal version of No more I love you appears in pop'n music 4 APPEND DISC. This version is also used in the arcade and later console releases of pop'n music.


  • No more I love you is one of the unlocks in pop'n music 10's Ohoshisama ni onegai! (お星様にお願い!) event. It is the sixth unlock in the yellow bucket and can be unlocked from September 24th, 2003 until November 5th, 2003.
    • It received 5-Button and Battle NORMAL charts in pop'n music 10.
    • As of November 5th, 2003, it is unlocked by default.
  • No more I love you is available in pop'n music Lively as part of the pop'n music Lively Selection Music Pack vol.1 (pop'n music Lively セレクション 楽曲パック vol.1).

Music Comment

Original Version

A slightly mature and cool number

Arranged Version

pop'n music 4 APPEND DISC

Another song from GB! This song is also rearranged to include vocals. It's a bit difficult to feel rejected.

pop'n music 10 CS

An old instrumental song appears here with sexy vocals. It's a bit difficult to feel rejected.

Song Production Information


This song was originally from the pop'n GB version, and genre-wise, I think it's also a relatively new music.

Personally, when I thought that I listened to some J-POP records for reference, I deeply remember feeling surprised that J-POP wasn't played much at my house.

Since I work here, it feels like I usually listen to trending songs, but....
This time, since it's a rearrangement rather than a remix, I intended to remain faithful to the original.

Personally, whether you listen to it in the PS or GB, my goal was to make the song not produce an uncomfortable impression.
However, when I retain too much of the original sounds, there aren't enough sounds (but that's natural [laughs]), so I created phrases to appropriately add more musical instruments.
So eventually, it felt like adding instruments and filling up the track, instead of arranging it.

Well anyways, the vocals sound great. The lyrics are urban and fully filled with sadness.

Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts from Pop'n Music Fever.)

Original Version

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 250 - - - - -
pop'n music GB 9 - - - - -

Arranged Version

Game Normal Mode Battle Mode
Notecounts 146 210 404 - 210 -
pop'n music 4 CS - 16 23 - - -
pop'n music 10 CS 7 16 23 - 10 -
pop'n music Lively - 22 29 - - -
pop'n music 10→20 fantasia 7 16 23 - 10 -
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - 22 29 - 10 -

Other charts not shown on the above table:

  • pop'n music 4 CS's BEGINNER chart: Lv.: 11, total notes: 146.
Red bucket GOONIES "R" GOOD ENOUGH - HOLiDAY - Drivin' High - マジンガーZ - Invisible Lover - ヒデオ体操第一
Blue bucket 熟れた花 - きえた!? ナポレオン - すきすきソング - キューティーハニー - Sea Side City - Jack
Green bucket ヤバイオンナ - テキサスのガンマン - dandelion - 魔女っ子メグちゃん - murmur twins(guitar pop ver.) - Votum stellarum
Yellow bucket トロイカダンス - 炎のキン肉マン - GALAXY FOREST 11.6&12 - デビルマンの歌 - No more I love you - Arrabbiata - DDR MEGAMIX
White bucket ペガサス幻想 - ラブ・アコーディオン - Harvest Moon - くちうるさいママ (HYPER/EX) - スウィーツ~instrumental - 幸せを謳う詩