

Song Information

Bereavement's jacket.

Artist: Graupel
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: Graupel
Album: Bereavement (2018)
BPM: 158-244
Length: 1:45
Movie: Keishi Kise
First Music Game Appearance: GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE
Other Music Game Appearances: None.



The buried future is what I lost
The silence is smiling with your ghost
The graceful faces and the beautiful voices
All of who you are

Why do I have to say goodbye?
Even though I know you are gone this night
Never seeing you again
I lost your smile
Take me back to that night

Maybe you won’t be back again
Now I know what is coming in the future
I needed to say good night
Just needed to say good night that time

I needed to say good night that night
I miss you and feel what you left behind for me

I thought it won’t end that time but gone

With your smile
With your scent
With your beautiful voices
With your soul
With your love

Gazing on the side where you are
Still waving but the sign was ignored
No one in my sight but I try
Over and over again

You’re living inside of me

Do you still wait on this side?
This side?

Song Connections / Remixes




Song Production Information


Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd and GITADORA Rating Sources.)

Game Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Notecounts 245 647 897 1361 180 343 610 798 214 352 518 644
GITADORA HIGH-VOLTAGE 2.50 5.90 8.20 9.55 2.30 4.85 6.90 9.50 2.50 4.80 6.30 8.70
GITADORA FUZZ-UP 2.50 5.90 8.20 9.55 2.30 4.85 ↑7.70 9.50 2.50 4.80 6.30 ↑8.90
GITADORA GALAXY WAVE→Present ↑2.60 5.90 8.20 9.55 ↑2.60 4.85 7.70 9.50 ↑2.70 4.80 6.30 8.90