Song Information

Artist: NIKO
Composition/Lyrics: A. Leonardi
Arrangement/Production: Newfield & Sinclaire
Vocals: Maurizio DeJorio
BPM: 162
Length: 1:19
First Music Game Appearance: ParaParaParadise 1st MIX Plus
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


Made of fire, I'm made of fire

Making a big mess in town, my daddy's screaming at me loud
Ye ye, ye yeah
Let me come and go around, my body's really burning out
Ye ye, ye yeah

Falling, free fall, making my life wild
Crazy people, I am the one
Have no limits, no one can stop me
Just don't touch me, 'cause I'm really really
Really hot

I'm made of fire, I'm made of fire
Hey, hey look at me through the barricades
I'm made of fire, I'm made of fire
Feed me, light me, quench me too

I'm made of fire, I'm made of fire
Hey, hey look at me flame in solid state
I'm made of fire, I'm made of fire
Light me, feed me, quench me too!

Song Connections / Remixes



  • Early PARAPARA and EXPERT chart data for MADE OF FIRE can be found in ParaParaDancing. While NORMAL and HARD charts also exist, they are the same as the final version's.
  • Prior to ParaParaParadise 2nd MIX, MADE OF FIRE's BPM was incorrectly displayed as 160.
  • MADE OF FIRE received a new PARAPARA chart in ParaParaParadise 2nd MIX. Curiously, this chart closely resembles the unused PARAPARA chart found in the ParaParaDancing data.
  • MADE OF FIRE's old EXPERT chart was moved to the HARD difficulty in ParaParaParadise 2nd MIX.
    • Despite this, the old HARD chart can still be found in the game's data.

Difficulty & Notecounts

ParaParaParadise difficulty rated from 1 to 7. (1st through 1st MIX Plus notecounts obtained from BakaOrochi's GameFAQs guide.)

Unused Charts

Game ParaPara Freestyle
Normal Hard Expert Another
Notecounts / Hold Notes 176 / 0 194 / 14 280 / 17 350 / 34 - / -
ParaParaDancing (unreleased) 4 4 5 6 -

Original Charts

Game ParaPara Freestyle
Normal Hard Expert Another
Notecounts / Hold Notes 178 / 0 194 / 14 280 / 17 372 / 38 - / -
ParaParaParadise 1st MIX Plus 4 4 5 6 -
ParaParaParadise 2nd MIX 4 4 ※6 - -
ParaParaParadise CS 4 4 5 6 -

※ Denotes chart is different from earlier appearances:

  • ParaParaParadise 2nd MIX PARAPARA chart: total notes: 176 / 0.
  • ParaParaParadise 2nd MIX HARD chart: corresponds to its old EXPERT chart.