Q no tame no sonata


Song Information

Artist: J.S.Mech
Composition/Arrangement: Q-mex
BPM: 108-147
Length: 1:40
Genre: Noble
Movie: shige
First Music Game Appearance: KEYBOARDMANIA 3rdMIX
Other Music Game Appearances: None.



Song Connections / Remixes


  • Qのためのソナタ's artist credit, J.S.Mech, is a portmanteau of "J.S. Bach" and "Q-Mex".
  • In KEYBOARDMANIA Yamaha Edition, Qのためのソナタ's title is changed to Sonata for Q.

Song Production Information

That elegance and pride will let you experience an aristocratic world for a while

Seiya Murai

I want to play medieval Baroque music in KM, represented by Bach!... that was my wish since the start of this project. There's a quiet tone that tends to be buried in the arcade, but I think it resulted in something responsive through repeated trial and error.

Video Production Information


This was the first movie I created this time.
I wonder~ if it feels~ very majestic? I was troubled at first, but once I got the image, it progressed smoothly.
The DV camera that I previously bought was very useful~, as I filmed flowers in a botanical garden, and candles alone in a dark room.

Difficulty & Notecounts

KEYBOARDMANIA difficulty rated from 1 to 6. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from KEYBOARDMANIA Wiki.)

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Light Light+ Real Light+ Real
Notecounts / Hold Notes 242 / ? 242 / ? 489 / ? ? / ? 751 / 28
KEYBOARDMANIA II 2ndMIX & 3rdMIX 6 6 6 6 6
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