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Track 14 utilizes audio from "'The World of Quiet' Pt. 1- "The Host" (binaural) (7 triggers!)" by ''WhisperingRose ASMR''.<br>
Track 14 utilizes audio from "'The World of Quiet' Pt. 1- "The Host" (binaural) (7 triggers!)" by ''WhisperingRose ASMR''.<br>
====Tropes Applicable====
'''Album Filler''': Word of God says that "Where The Wind Goes" and "Starlight Snowstorm" were included simply because the album was too short. "Hey Yo Techno, July 1996" was seen as this when the album was originally available for pre-release listening, which explains why it was removed from the album shortly before release.<br>
*"Untitled [somnolence]" can be seen as this as well.<br>
'''Ambient''': "The Last Day", "The Last Day (Reprise)", "Breathe/Breathe (Reprise)", arguably "The Road To Nowhere" and "Kami In The Sky With Diamonds". Easily the most ambient non-ambient-centric album released by Anony.<br>
'''Auto-Tune''': Or a notable lack thereof, that is.<br>
'''Avant-garde Music''': Notable inspiration found throughout this album, played with in "Beneath The Surface" and "Breathe/Breathe (Reprise)".<br>
'''Bizarre Instrument''': Most of the percussion in "Fun Time Feather" consists of this.<br>
'''Careful with That Axe''': The scream heard before the final chorus in "I Need You (In My Life)". Also found in "September", albeit not as prominent.<br>
'''Cover Version''': "Momentum (Instrumental)" is a cover of a song originally performed by Setu Firestorm.<br>
'''Cut Song''': ''So very many''; in fact, Word of God has confirmed that ''over 200 songs were worked on for the album'' with at least 100 completed.<br>
'''Dark Reprise''': "Breathe (Reprise)".<br>
'''Electronic Music''': Despite the album being an amalgam of many genres, it's still basically this at its core.<br>
'''Epic Rocking''': According to the subtitle, "The Introvert" was originally over ''17 minutes long''.<br>
*"Breathe/Breathe (Reprise)" clocks in at almost 7 minutes. "I Need You (In My Life)" comes in at almost 6.<br>
'''Fading Into The Next Song''': taken to 11; the entire album is gapless.<br>
'''Fake Loud''': "(You Don't Have To) Believe", due to its awkward mixing. Not as bad as other examples of this trope, however.<br>
'''Hell Is That Noise''': Some sounds in "Beneath The Surface", most of "Breathe (Reprise)".<br>
'''Hidden Track''': "September (Rainy Day Reprise)" from the original version of the album, found after 7 tracks of silence following "(You Don't Have To) Believe". The bonus tracks from the Deluxe Edition count as well as they are not listed anywhere on the Bandcamp page.<br>
'''I Am the Band'''<br>
'''Indecipherable Lyrics''': Word of God says that he was worried that this would've been the case with any song with vocals, given how they were mixed into each song. Possibly averted?<br>
'''Last Note Nightmare''': "Breathe/Breathe (Reprise)". "Kami In The Sky With Diamonds" is affected by this, given how the entire album is gapless, making it a bit of a First Note Nightmare.<br>
*"September" also counts, again as an effect of the gapless nature of the album.<br>
'''Leitmotif''': The same sweeping noise sounds found in "Starlight Snowstorm" can be found throughout the album, most notably in "September".<br>
'''Medley''': "No Cure Sessions Medley"<br>
'''Morality Ballad''': "The Road To Nowhere" can arguably be considered this.<br>
'''Music Of The 2010s'''<br>
'''Neoclassical Punk Zydeco Rockabilly''': The album never sticks to one genre, even if it is technically considered to be electronica; ambient, dance, acid, vaporwave, pop punk, drone, new wave, house, noise, goa trance, techno, etc., etc... <br>
'''New Wave''': "I Need You (In My Life)", ''arguably'' "(You Don't Have To) Believe".<br>
'''Painful Rhyme''': Intentionally invoked in "Fun Time Feather". "Got the roleplays, sound snacks, messing with marbles/With a laugh I dare say is ''a-dar-able''" is one of the many to be found.<br>
* "Tight" being rhymed with "inside" in the chorus to "I Need You (In My Life)" is a minor one.<br>
'''Piss Take Rap''': Intentionally invoked in "Fun Time Feather".<br>
'''Protest Song''': "(You Don't Have To) Believe" can be seen as this, but what it's advocating you don't have to believe in is left unclear.<br>
'''Refrain From Assuming''': No, "Breathe/Breathe (Reprise)" are ''not'' covers of the Pink Floyd songs of the same name.<br>
'''Sampling''': With vaporwave on an album, that's bound to be a given.<br>
*Aside from the select handful of samples, including voice samples, this album contains considerably less sampling that previous AnonyWolf albums.<br>
'''Second Verse Cure''': Found in the third verse of "Fun Time Feather". "So who's the one who can make you feel better?/That's right, motherfucker; it's the fun time feather!"<br>
'''Self-Backing Vocalist''': All vocals and harmonies performed by Anony. At least the ones that aren't sampled.<br>
'''Sequel Song''': Word of God says that "Stock (Twisting)" is this to "Handclap" from Alone Road.<br>
'''Silly Love Songs''': "I Need You (In My Life)".<br>
'''Spoken Word''': "The Road To Nowhere".<br>
*Also found in "Beneath The Surface", "Fun Time Feather", and the intro to "September".<br>
'''Surprisingly Gentle Song''': "The Last Day", given the apocalyptic undertones of such a title.<br>
'''Techno''': "Stock (Twisting)" and "Hey Yo Techno, July 1996" (it's even in the name of the latter).<br>
'''Textless Album Cover'''<br>
'''Uncommon Time''': "I Need You (In My Life)" invokes this trope; the song is in 4/4 but the phrasing of the verses and the constantly shifting tempo make it seem as though it's wackier than it is.<br>
*Played straighter with Beneath The Surface which has no discernible time signature.<br>
'''Vaporwave''': Played straight with "Where The Wind Goes" and "A Day For Festivities [WIP]"; Word of God states that the former was originally created and planned for a vaporwave album.<br>
