Waiting For You

This page is for the C-14 song titled Waiting For You. For other songs of the same title, please see Waiting for you (disambiguation).

Waiting For You

Song Information

Waiting For You's jacket.

Artist: C-14
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: Ryan Hall
BPM: 142
Length: 1:38
First Music Game Appearance: DanceDanceRevolution UNIVERSE3
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


If I should take a fall will you be there
Or will you stand and watch a friend go down
There is a place I know where no one sleeps
Cries aloud and makes a sound

I've been waiting for you 
To walk along
I've been waiting for you 
All too long
I've been waiting for you 
To walk along
I've been waiting for you 
All too long

Song Connections / Remixes

  • An extended version of Waiting For You appears on C-14's 2010 album, Day Glo Audio.


  • A text reference to Waiting For You can be found in the DanceDanceRevolution UNIVERSE2 data, suggesting the song was originally meant to appear in that game instead.

Song Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 10 from DDRMAX2 to SuperNOVA2.

Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 77 / 4 143 / 10 236 / 4 343 / 8 - / - / - 137 / 10 234 / 4 356 / 4 - / - / -
DanceDanceRevolution UNIVERSE3 N/A 3 4 7 - 3 5 8 -

Other charts not shown on the above table:

  • DanceDanceRevolution UNIVERSE3 Double BEGINNER chart: Total notes: 73 / 4.