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Revision as of 15:11, 26 October 2020 by GlaringRadiokid (talk | contribs)
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Song Information

FEEL THE EARTH's jacket.

Artist: 古川もとあき
Composition/Arrangement/Guitars/Other Instruments & Programming: Motoaki Furukawa
BPM: 158
Length: 1:34
Movie: ?
First Music Game Appearance: GUITARFREAKS 6thMIX & drummania 5thMIX
Other Music Game Appearances:



Song Connections / Remixes



This song has different backgrounds, banners, jackets, or other related images. For more information, please see this page.
  • FEEL THE EARTH is available in GuitarFreaks V2 & DrumMania V2 through GITADOCHANKO in March 2006.
    • As of June 1st, 2006, FEEL THE EARTH has been automatically unlocked for play in Standard Mode.
  • FEEL THE EARTH received a new set of Guitar charts in GuitarFreaks V2.
  • FEEL THE EARTH has never been on a CS release of GuitarFreaks & DrumMania.
  • FEEL THE EARTH is the 2nd week unlock of GITADORA Matixx's Fresh! SAKURA*Fes!! (フレッシュ! SAKURA*Fes!!) event. It could be unlocked from April 11th, 2018 to May 8th, 2018.
    • From GITADORA EXCHAIN onwards, it can be unlocked in Deluxe Mode as part of the Deluxe kaikin challenge campaign (Deluxe解禁チャレンジキャンペーン).
  • FEEL THE EARTH received a new jacket in GITADORA Matixx.

Song Production Information


Video Production Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

GF/DM difficulty rated from 1 to 99.
GF/DM XG and GITADORA difficulty rated from 0.00 to 9.99. (Ratings obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

GuitarFreaks & DrumMania

Original Series

Old Charts
Game Drum Guitar Bass Open
Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 330 508 683 226 226 226 259 259 - - - -
GF6/dm5 31 55 74 45 60 70 N/A N/A - - - -
GF7/dm6 ↓20 ↓46 ↓62 ↓21 ↓40 ↓46 N/A N/A - - - -
New Charts
Game Drum Guitar Bass Open
Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 330 508 683 226 226 226 259 259 - - - -
GF/DM V2 ↑24 ↓36 ↓50 25 38 47 30 43 - - - -
GF/DM V3→V5 24 36 ↑58 25 38 47 30 43 - - - -
GF/DM V6→V8 24 36 ↑64 25 38 47 30 43 - - - -


Game Drum Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
Notecounts 212 378 554 755 120 179 226 226 114 188 259 259
GITADORA Matixx 2.40 4.00 5.80 7.80 2.30 3.30 5.30 6.50 2.20 4.10 5.20 6.20
GITADORA EXCHAIN ↓1.80 4.00 ↑6.10 ↑7.95 ↓2.00 ↓3.00 ↓4.85 ↓6.30 ↓1.70 ↓3.45 ↓4.80 ↓6.10
GITADORA NEX+AGE→Present ↑1.85 4.00 ↑6.15 7.95 ↑2.05 ↓2.95 4.85 6.30 1.70 ↓3.40 ↑4.85 6.10