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GuitarFreaks & DrumMania
Arcade Releases
GF1st - GF2nd - dm1st - dm2nd - GF3rd
GF4th dm3rd - GF5th dm4th - GF6th dm5th
GF7th dm6th - GF8th dm7th (power-up ver.)
GF9th dm8th - GF10th dm9th - GF11th dm10th
GITADORA - OverDrive - Tri-Boost (Re:EVOLVE)
Console Releases
GF1st - GF2nd APPEND - dm1st - GF3rd dm2nd
PC Release
Mobile Releases
i-αppli (GF - DM) - GITADORA


File:GITADORA OverDrive.png

Release Information

  • Release date:
    • Japan: March 5th, 2014.
    • Asia: May 13th, 2014.

General Information / Changes

  • Features the return of Long Version songs, all of them revivals.
    • Only KONAMI original Long Version songs were revived.
  • Light Play and Standard Play are introduced.
    • Light Play lets you play only 3 songs but you can't play Battle System mode, Long Versions or have access to ENCORE/PREMIUM ENCORE STAGEs. The rival limit is also set to 3 rivals.
    • Standard Play requires PASELI, and lets you play Battle System mode, Long Versions, have access to ENCORE/PREMIUM ENCORE STAGEs, and have up to 5 rivals.
  • Skill System is revised.
  • The Target Tab system was added, which presents a play target depending on the skill of the player.
  • A new unlocking system, Music Factory, was added.
  • Battle System mode has been revived on May 15th, 2014.
  • The system music was composed by Daisuke Kurosawa.
  • First GuitarFreaks & DrumMania game since GuitarFreaks V3 & DrumMania V3 with no brand-new good-cool or TAG songs on the songlist.
  • GITADORA OverDrive has only 13 new songs playable by default, the lowest amount of any game in the entire 16 year history of the franchise since the original, 1999 GUITARFREAKS.

Staff Information

Full Song List

New Songs

Licensed Songs

Default Songs

The following song was added on April 23rd, 2014:

The following song was added on May 14th, 2014:

The following song was added on July 2nd, 2014:

Hidden Song

The following song could be unlocked as part of the Natsu no animerock Fes Himekuri stamp rally (夏のアニメロックFes 日めくりスタンプラリー) event, which started on July 10th, 2014 and ended on August 31st, 2014. To unlock it, you had to get 10 daily stamps.

Since the event ended, it can be unlocked by clicking on the "回レ!雪月花を解禁しよう!" banner on the GITADORA eAMUSEMENT site, and then registering your e-mail address.

Licensed Cover

Default Revived Songs

TAG seitansai (TAG生誕祭)

The following song was added as a default song on March 25th, 2014, as part of the TAG生誕祭 event:

HinaBitter♪ OverDrive! (ひなビタ♪OverDrive!)

The ひなビタ♪OverDrive! event started on August 20th, 2014. You can unlock songs, Battle System characters and titles from ひなビタ♪ by meeting certain prerequisites.

The following songs can be unlocked from August 20th, 2014:

The following songs can be unlocked from September 17th, 2014:

GITADORA Tri-Boost Location test Hidden Song

The following song and The ULTIMATES -Brightness- can be unlocked by playing on Session or Battle modes on the GITADORA Tri-Boost location test.

Music Factory

Music Factory is the main unlocking system of GITADORA OverDrive. Based on what you play, you obtain colored Drive Flares (ドライブフレア) which you use to unlock a certain song. Each unlock has its own color, and you have to use Drive Flares of the same color to unlock that song.

You can get bonus Drive Flares by meeting the current Campaign conditions, which change during the day. Check GITADORA OverDrive's eAMUSEMENT site to see more details about the current Campaigns.

Vol.1 (03/05/2014)

Vol.2 (04/01/2014)

Vol.3 (05/01/2014)

Vol.4 (06/01/2014)

Vol.5 (07/01/2014)

Vol.6 (08/01/2014)

Vol.7 (09/01/2014)

Vol.8 (10/01/2014)

Vol.9 (11/01/2014)

Vol.10 (12/01/2014)

Vol.11 (01/01/2015)

Vol.12 (02/01/2015)

GUMI 5th Anniversary party Presented by BEMANI

The following licensed songs (which involve the VOCALOID GUMI) were added on June 26th, 2014 as default songs to beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA, DanceDanceRevolution (2014), GITADORA OverDrive, jubeat saucer fulfill, pop'n music ラピストリア, REFLEC BEAT groovin'!! and SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection-.

For more information on the event, see its own page.

In addition, the following song was added as a default song to GITADORA OverDrive on the same day:

The following KONAMI original song can be unlocked by clearing 天ノ弱, バンブーソード・ガール, 幻想系世界修復少女, 放課後ストライド, マネマネサイコトロピック and セツナトリップ on any difficulty. It could be unlocked from June 26th, 2014 to July 31st, 2014.

Hakken! Yomigaetta BEMANI iseki (発見!よみがえったBEMANI遺跡)

The Hakken! Yomigaetta BEMANI iseki (発見!よみがえったBEMANI遺跡) event is a collaboration event between beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA, DanceDanceRevolution (2014), GITADORA OverDrive, pop'n music ラピストリア, jubeat saucer fulfill, REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!, SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection-, DanceEvolution ARCADE, ミライダガッキ FutureTomTom Ver.2, and BeatStream. For more information, see its page.

Statue's Awakening (彫像の覚醒) Songs

Pyramid Building (ピラミッド建造) Songs


By playing SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection- during the stated periods, you will raise the infection level and unlock the following songs from the SOUND VOLTEX series:

Part 8 (03/05/2014 - 03/07/2014 / 08/20/2014 - 08/27/2014)

This part was first available in GITADORA.

ULTIMATE FESTIVAL!! Halloween Bingo (ハロウィンビンゴ)

ULTIMATE FESTIVAL!! ハロウィンビンゴ is an event unlock system that started in GITADORA OverDrive on October 16th, 2014. It is similar to the Kore ga Anata he no Chousenjou!! (これがあなたへの挑戦状!!) event from GITADORA, in that you clear challenges to unlock songs. The event ended on November 30th, 2014.

More details to be added later.

Unlocks are listed in order.


ULTIMATE FESTIVAL!! ULTIMATE GATE is an event unlock system that started in GITADORA OverDrive on November 19th, 2014. The event ended on January 4th, 2015.

More details to be added later.

Songs are listed in order of unlock.


New Song

PON no unmei jouka keikaku (PONの運命浄化計画)

The PON no unmei jouka keikaku (PONの運命浄化計画) event started on December 24th, 2014, to commemorate the release of the Power Of Nature album. To unlock the event songs, you must obtain the different attributes of the "powers of nature" (自然の力). By increasing the attributes, you also increase the fate purification probability.

Then, by accessing the event website (which can be found here), you can press the "fate purification challenge" (運命浄化チャレンジ) button. If the purification is successful, you will unlock the song(s).

To unlock the pop'n music crossovers in other BEMANI games, you must obtain the Earth Purification (大地の浄化) power by playing pop'n music ラピストリア.

This event ended on October 26th, 2015, in GITADORA Tri-Boost.



  • ENCORE STAGE: You need to fill the ENCORE gauge to 100% over a playthrough, where for a given song each grade gives you a certain percentage (Long Version songs will give you double percentage):
    • SS = 52.17%, S = 34.78%, A = 30.43%, B = 26.09%, C = 17.39%.

When accessed, an ENCORE STAGE-specific song may be played in addition to any song on the regular songlist.

  • PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE: Obtain 95% of PERFECTs on an ENCORE STAGE-specific song (marked in red on the songlist) without using any Auto modes. When accessed, the PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE (and only the PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE) will be made playable up to the highest difficulty level played on ENCORE STAGE.

Each time you fail to advance to the PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE from ENCORE STAGE, the required PERFECT rate goes down by 1% each time, to a maximum of 5% less.

ENCORE Versions

Current ENCORE Version: 13 (03/11/2015)

ENCORE Version 1 (03/05/2014 - 04/08/2014)

ENCORE Version 2 (04/09/2014 - 05/13/2014)

ENCORE Version 3 (05/14/2014 - 06/10/2014)

ENCORE Version 4 (06/11/2014 - 07/08/2014)

ENCORE Version 5 (07/09/2014 - 08/12/2014)

ENCORE Version 6 (08/13/2014 - 09/09/2014)

ENCORE Version 7 (09/10/2014 - 10/07/2014)

ENCORE Version 8 (10/08/2014 - 11/04/2014)

ENCORE Version 9 (11/05/2014 - 12/09/2014)

ENCORE Version 10 (12/10/2014 - 01/13/2015)

  • 幽明異境 / 96 (Version 10 PREMIUM ENCORE STAGE / Version 11 ENCORE STAGE)

ENCORE Version 11 (01/14/2015 - 02/09/2015)

ENCORE Version 12 (02/10/2015 - 03/10/2015)

ENCORE Version 13 (03/11/2015)

ULTIMATE ENCORE (11/26/2014)

Unlocking ENCORE STAGE songs

Before reaching a designated ENCORE Version, the ENCORE STAGE songs may be unlocked into Standard play by obtaining a specific PERFECT percentage on the song. At certain ENCORE Versions, older ENCORE STAGE songs can be unlocked just by clearing them at the ENCORE STAGE, and they'll remain as ENCORE STAGE-only songs on later ENCORE Versions until you've cleared them.

The percentages are listed below:

ENCORE Version 1


ENCORE Version 2

  • Noli Me Tangere: 98%

ENCORE Version 3

  • Noli Me Tangere: 95%
  • Nature (GITADORA ver.): 98%

ENCORE Version 4

  • SPRING BAZOOKA: Clear the song.
  • Noli Me Tangere: 90%
  • Nature (GITADORA ver.): 95%
  • LEMON & SALT: 98%

ENCORE Version 5

  • Noli Me Tangere: Clear the song
  • Nature (GITADORA ver.): 90%
  • LEMON & SALT: 95%
  • Quarrel and Harmony: 98%

ENCORE Version 6

  • Nature (GITADORA ver.): Clear the song.
  • LEMON & SALT: 90%
  • Quarrel and Harmony: 95%
  • ジュピターガンズノベル: 98%

ENCORE Version 7

  • LEMON & SALT: Clear the song.
  • Quarrel and Harmony: 90%
  • ジュピターガンズノベル: 95%

ENCORE Version 8

  • Quarrel and Harmony: Clear the song.
  • ジュピターガンズノベル: 90%
  • Pray to the Earth: 98%

ENCORE Version 9

  • ジュピターガンズノベル: Clear the song.
  • Pray to the Earth: 95%
  • 童話回廊: 98%

ENCORE Version 10

  • TOXIC VIBRATION: Clear the song.
  • Pray to the Earth: 90%
  • 童話回廊: 95%
  • heliodor: 98%

ENCORE Version 11

  • Pray to the Earth: Clear the song.
  • 童話回廊: 90%
  • heliodor: 95%
  • 幽明異境: 98%

ENCORE Version 12

  • 童話回廊: Clear the song.
  • heliodor: 90%
  • 幽明異境: 95%
  • 九尾狐夜行: 98%

ENCORE Version 13

  • heliodor: Clear the song.
  • 幽明異境: 90%
  • 九尾狐夜行: 95%
  • Silver star: 98%

Classic Series Revived Songs

New Charts

The following song has received new charts since its last appearance in GITADORA:

Song Title Folder Drums Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
ゴーイング マイ ウェイ! GF/DM V5 - - - 7.00 - - - 9.98 - - - 6.60

Difficulty Changes

The following songs have received new ratings since their last appearance in GITADORA:

Song Title Folder Drums Guitar Bass
Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master Basic Advanced Extreme Master
DIAMONDS GF9/dm8 - - - - - - 4.55→5.30 - - - 4.45→5.10 -
月光蝶 GF9/dm8 - - - - - - - - - - 7.20→7.80 -
Vertigo GF/DM V4 - - 6.20→6.30 - - - - - - - - -
TENGU GF/DM V5 - - - - - - 7.95→8.25 - - - - -
Jungle GF/DM V6 - - - - - - 8.10→8.50 - 5.15→5.10 - 8.25→8.35 -
Sonne GF/DM V6 - - - 9.85→9.70 - - - - - - - -
MODEL DD9 GF/DM XG - - - - - - - - - 7.35→8.30 - -
Sky Runner GF/DM XG - - - - - - 5.85→6.70 - - - - -
WILD CREATURES GF/DM XG - - - - - 4.50→4.75 - - - - - -
X-treme Grade GF/DM XG - - - - - - 7.40→7.80 - - - - -
憧れのボディービル!! GF/DM XG - - - - - - 7.60→7.80 - - - 7.70→7.90 -
三毛猫JIVE&ジャイブ GF/DM XG - - - - - 5.40→6.80 - 8.25→8.40 - - - -
Hard distance GF/DM XG3 - - - - - - 7.65→7.95 8.60→8.85 - - - -
MODEL DD10 GF/DM XG3 - - - - - - - - 4.75→5.30 - - -
POWER GF/DM XG3 - - - - - - - - - 4.70→5.60 - -
Predator's Crypto Pt.2 GF/DM XG3 - - - - - 6.75→7.20 - - - - - -
8 -eight- GITADORA - - - - - - 7.60→8.10 - - - - -
All I Want GITADORA - - - - - - - - - - 7.70→7.50 -
Awaken Ver.G GITADORA - - 7.00→7.40 - - - - - - - - -
Beautiful Dream GITADORA - - 7.30→7.40 - - - - - - - - -
Elemental Creation -GITADO ROCK ver.- GITADORA - - 8.10→8.50 - - - - - - - - -
Fat snail GITADORA - - 8.10→8.20 - - - - - - - - -
Fly with me GITADORA - - - - - - 5.90→6.20 - - - - -
GAIA -GITADORA EDITION- GITADORA - - - - - - - - - - 8.10→7.50 -
GIGA BREAK GITADORA - - 8.60→8.20 - - - 9.65→9.45 - - - - -
God knows... GITADORA - - - - - - 7.20→7.80 - - - - -
heron -GITADOROCK ver.- GITADORA - - 6.90→7.15 - - - - - - - - -
HYENA (Live Edit feat. 96) GITADORA - - 8.80→9.00 - - - - - - - - -
Joyeuse GITADORA - - 8.30→8.50 - - - - - - - - -
LOVE & JOY -GITADORA MIX- GITADORA 1.90→2.40 - 8.10→7.10 - - - - - - - - -
memento mori -intro- GITADORA - - - 9.60→9.80 - - - 9.00→9.30 - - - 9.00→9.20
Metallic GITADORA - - - - - - - - - - 6.80→7.10 -
MODEL FT3 GITADORA - - - - - 6.20→6.80 - 8.80→9.25 - - - -
Never Look Back in Sorrow GITADORA - - 7.90→8.30 - - - - - - - - -
nightbird lost wing (GITADORA ver.) GITADORA - - - - - - 7.50→7.30 - - - - -
NOVA ERA GITADORA - - - - 3.10→2.10 - - - - - - -
PATRIOT'S DREAM (美しく花と散れ) GITADORA - - 7.40→7.80 - - - - - - - - -
Red haze GITADORA - - - - - - - 6.95→7.90 - - - 6.85→7.30
S. LAUNCHER GITADORA - - 6.50→6.90 - - - - - - - - -
Sakura Sunrise (GITADORA ver.) GITADORA - - - - - - 7.50→7.00 - - - - -
sola GITADORA ver. GITADORA - - - - - - - - - - 7.20→7.00 -
Spanish Snowy Dance (daybreak ver.) GITADORA - - 8.10→8.30 - - 6.00→6.50 - - - - - -
STULTI GITADORA - - 8.20→8.30 - - - 6.90→7.30 - - - - -
Veneficus Verticis GITADORA - - - - - - 8.30→8.10 - - - - -
ViViD GITADORA - - 6.10→6.20 - - - - - - - 4.60→5.50 -
VOICE GITADORA - - - - - - 6.25→6.50 - - - - -
愛は不死鳥の様に GITADORA - - - - - - - - - - 7.15→7.55 -
アルストロメリア (GITADORA Ver.) GITADORA - - 7.90→7.95 - - - - - - - - -
デッドボヲルdeホームラン GITADORA - - - - - - 7.65→8.20 - - - 6.80→7.00 -
ドリーム・キッス GITADORA - - - - - - 6.20→6.80 - - - - -
フレッフレー♪熱血チアガール GITADORA - - 8.55→9.05 - - - - - - - - -
元禄花吹雪 GITADORA - - - 8.80→9.00 - - 7.15→7.60 7.80→9.00 - - - 8.00→8.80
ぐっばい my crybaby GITADORA - - 6.10→5.80 - - - - - - - - -
ホーンテッド★メイドランチ GITADORA - 4.80→5.10 - - - - - - - - 6.95→7.35 -
いきもの失格 GITADORA - - - - - - 7.00→7.20 - - - 6.60→6.80 -
情操ディストピア GITADORA - - - - - - 5.55→5.90 - - - - -
金輪際のエレジー GITADORA - - - - - - 5.55→5.90 - - - - -
こわれそうなもの GITADORA - - - - - - 5.60→6.20 - - - - -
狂喜宴舞 GITADORA - - 7.15→7.50 - - - 7.75→7.95 - - - - -
叫声 GITADORA - - 7.00→7.20 - 2.30→2.10 - 5.65→5.95 - - - 6.10→6.50 -
めうめうぺったんたん!! GITADORA - - - - - - 6.90→7.20 - - - - -
三毛猫ロックンロール GITADORA - - - - - - 6.45→7.25 - - - - -
猛烈宇宙交響曲・第七楽章「無限の愛」 GITADORA - 4.50→4.90 - - - 3.75→4.30 5.70→6.95 - - - - -
猫侍の逆襲 GITADORA - - 8.80→9.10 - - - 7.70→8.20 - - - - -
ノンフィクションワールド GITADORA - - - - - 4.95→5.40 - - - - - -
雷君 GITADORA - - 7.90→8.10 - - - - - - - - -
戦場のタクトシュトック GITADORA - - - - - - 8.30→7.70 - - - - -
振動デザイア GITADORA - - - - 2.20→2.50 - - - - - - -
魂のルフラン GITADORA - - - - 1.30→1.40 - - - 1.40→2.40 - - -
野球の遊び方 そしてその歴史 ~決定版~ GITADORA - - 7.90→8.10 - - - - - - - - -

Removed Songs

Song Title Artist Game
TOCCATA (Paul Mauriat) GUITARFREAKS 10thMIX & drummania 9thMIX
LAST TRAIN knotlamp GuitarFreaksXG & DrumManiaXG
キミマチスカイ Camvas GuitarFreaksXG & DrumManiaXG
ロレッタ 音速ライン GuitarFreaksXG & DrumManiaXG
CRAZY FOR YOU (Kylee) GuitarFreaksXG3 & DrumManiaXG3
MAX!乙女心 SUPER☆GiRLS GuitarFreaksXG3 & DrumManiaXG3
夏祭り (JITTERIN'JINN) GuitarFreaksXG3 & DrumManiaXG3

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