
This page is for the original 1997 arcade game beatmania. For other games titled beatmania, please see beatmania (disambiguation).

beatmania Arcade Releases
beatmania Series
beatmania - 2nd - 3rd - completeMIX
4th - 5th - completeMIX 2
6th - 7th - THE FINAL
beatmania III Series


Release Information

General Information

  • beatmania is the very first BEMANI game ever released.
  • beatmania has 13 selectable songs, counting the two-player versions of songs.
  • beatmania is one of two games in the series (the other being beatmania 3rdMIX) where EXPERT is accessed via a button command or modifier on the PRESS START screen, instead of by selecting it on a mode selection screen.
  • The song select screen does not display the title of a song, only its genre. The title is only displayed on the splash screen before gameplay.
  • Once the player starts playing, the game gives you an option to enter a PRACTICE STAGE, which lets the player see a short tutorial, and then play jam jam reggae and u gotta groove.
    • If the player skips the PRACTICE STAGE, then they can choose a song each stage from a limited song list:
  • The lowest judgment in this game is named "WORST"; it would later be changed to "POOR" in 2ndMIX, and for the rest of the series.
    • Pressing a key or scratching the turntable at almost any time other than when hitting an active note will cause an empty WORST.
      • This empty WORST/POOR mechanic was later used in 2ndMIX, but modified from 3rdMIX onward to be less strict.
  • Introduces the FREE ZONE mechanic, which allows you to scratch the turntable as much as you want during a FREE ZONE.
    • The four songs that include at least one FREE ZONE are: u gotta groove (1P and 2P charts); 2 gorgeous 4U (1P chart); greed eater (2P chart); e~emotion (2P chart)
    • Only a GOOD or WORST judgment can be obtained from a FREE ZONE.
    • As such, there is no way to obtain 100,000 points on a chart that has at least one FREE ZONE.
    • The FREE ZONE mechanic was modified in 2ndMIX, then scrapped entirely as of 3rdMIX.
  • Introduces the Money Score system, which is comprised of a Stage Score in all modes (out of a theoretical 100,000) and an additional Bonus Score in normal mode (5,730 when a BORDER BONUS is obtained).
    • Due to the aforementioned FREE ZONE mechanic, it is impossible to obtain a Stage Score of 100,000 on a chart that has at least one FREE ZONE.
    • BORDER BONUS: Finish the stage with the minimum amount of gauge required to clear that stage; worth a Bonus Score of 5,730.
  • The stage result screen in normal mode does not show judgement counts or the total number of notes.
    • However, EXPERT mode does show judgement counts in place of Money Score, between each song.
  • Only beatmania game that allows EXPERT mode to be disabled (via a DIP switch setting).
  • Only arcade beatmania game that does not have an Event Mode setting.

Staff Information

Song List

Genre Song Artist BPM SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Stages 1 & 2
HIP-HOP u gotta groove DJ nagureo 94-100 1 1
REGGAE jam jam reggae jam master '73 90 2 2
TECHNO OVERDOSER (romo mix) MIRAK 132 4 -
TECHNO OVERDOSER (ambient mix) MIRAK 134 - 4
Stages 3 & 4
BREAK-BTS 2 gorgeous 4U prophet-31 150 3 -
BREAK-BTS greed eater The Dust Fathers 112 - 3
SOUL LOVE SO GROOVY (12inch version) LOVEMINTS 141 - 4
HOUSE 20,novemver (single mix) DJ nagureo 130 5 -
HOUSE 20,novemver (radio edit) DJ nagureo 130 - 5
Hidden Song
RAVE e~emotion e.o.s 140-145 N/A N/A
Special Stages

Codes & Unlock Information

Play EXPERT Mode

  • To play EXPERT mode, follow the steps below on the title screen while it says to press either START button.
  1. Press and hold 1+2+3+4+5 (all key buttons on the 1P side).
  2. Press START.
    1. More specifically, press 1P START to play the one-player charts with one lifebar, or 2P START to play the two-player charts with two lifebars.

Play Any Song (or Ending)

  • In beatmania through 3rdMIX, there is a hidden feature that allows the player(s) to select any song (or the ending) regardless of stage, via a combination of the test switch and specific key button(s).
    • In beatmania, there are two methods for activating this feature on the song select screen.
      • 1. Simultaneously press the specific key and the test switch at the exact same time.
      • 2. While holding the specific key, press the test switch.
      • If only the test switch is pressed, the song select screen will fade out, then fade back in (with the timer having been reset).
        • This fade-out/fade-in can be utilized to make selection easier: while the song select screen fades out, press and hold the specific key(s) before it fades in, then press the test button again after it fades in.
      • If more than one key (e.g. 1+4) is pressed at the same time, the higher key (4) will take selection priority and the corresponding song will be selected.
  • The specific keys to press for selecting each song (or the ending) are as follows.


If the courses are played with two players, the alternate songs or versions are used instead of the original.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th FINAL
EXPERT Course u gotta groove jam jam reggae OVERDOSER (romo mix) /
OVERDOSER (ambient mix)
2 gorgeous 4U /
greed eater
LOVE SO GROOVY (12inch version)
20,novemver (single mix) /
20,novemver (radio edit)

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