Don't You (Forget About Me)

Don't You (Forget About Me)

Song Information

NuFoundation Cover

Don't You (Forget About Me)'s banner.

Artist: NuFoundation
Composition/Lyrics: Keith Forsey, Steve Schiff
Arrangement: Mikey O'Brien
Production: DJ Silver
Original Artist: Simple Minds
Album: The Breakfast Club Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (1985)
BPM: 148
Length: 1:34
First Music Game Appearance: DanceDanceRevolution HOTTEST PARTY2
Other Music Game Appearances: None.

Wavegroup Cover

Don't You (Forget About Me)'s jacket.

Artist: Wavegroup
Composition/Lyrics: Keith Forsey, Steve Schiff
Arrangement: WaveGroup
Vocals: Andrew Chaikin
Background Vocals: Frank Clary, Scott Dugdale, Mark Lee, Will Littlejohn, Peter Steinbach
Keyboards/Programming: Scott Dugdale
Guitar/Bass: Lyle Workman
Drums: Gregg Bissonette
Original Artist: Simple Minds
Album: The Breakfast Club Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (1985)
BPM: 111
Length: 1:48
First Music Game Appearance: DanceDanceRevolution UNIVERSE3 (unreleased)
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


Hey, hey, hey, hey
Ooh, woah

Won't you come see about me?
I'll be alone, dancing, you know it, baby
Tell me your troubles and doubts
Giving me everything inside and out

Love's strange, surreal in the dark
Think of the tender things that we were working on
Slow change may pull us apart
When the light gets into your heart, baby

Don't you forget about me
Don't, don't, don't, don't
Don't you forget about me

Will you stand above me?
Look my way, never love me
Rain keeps falling
Rain keeps falling down, down, down

Will you recognize me?
Call my name or walk on by
Rain keeps falling
Rain keeps falling down, down, down, down

Hey, hey, hey, hey
Ooh, woah

Song Connections / Remixes

  • DanceDanceRevolution HOTTEST PARTY2 uses a dance cover of Don't You (Forget About Me), while the cover version of the song from Karaoke Revolution Volume 3 was planned to be used in DanceDanceRevolution UNIVERSE3.


  • The DanceDanceRevolution HOTTEST PARTY2 version of Don't You (Forget About Me) is Mikey O'Brien's only cover in DanceDanceRevolution.
  • Complete data of Don't You (Forget About Me) can be found unused within the files of a prototype of DanceDanceRevolution UNIVERSE3 dated August 21st, 2008. Its jacket can still be found unused within the final game's data.

Song Production Information

We took this #1 hit from Simple Minds, gave it a strong dance beat and up'd the tempo to create a modern dance sensation. Strong synth stabs and a powerful kick are the foundation, while sweeping pads and rich vocals give this track an emotional edge.

Difficulty & Notecounts

DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 10 from DDRMAX2 to SuperNOVA2.


Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 90 / 12 122 / 16 209 / 14 261 / 27 - / - / - - / - - / - - / - - / - / -
DanceDanceRevolution HOTTEST PARTY2 / hottest party2 2 4 6 7 - - - - -


Game Single Double
Beginner Basic Difficult Expert Challenge Basic Difficult Expert Challenge
Notecounts / Freeze Arrows / Shock Arrows 59 / 2 95 / 8 165 / 12 286 / 32 - / - / - 95 / 8 165 / 12 296 / 36 - / - / -
DanceDanceRevolution UNIVERSE3 (August 21st, 2008 prototype) N/A 2 5 7 - 2 5 8 -

Other charts not shown on the above table:

  • DanceDanceRevolution UNIVERSE3 (August 21st, 2008 prototype) Double BEGINNER chart: Total notes: 59 / 2.