Wara no naka no shichimenchou

This page is for the pop'n music MICKEY TUNES cover of わらの中の七面鳥. For the DanceDanceRevolution ディズニーダンシングミュージアム cover of the song, please see 藁の中の七面鳥.


Song Information

Composition/Lyrics: American folk song
Arrangement: Yoshinobu Hiraiwa
Vocals: James Grager
BPM: 120
Length: 1:28
pop'n music Genre: TURKEY IN THE STRAW
pop'n music Character: グランマ ダック (GRANDMA DUCK) [MT]
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music MICKEY TUNES
Other Music Game Appearances: None.


As I was a-goin' on down the road
With a tired team and a heavy load
I cracked my whip and the leader sprung
Says "Goodbye" to the wagon tongue

Turkey in the straw, turkey in the hay
Roll 'em and twist 'em up a high tuck a-haw
And hit 'em up a tune called Turkey in the Straw

As I was a-goin' on down the road
With a tired team and a heavy load
I cracked my whip and the leader sprung
Says "Goodbye" to the wagon tongue

Turkey in the straw, turkey in the hay
Roll 'em and twist 'em up a high tuck a-haw
And hit 'em up a tune called Turkey in the Straw

(Here it comes, it going faster and faster)

Song Connections / Remixes


  • In pop'n music DISNEY TUNES, if you choose わらの中の七面鳥, your player character will be ドナルドダック (DONALD DUCK).
  • In pop'n music GB DISNEY TUNES, わらの中の七面鳥 runs at 121 BPM.

Music Comment

The animal band presents fun and cheerful country music!

Song Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music MICKEY TUNES difficulty rated from 1 to 8, in 0.5 increments.

Game Normal Magical
5-Buttons 9-Buttons 5-Buttons 9-Buttons
Notecounts / Keep-kun 177 / 0 177 / 0 70 / 0 80 / 0
pop'n music MICKEY TUNES→MICKEY TUNES! 2 4 - -
pop'n music DISNEY TUNES 2 4 0.5 1
pop'n music GB DISNEY TUNES ※4 - ※4 -

※ Denotes chart has been revised from the corresponding charts:

  • pop'n music GB DISNEY TUNES' 5-Buttons NORMAL chart: total notes: 191 / 3.
  • pop'n music GB DISNEY TUNES' 5-Buttons MAGICAL chart: total notes: 155 / 3.