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Want to know which is the shortest song in a BEMANI game? Which one has the most notes? Which artist has the most contributions? These pages detail that information, and more!

= BEMANI Records =
Please note that these pages only include records for the BEMANI games covered by RemyWiki. Do note that some pages are incomplete, feel free to add the missing information.

== beatmania IIDX Series ==
== Active BEMANI Series ==
=== Game Records ===
* [[BEMANI Records/beatmania IIDX|beatmania IIDX]]
* Most songs removed in one game: ?
* [[BEMANI Records/pop'n music|pop'n music]]
* Most songs revived in one game: ?
* [[BEMANI Records/DanceDanceRevolution|DanceDanceRevolution]]
* [[BEMANI Records/jubeat|jubeat]]
* [[BEMANI Records/NOSTALGIA|ノスタルジア]]
* [[BEMANI Records/Polaris Chord|ポラリスコード]]

=== Song Records ===
== Inactive BEMANI Series ==
* Songs with the most appearances in beatmania IIDX CS releases: [[V]] (10 appearances)
* [[BEMANI Records/beatmania|beatmania]]
* Longest song: [[Scripted Connection|Scripted Connection⇒ long mix]] (5:37)
* [[BEMANI Records/pop'n stage|pop'n stage]]
* Shortest song: ?
* Fastest BPM: [[Y&Co. is dead or alive]] (876 BPM)
* [[BEMANI Records/Dance Maniax|Dance Maniax]]
* Fastest constant BPM: [[StrayedCatz]] (303 BPM)
* [[BEMANI Records/ParaParaParadise|ParaParaParadise]]
* Slowest BPM: [[Sakura|]] (13 BPM)
* Slowest constant BPM: [[Be in my paradise]] (63 BPM)
* [[BEMANI Records/Toy'sMarch|Toy'sMarch]]
* [[BEMANI Records/DANCE 86.4|DANCE 86.4]]
* [[BEMANI Records/DanceEvolution|DanceEvolution]]
* [[BEMANI Records/BeatStream|BeatStream]]

=== Chart Records ===
{{BEMANI Records}}
* Highest notecount overall: [[Scripted Connection|Scripted Connection⇒ long mix]] Single HYPER (4459 notes)
* Highest notecount by difficulty:
** NORMAL: ?
** HYPER: [[Scripted Connection|Scripted Connection⇒ long mix]] Single (4459 notes)
** 黒ANOTHER: [[MENDES]] Single (2626 notes)
=== Other Records ===
* Artist who has appeared in the most IIDX games: [[Takayuki Ishikawa]], with songs in all 24 numbered IIDX styles so far.
* Most songs by one artist in a single beatmania IIDX game: [[Toshiyuki Kakuta]] and [[Naoyuki Sato]], with 9 songs each in [[AC PENDUAL|PENDUAL]].
== beatmania 5-key Series ==
=== Game Records ===
* Most songs removed in one game: ?
* Most songs revived in one game: ?
=== Song Records ===
* Longest song: [[BEMANI HIT TRACKS]] (3:00)
* Shortest song: [[PRACTICE STAGE]] (0:51)
* Fastest BPM: ?
* Fastest constant BPM: ?
* Slowest BPM: ?
* Slowest constant BPM: ?
=== Chart Records ===
* Highest notecount overall: [[IMPLANTATION]] Double ANOTHER (1065)
* Highest notecount by difficulty:
** NORMAL: ?
** HARD: [[A! Kotori ni nacchatta!|あ! ことりになっちゃった!]] Double (1024)
** ANOTHER: [[IMPLANTATION]] Double (1065)
=== Other Records ===
To be updated.
== pop'n music Series ==
=== Game Records ===
* Most songs removed in one game: ?
* Most songs revived in one game: ?
=== Song Records ===
* Song with the most consecutive arcade appearances: [[Shock of Love]]
* Longest song: [[Saint Seiji no uta|セイント★セイジのうた]] (2:57)
* Shortest song: [[e-motion]] (1:09)
* Fastest BPM: ?
* Fastest constant BPM: [[GALAXY FOREST 11.6&12]] (379 BPM)
* Slowest BPM: ?
* Slowest constant BPM: ?
=== Chart Records ===
* Highest notecount overall: [[Seishuning|セイシュンing]] (LONG) EX (2356)
* Highest notecount by difficulty:
** EASY: ?
** NORMAL: ?
** HYPER: ?
** EX: [[Seishuning|セイシュンing]] (LONG) (2356)
=== Other Records ===
To be updated.
== GuitarFreaks & DrumMania Series ==
=== Game Records ===
* Most songs removed in one game: ?
* Most songs revived in one game: ?
=== Song Records ===
* Longest song: ?
* Shortest song: [[Thank You For Playing]] (0:05)
* Fastest BPM: ?
* Fastest constant BPM: [[Funky sonic World]] (400 BPM)
* Slowest BPM: [[CLASSIC PARTY triathlon]] (36 BPM)
* Slowest constant BPM: [[EVIL EYE]] (58 BPM)
=== Chart Records ===
==== GuitarFreaks ====
* Highest notecount overall: ?
* Highest notecount by difficulty (Classic Series):
** BASIC: ?
* Highest notecount by difficulty (XG & GITADORA Series):
** BASIC: ?
** MASTER: ?
==== DrumMania ====
* Highest notecount overall: ?
* Highest notecount by difficulty (Classic Series):
** BASIC: ?
* Highest notecount by difficulty (XG & GITADORA Series):
** BASIC: ?
** MASTER: ?
=== Other Records ===
To be updated.
== DanceDanceRevolution Series ==
=== Game Records ===
* Most songs removed in one game: ?
* Most songs revived in one game: ?
=== Song Records ===
* Longest song: ?
* Shortest song: ?
* Fastest BPM: [[Tohoku EVOLVED]] (1020 BPM)
* Fastest constant BPM: ?
* Slowest BPM: ?
* Slowest constant BPM: [[I'll Make Love To You]] (50 BPM)
* Most BPM changes in a single song: [[deltaMAX|ΔMAX]] (473 changes)
=== Chart Records ===
* Highest notecount overall: ?
* Highest notecount by difficulty:
** BASIC: ?
** EXPERT: ?
=== Other Records ===
To be updated.
== jubeat Series ==
=== Game Records ===
* Most songs removed in one game: ?
* Most songs revived in one game: ?
=== Song Records ===
* Longest song: ?
* Shortest song: ?
* Fastest BPM: [[eyes]], [[Hakuchou no mizuumi|白鳥の湖]] (300 BPM)
* Fastest constant BPM: [[eyes]] (300 BPM)
* Slowest BPM: [[Ganbare Goemon 2 kiteretsu shougun McGuinness medley|がんばれゴエモン2 奇天烈将軍マッギネス メドレー]] (20 BPM)
* Slowest constant BPM: [[Everything]] (66 BPM)
=== Chart Records ===
See [[jubeat Trivia]].
=== Other Records ===
To be updated.
== REFLEC BEAT Series ==
=== Game Records ===
* Most songs added in one game: [[REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!]] (138 songs)
* Most songs removed in one game: [[REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA]] (59 songs)
* Most songs revived in one game: ?
=== Song Records ===
* Longest song: [[Help me, ERINNNNNN!! -VENUS mix-]] (2:43)
* Shortest song: ?
* Fastest BPM: [[deltaMAX|ΔMAX]] (573 BPM)
* Fastest constant BPM: [[Funky sonic World]] (400 BPM)
* Slowest BPM: [[Sakura|桜]] (13 BPM)
* Slowest constant BPM: [[Believe (Che'Nelle)|Believe]] (72 BPM)
=== Chart Records ===
* Highest notecount overall: [[V2|V₂]] SPECIAL (1100 notes)
* Highest notecount by difficulty:
** BASIC: [[quaver|quaver♪]] (370 notes)
** MEDIUM: [[Rebellio]] (689 notes)
** HARD: [[Rebellio]] (1073 notes)
** SPECIAL: [[V2|V₂]] (1100 notes)
=== Other Records ===
To be updated.
== DanceEvolution Series ==
=== Song Records ===
* Longest song: ?
* Shortest song: ?
* Fastest BPM: ?
* Fastest constant BPM: ?
* Slowest BPM: ?
* Slowest constant BPM: ?
=== Chart Records ===
* Highest notecount overall: ?
* Highest notecount by difficulty:
** LIGHT: ?
** MASTER: ?
=== Other Records ===
To be updated.
== SOUND VOLTEX Series ==
=== Game Records ===
* First song to be removed: [[Cyber thunder cider|サイバーサンダーサイダー]] in [[SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS]]
=== Song Records ===
* Longest song: [[Help me, ERINNNNNN!! -VENUS mix-]] (2:43)
* Shortest song: [[Arcadia]] (1:24)
* Fastest BPM: [[gigadelic(m3rkAb4h R3m!x)|gigadelic(m3rkAb4# R3m!x)]] (916 BPM)
* Fastest constant BPM: [[SamuraiAnnihilate!!|侍Annihilate!!]] (500 BPM)
* Slowest BPM: [[Black Emperor]], [[KAC 2013 ULTIMATE MEDLEY -HISTORIA SOUND VOLTEX- Emperor Side]] (30 BPM)
* Slowest constant BPM: [[Haruiro portrait|春色ポートレート]] (80 BPM)
=== Chart Records ===
* Highest notecount overall: [[Mei Rockin' SWING REMIX|冥 Rockin' SWING REMIX]] INFINITE (3333)
* Highest notecount by difficulty:
** NOVICE: [[Lachryma(Re:Queen'M)|Lachryma《Re:Queen’M》]] (1348)
** EXHAUST: [[HAVOX]] (2808)
** INFINITE: [[Mei Rockin' SWING REMIX|冥 Rockin' SWING REMIX]] (3333)
** GRAVITY: [[Saishuu kichiku imouto Flandre-S|最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S]] (3019)
=== Other Records ===
Most songs by one artist in a single SOUND VOLTEX game: [[Hommarju]], with 10 songs in [[SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection-]].
== BeatStream Series ==
=== Game Records ===
* Most songs removed in one game: [[BeatStream]] (9 songs)
* Most songs revived in one game: [[BeatStream AnimTribe|BeatStream アニムトライヴ]] (4 songs)
=== Song Records ===
* Longest song: ?
* Shortest song: ?
* Fastest BPM: [[Ttewi! ~eientewi Ver~|ってゐ! ~えいえんてゐVer~]] (340 BPM)
* Fastest constant BPM: [[Kurokami midareshi shura to narite ~Rin edition~|黒髪乱れし修羅となりて~凛 edition~]] (300 BPM)
* Slowest BPM: [[Sousei no Aquarion|創聖のアクエリオン]] (66 BPM)
* Slowest constant BPM: [[Ayakashi kakushi|妖隠し -あやかしかくし-]] (85 BPM)
=== Chart Records ===
* Highest notecount overall: [[CHERNOBOG]] NIGHTMARE (1132)
* Highest notecount by difficulty:
** LIGHT: ?
** MEDIUM: ?
** BEAST: [[Koiuta shippuu! Carta queen Iroha|恋歌疾風!かるたクイーンいろは]] (870)
=== Other Records ===
To be updated.
== MÚSECA Series ==
=== Game Records ===
To be updated.
=== Song Records ===
* Longest song: ?
* Shortest song: ?
* Fastest BPM: [[JOMANDA]] (300 BPM)
* Fastest constant BPM: [[kyokugen da!!]] (239 BPM)
* Slowest BPM: [[Hana Kagerou|華陽炎-Hana Kagerou-]] (85 BPM)
* Slowest constant BPM: [[Kogare uta|焦がれ唄]] (100 BPM)
=== Chart Records ===
* Highest notecount overall: [[Redshift]] Red (1205)
* Highest notecount by difficulty:
** Green: ?
** Orange: ?
** Red: [[Redshift]] (1205)
=== Other Records ===
To be updated.

