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== Song Information ==
== Song Information ==
=== DanceDanceRevolution Version ===
=== DanceDanceRevolution KIDS Version ===
Composition: Tetsuro Oda<br>
Lyrics: Momoko Sakura<br>
Original Artist: B.B.クイーンズ<br>
Album: おどるポンポコリン (1990)<br>
BPM: 142<br>
Length: 1:26<br>
First Music Game Appearance: [[AC DDR KIDS|DanceDanceRevolution KIDS]]<br>
Other Music Game Appearances: None.
=== Diet Channel Version ===
[[Image:Odoru Pompokolin DietChannel.png|thumb|おどるポンポコリン's ダイエットチャンネル jacket.]]
[[Image:Odoru Pompokolin DietChannel.png|thumb|おどるポンポコリン's ダイエットチャンネル jacket.]]
[[Image:Odoru Pompokolin banner.png|thumb|256px|おどるポンポコリン's DDR FESTIVAL banner.]]
[[Image:Odoru Pompokolin banner.png|thumb|256px|おどるポンポコリン's DDR FESTIVAL banner.]]
Line 11: Line 21:
Lyrics: Momoko Sakura<br>
Lyrics: Momoko Sakura<br>
Original Artist: B.B.クイーンズ<br>
Original Artist: B.B.クイーンズ<br>
Album: おどるポンポコリン (1990)<br>
BPM: 105-140 (ダイエットチャンネル), 140 (DanceDanceRevolution)<br>
BPM: 105-140 (ダイエットチャンネル), 140 (DanceDanceRevolution)<br>
Length: 3:09 (ダイエットチャンネル), 1:30 (DanceDanceRevolution)<br>
Length: 3:09 (ダイエットチャンネル), 1:30 (DanceDanceRevolution)<br>
First Music Game Appearance: [[CS DDR Diet Channel|ダイエットチャンネル]]<br>
First Music Game Appearance: [[CS DDR Diet Channel|ダイエットチャンネル]]<br>
Other Music Game Appearances:
Other Music Game Appearances:
* [[CS DDR FESTIVAL|DDR FESTIVAL -DanceDanceRevolution-]]
* [[CS DDR FESTIVAL|DDR FESTIVAL -DanceDanceRevolution-]]

=== pop'n music Version ===
=== DANCE 86.4 Version ===
[[Image:14 POMPOKOLIN.png|thumb|246px|おどるポンポコリン's pop'n music banner.]]
[[Image:14 POMPOKOLIN.png|thumb|246px|おどるポンポコリン's pop'n music banner.]]
[[Image:Odoru Pompokolin.png|thumb|おどるポンポコリン's DanceDanceRevolution jacket.]]
[[Image:Odoru Pompokolin FTT.png|thumb|おどるポンポコリン's DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX / DanceEvolution ARCADE / jubeat (2021) jacket.]]
Artist: ♪♪♪♪♪<br>
Artist: ♪♪♪♪♪<br>
Composition: Tetsuro Oda<br>
Composition: Tetsuro Oda<br>
Lyrics: Momoko Sakura<br>
Lyrics: Momoko Sakura<br>
Original Artist: B.B.クイーンズ<br>
Original Artist: B.B.クイーンズ<br>
BPM: 139<br>
Album: おどるポンポコリン (1990)<br>
BPM: 139 (DanceEvolution ARCADE, jubeat (2021), pop'n music, ミライダガッキ FutureTomTom), 98-139 (DanceDanceRevolution MUSIC FIT), 107-140 (うたっち), 140 (DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX)<br>
Length: 1:28<br>
Length: 1:28<br>
pop'n music Genre: POMPOKOLIN (ポンポコリン)<br>
pop'n music Genre: POMPOKOLIN (ポンポコリン)<br>
pop'n music Character: [[Nyami]] [TV-POMPOKOLIN]<br>
pop'n music Character: [[Nyami]] [TV&ANIME-POMPOKOLIN]<br>
うたっち Character: PIERRE&JILL [16-1P]<br>
うたっち Character: PIERRE&JILL [16-1P]<br>
pop'n CG design: [[eimy]]<br>
pop'n CG designer: [[eimy]]<br>
First Music Game Appearance: [[AC pnm 14|pop'n music 14 FEVER!]]<br>
First Music Game Appearance: [[AC DANCE 86.4|DANCE 86.4 FUNKY RADIO STATION]]<br>
Other Music Game Appearances:
Other Music Game Appearances:
* [[CS DDR MUSIC FIT|DanceDanceRevolution MUSIC FIT]]
* [[CS DDR MUSIC FIT|DanceDanceRevolution MUSIC FIT]]
* [[AC DanEvo|DanceEvolution ARCADE]]
* [[AC DanEvo|DanceEvolution ARCADE]]
* [[CS jb 2021|jubeat (2021)]]
* ミライダガッキ FutureTomTom
* ミライダガッキ FutureTomTom
* [[CS pnm Wii|ポップンミュージック]]
* [[AC pnm 14|pop'n music 14 FEVER!]]
* [[CS pnm Utacchi|うたっち]]
* [[CS pnm Utacchi|うたっち]]
=== Sequenced Version ===
Composition: Tetsuro Oda<br>
Original Artist: B.B.クイーンズ<br>
Album: おどるポンポコリン (1990)<br>
BPM: 143<br>
Length: 1:23<br>
First Music Game Appearance: [[CS DDR My First JP|My First DanceDanceRevolution (Japan)]]<br>
Other Music Game Appearances: None.

== Lyrics ==
== Lyrics ==
The lines marked with an asterisk (*) are only present on the DDR FESTIVAL cut of おどるポンポコリン, while the lines with are only present on the pop'n music cut of the song.
The lines marked with are used by all versions of おどるポンポコリン. Those with ⁑ are used by the DanceDanceRevolution KIDS/DANCE 86.4 cut, while those with are used by the DDR FESTIVAL cut.
=== Japanese ===
<pre>※ なんでもかんでも みんな
  おなべの中から ボワっと
  インチキおじさん 登場
  いつだって わすれない
  エジソンは えらい人
  そんなの常識 タッタタラリラ
  ピーヒャラピーヒャラ パッパパラパ
  ピーヒャラピーヒャラ パッパパラパ
  ピーヒャラピーヒャラ おへそがちらり
  ピーヒャラピーヒャラ パッパパラパ
  ピーヒャラピーヒャラ おどるポンポコリン
  ピーヒャラ ピー お腹がへったよ
⁂ あの子も この子も みんな
  お笑い芸人 登場
  いつだって 迷わない
  キヨスクは 駅の中
そんなの 有名 タッタタラリラ
ピーヒャラピーヒャラ パッパパラパ
ピーヒャラピーヒャラ パッパパラパ
ピーヒャラ ピーヒャラ ニンジンいらない
ピーヒャラピーヒャラ パッパパラパ
ピーヒャラピーヒャラ おどるポンポコリン
ピーヒャラ ピー ブタのプータロウー

=== Japanese ===
<pre>なんでもかんでも みんな
おなべの中から ボワっと
インチキおじさん 登場
いつだって わすれない
いつだって わすれない
エジソンは えらい人
エジソンは えらい人
Line 59: Line 107:
ピーヒャラ ピー お腹がへったよ
ピーヒャラ ピー お腹がへったよ

ピーヒャラピーヒャラ パッパパラパ
ピーヒャラピーヒャラ パッパパラパ
   ピーヒャラピーヒャラ おどるポンポコリン
   ピーヒャラピーヒャラ おどるポンポコリン
   ピーヒャラ ピー お腹がへったよ
   ピーヒャラ ピー お腹がへったよ</pre>
=== Romaji ===
<pre>※ nan demo kan demo minna
  odori wo odotte iru yo
  onabe no naka kara
  inchiki oji-san toujou
  itsu datte wasurenai
  EDISON wa erai hito
  sonna no joushiki ta-ta ta-ra-ri-ra
  piihyara piihyara pa-pa-pa-ra-pa
  piihyara piihyara pa-pa-pa-ra-pa
  piihyara piihyara wo heso ga chirari
  ta-ta ta-ra-ri-ra
  piihyara piihyara pa-pa-pa-ra-pa
  piihyara piihyara odoru ponpokorin
  piihyara pii onaka ga hetta yo
⁂ ano ko mo kono ko mo minna
  isoide aruite iru yo
  den shinba shira no kage kara
  owarai geinin toujou
  itsu datte mayowanai
  kiyosuku wa eki no naka
sonna no yuumei ta-ta ta-ra-ri-ra

* あの子も この子も みんな
piihyara piihyara pa-pa-pa-ra-pa
piihyara piihyara pa-pa-pa-ra-pa
piihyara piihyara ninjin iranai
  お笑い芸人 登場
ta-ta ta-ra-ri-ra
  いつだって 迷わない
piihyara piihyara pa-pa-pa-ra-pa
  キヨスクは 駅の中
piihyara piihyara odoru ponpokorin
piihyara pii buta no puutarou

=== Romaji ===
<pre>nan demo kan demo minna
odori wo odotte iru yo
onabe no naka kara
inchiki oji-san toujou
itsu datte wasurenai
itsu datte wasurenai
EDISON wa erai hito
EDISON wa erai hito
Line 88: Line 156:
piihyara pii onaka ga hetta yo
piihyara pii onaka ga hetta yo

piihyara piihyara pa-pa-pa-ra-pa
piihyara piihyara pa-pa-pa-ra-pa
   piihyara piihyara odoru ponpokorin
   piihyara piihyara odoru ponpokorin
   piihyara pii onaka ga hetta yo
   piihyara pii onaka ga hetta yo</pre>
* ano komo konokomo minna
  isoide aruite iru yo
  den shinba shira no kage kara
  owarai geinin toujou
  itsu datte mayowanai
  kiyosuku wa eki no naka

== Song Connections / Remixes ==
== Song Connections / Remixes ==
* An English remix and cover of the original [[Odoru Pompokolin (CAPTAIN JACK)|おどるポンポコリン]] by CAPTAIN JACK, can be found in [[AC DDR 5th|DanceDanceRevolution 5thMIX]].
* Different covers of おどるポンポコリン are used in DanceDanceRevolution KIDS, ダイエットチャンネル, and DANCE 86.4 FUNKY RADIO STATION.
* DDR FESTIVAL -DanceDanceRevolution- uses a shorter version of the ダイエットチャンネル cover.
** DDR FESTIVAL -DanceDanceRevolution- uses a shorter version of the ダイエットチャンネル cover.
** A remixed English Eurodance cover of [[Odoru Pompokolin (CAPTAIN JACK)|おどるポンポコリン]] by CAPTAIN JACK, appears in [[AC DDR 5th|DanceDanceRevolution 5thMIX]].
** A sequenced arrangement of おどるポンポコリン is used in My First DanceDanceRevolution.
** A different sequenced re-arrangement of おどるポンポコリン appears in ''マリンバ天国''.

== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
* おどるポンポコリン is the first ending theme of the ''Chibi Maruko-chan'' (ちびまる子ちゃん) anime.
* おどるポンポコリン is the first ending theme of the ''Chibi Maruko-chan'' (ちびまる子ちゃん) anime.
* In ダイエットチャンネル, おどるポンポコリン is uncredited.
* In うたっち, おどるポンポコリン's title is shown as '''踊るポンポコリン'''.
* In うたっち, おどるポンポコリン's title is shown as '''踊るポンポコリン'''.
* The actual BPM of the DANCE 86.4 cover of おどるポンポコリン is 139.4.
* In DanceDanceRevolution MUSIC FIT, おどるポンポコリン uses the ''Foot Missile'' gimmick.
* おどるポンポコリン was added to DanceEvolution ARCADE on June 5th, 2013.
* おどるポンポコリン was added to DanceEvolution ARCADE on June 5th, 2013.
** It was removed on June 3rd, 2016.
** It was removed on June 3rd, 2016.
* おどるポンポコリン received an EXTREME chart in jubeat (2021) on June 15th, 2021.
* おどるポンポコリン was added to [[CS DDR GRAND PRIX|DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX]] on July 1st, 2022.

== Music Comment ==
== Music Comment ==
=== DANCE 86.4 ===
Everyone, young and old, cheerfully ta-ta ta-ra-ri-ra!
=== pop'n music ===
That very popular song has appeared. Let's play Pompokolinpoko.

== Song Production Information ==
== Song Production Information ==
=== [[Osamu Migitera|Des-ROW]] ===
When you carefully listen to Pompokolin again, it's hot, after all!<br>
It's too hot, the hot bassline is hot after all, uhehe.<br>
This makes it quite fun and great to play in the game, hehe.

== Character Information ==
== Character Information ==
=== eimy ===
The long-awaited Pompokolin has finally arrived! I'm happy.<br>
This was the only song I could sing when I went to karaoke for the first time when I was younger. I used to live in the countryside, so I clearly remember that day when I first went to karaoke. I also clearly remember the taste of the grilled rice balls I ate when I first went there that day. I said too much.
I suddenly~ and energetically~ wondered if I could draw the animations like that, and just before pop'n 14 was completed, I finally understood the meaning of this song's title and lyrics.<br>
Pompokolin = stomach, right? That sound is from a stomach, right?<br>
I didn't create the heartwarming scene in the WIN animation from a misunderstanding, so please definitely don't laugh at it!
== Choreography Information ==
=== Kaoruko ===
Since this song was a big hit in the past, I fully used the choreography from back then, and arranged the three calico girls for one dancer.<br>
I added a lot of hand playing movements, such as a three-way rock-paper-scissors.
Anyone can dance to it, from young children to the elderly, and look unique... if someone sees you dance to it in the game, your dance will be applauded.<br>
Please make more friends with this game!
== Staff Comments ==
=== [[Kiyoshi Murai|Seiya Murai]] ===
The first boom was around 16~17 years ago.<br>
I was staying in the United States back then, and I was told that this song "is currently trending in Japan". It's nostalgic....
=== [[Chihiro Inoue|Chihi]] ===
I remember jumping rope to this song back then... come to think of it, it's been quite a long time since I first listened to it~<br>
It definitely happened when I was staying in the United States... (I just wanted to say this!)
=== Kobaken ===
Even if your belly button shows while you're energetically playing it, that's common sense, so please "ta-ra-ri-ra" to it.
=== [[Tomosuke Funaki|TOMOSUKE]] ===
When this song first trended, I secretly listened to my father singing it in the bathroom (and he mistook the lyrics as Pompolin), so somehow, this song makes me feel embarrassed. Sorry dad.
=== [[Masaru Nakamura|masaru]] ===
FEVER! &rarr; dance &rarr; dancing &rarr; odoru! That's how we decided on Pompokolin. Really?

== Difficulty & Notecounts ==
== Difficulty & Notecounts ==
DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 10 from DDRMAX2 to SuperNOVA2.<br>
Songs in DANCE 86.4 FUNKY RADIO STATION are labeled as Hajimete (はじめて) for the easiest difficulty, no difficulty label for the medium difficulty, and Muzukashii (むずかしい) for the hardest difficulty.<br>
DanceDanceRevolution difficulty rated from 1 to 10 from DDRMAX2 to SuperNOVA2 and in HOTTEST PARTY/2/3, and 1 to 20 from X onwards.<br>
DanceDanceRevolution KIDS difficulty rated from 1 to 4.<br>
As My First DanceDanceRevolution does not use difficulty ratings, the notecounts for the 2STEP, 3STEP, and 4STEP modes will be placed in the BASIC, DIFFICULT, and EXPERT difficulties, respectively.<br>
DanceEvolution difficulty rated from 1 to 5.<br>
DanceEvolution difficulty rated from 1 to 5.<br>
jubeat difficulty rated from 1 to 10.9 from festo onwards.<br>
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia.<br>
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia.<br>
エアロビクスレボリューション and ダイエットチャンネル difficulty rated from 1 to 8.<br>
うたっち difficulty rated from 1 to 5 stars. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from [http://popnfever.s21.xrea.com/ Pop'n Music Fever] and [http://bemaniwiki.com BEMANIWiki 2nd].)
うたっち difficulty rated from 1 to 5 stars. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from [http://popnfever.s21.xrea.com/ Pop'n Music Fever] and [http://bemaniwiki.com BEMANIWiki 2nd].)
=== DANCE 86.4 ===
{{Yaroyo Chart Header|
{{Yaroyo Chart Notecounts|60 / 0|86 / 0|110 / 0|85 / 0|85 / 0}}
{{Yaroyo Chart|diff=1}}

=== DanceDanceRevolution ===
=== DanceDanceRevolution ===
==== DanceDanceRevolution KIDS Charts ====
{{DDR Chart Header|
{{DDR Chart Notecounts|- / -|66 / 0|- / -|- / -|- / - / -|- / -|- / -|- / -|- / - / -}}
{{DDR Chart|DanceDanceRevolution KIDS|-|2|-|-|-|-|-|-|-}}
==== ダイエットチャンネル Charts ====
{{DDR Chart Header|
{{DDR Chart Notecounts|- / -|230 / 0|419 / 0|540 / 0|- / - / -|- / -|- / -|- / -|- / - / -}}
{{DDR Chart|ダイエットチャンネル|-|2|4|8|-|-|-|-|-}}
==== DDR FESTIVAL Charts ====
==== DDR FESTIVAL Charts ====
{{DDR Chart Header|
{{DDR Chart Header|
{{DDR Chart Notecounts|84 / 7|89 / 0|186 / 0|233 / 0|- / - / -|154 / 2|186 / 2|249 / 6|- / - / -}}
{{DDR Chart Notecounts|84 / 7|89 / 0|186 / 0|233 / 0|- / - / -|154 / 2|186 / 2|249 / 6|- / - / -}}
{{DDR Chart| DDR FESTIVAL|1|2|5|6|-|4|6|7|-}}
{{DDR Chart|DDR FESTIVAL|1|2|5|6|-|4|6|7|-}}
==== My First Charts ====
{{DDR Chart Header|
{{DDR Chart Notecounts|- / -|52 / 0|118 / 0|127 / 0|- / - / -|- / -|- / -|- / -|- / - / -}}
{{DDR Chart|My First DanceDanceRevolution (Japan)|-|2|4|6|-|-|-|-|-}}

Line 140: Line 274:

==== ダイエットチャンネル Charts ====
==== GRAND PRIX Charts ====
{{DDR Chart Header|
{{DDR Chart Header|
{{DDR Chart Notecounts|- / -|230 / 0|419 / 0|540 / 0|- / - / -|- / -|- / -|- / -|- / - / -}}
{{DDR Chart Notecounts|44 / 3|66 / 4|158 / 4|201 / 24|233 / 50 / 0|67 / 4|158 / 4|201 / 24|233 / 49 / 0}}
{{DDR Chart|ダイエットチャンネル|-|2|4|8|-|-|-|-|-}}
{{DDR Chart|DanceDanceRevolution GRAND PRIX|1|3|7|9|11|3|7|9|11}}

Line 152: Line 286:
{{DanEvo Chart Notecounts|64|85|118|149}}
{{DanEvo Chart Notecounts|64|85|118|149}}
{{DanEvo Chart|DanceEvolution ARCADE|1}}
{{DanEvo Chart|DanceEvolution ARCADE|1}}
=== jubeat ===
{{jubeat Chart Header|
{{jubeat Chart Notecounts|164|275|358}}
{{jubeat Chart|jubeat (2021)|2|4|6}}

=== pop'n music ===
=== pop'n music ===
==== Regular Charts ====
{{pnm Chart Header|5b=a|
{{pnm Chart Header|5b=a|
{{pnm Chart Notecounts|218|247|348|527|157|246}}
{{pnm Chart Notecounts|218|247|348|527|157|246}}
{{pnm Chart|pop'n music 14 FEVER!&rarr;19 TUNE STREET|9|11|20|28|4|7}}
{{pnm Chart|pop'n music 14 FEVER!&rarr;19 TUNE STREET|9|11|20|28|4|7}}
{{pnm Chart|pop'n music 14 FEVER! CS|9|11|20|28|4|7}}
{{pnm Chart|pop'n music 14 FEVER! CS|9|11|20|28|4|7}}
==== Wii Charts ====
{{pnm Wii Chart Header|
{{pnm Wii Chart Notecounts|45|92|45|45}}
{{pnm Wii Chart|ポップンミュージック}}

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