Revision as of 21:53, 25 July 2016 by Sweets (talk | contribs) (→‎Page 2: 4th ep. done)

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Page 1

Objective Requirement Reward
prologue 闘いの空へ。
01. レーダーの操作に慣れるために1TRACKプレーせよ! Play any song and clear it. Pc/Blc
02. バグを検知するためGRAVITY WARSで追加された曲を1回クリアせよ! Play any song from the SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS folder and clear it. -
03. SCORE GRADE A以上を1回達成しレーダーの精度を上げよ! Play one song and clear with an A or better. Pc/Blc
04. 誰かとマッチングして大量のバグを協力して除去せよ! Play with someone via Online Matching. -
05. RATE 100%で1回クリアし大量のバグを一掃せよ! Play one song and clear with a 100% rate. -
06. EXCESSIVE RATEで1回クリアし不確定要素の本体を発見せよ! Play one song and clear using the Excessive Rate bar. -
07. トラックコンプリートの力で新種のバグをフィックスせよ! Accumulate 6666 points from playing. INDEPENDENT SKY [NOVICE/ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts] unlocked
08. INDEPENDENT SKYをクリアして解放せよ! Play and clear any chart of INDEPENDENT SKY. INDEPENDENT SKY [GRAVITY chart] unlocked
1st Episode 鮮烈な紅を。 (Added on April 15th, 2015)
01. Mother Ship (C-YA MIX)をクリアせよ! Play Mother Ship (C-YA Mix) and clear it. 500Pc
02. 3TRACKクリアせよ! Play any 3 songs and clear them. -
03. 5TRACKをA以上でクリアせよ! Play five songs and clear with an A or better. Poison Blood [ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts] unlocked for purchase
04. RATE 100%で2回クリアし大量のバグを一掃せよ! Play two songs and clear them with a 100% rate. -
05. EXCESSIVE RATEで4回クリアし戦艦格納庫を見つけ出せ! Play four songs and clear them using the Excessive Rate bar. 500Blc
06. good high schoolをクリアして紅刃を援護せよ! Play good high school and clear it. -
07. 感情Xerographyをクリアして紅刃を援護せよ! Play 感情Xerography and clear it. -
08. AYAKASHIをクリアして新しいトラックを開放せよ! Play and clear any chart of AYAKASHI. AYAKASHI [ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts] unlocked for purchase
2nd Episode 混沌より出づる者 (Added on May 29th, 2015)
01. 戦艦の操縦に慣れるためGRAVITY WARSで追加された曲を3回クリアせよ! Play 3 songs from the SOUND VOLTEX III GRAVITY WARS folder and clear them. 300Pc
02. トラックコンプリートの力でバグの大群を浄化せよ! Accumulate 4444 points from playing. -
03. ON FIREをクリアして新しいトラックを確保せよ! Play ON FIRE and clear it. ON FIRE [ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts] unlocked for purchase
04. RATE 100%で1回クリアし防御に適したポジションを取れ! Play one song and clear with a 100% rate. -
05. ERROR 30以下で5回クリアしバグから学園を守れ! Play five songs and clear them while avoid getting 30 ERRORs for each gameplay. 300Blc/300Pc
06. Gottをクリアしてバグを駆逐せよ! Play Gott and clear it. -
07. Hellfireをクリアしてバグを駆逐せよ! Play Hellfire and clear it. -
08. Disclozeをクリアして新しいトラックを開放せよ! Play and clear any chart of Discloze. Discloze [ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts] unlocked for purchase
3rd Episode 双子星といっしょ! (Added on June 12th, 2015)
01. マッチングしないように3TRACKプレイして秘密裏に訓練を開始せよ! Play 3 songs and clear them while avoiding Online Matching with someone. 500Pc
02. freaky freakをクリアしてニア&ノアを追いかけよう! Play freaky freak and clear it. -
03. Twin Rocketをクリアしニア&ノアを捕まえよう! Play Twin Rocket and clear it. Milkyway - memorable - [ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts] unlocked for purchase
04. RATE 100%で4回クリアしできるだけ高く上ろう! Play four songs and clear them with a 100% rate. -
05. ハイスコアを1回更新してもっと高く上ろう! Play any song and clear it with a new high score. 500Blc
06. 「星」のつく楽曲をクリアしてニア&ノアを誘導せよ! Play any song that begins with the kanji 「星」 and clear it. -
07. NEAR 50以下で5回クリアしてニア&ノアを誘導せよ! Play five songs and clear them while avoid getting 50 NEARs for each gameplay. -
08. Happy Sensationをクリアして流星群に突撃せよ! Play and clear any chart of Happy Sensation. Happy Sensation [ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts] unlocked for purchase

Page 2

Objective Requirement Reward
4th Episode 双璧の誓い (Added on July 16th, 2015)
01. Rayをクリアして烈風刀の気持ちにシンクロせよ! Play Ray and clear it. -
02. Princessどうかお願い!!をクリアしてレイシスを発見せよ! Play Princessどうかお願い!! and clear it. Princessどうかお願い!! [ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts] unlocked for purchase
03. SCORE GRADE A以上を3回達成してバグの発生位置を探知せよ! Play three songs and clear with an A or better. -
04. RATE 100%で2回クリアしバグの発生地点に向かえ! Play two songs and clear with a 100% rate. 300Blc/300Pc
05. 雷刀と一緒にトラックコンプリートの力で大量のバグを排除せよ! Accumulate 5000 points from playing. -
06. Twin Blasterをクリアせよ! Play Twin Blaster and clear it. Twin Blaster [ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts] unlocked for purchase
07. INFINITE またはGRAVITYエフェクトをプレーしセキュリティを強化せよ! Play a song on INFINITE or GRAVITY difficulty. -
08. INF-B《L-aste-R》をクリアしてセキュリティを強化を完了せよ! Play and clear any chart of INF-B《L-aste-R》. INF-B《L-aste-R》 [ADVANCED/EXHAUST charts] unlocked for purchase

External Link

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