Custom-made Girl -NOT FOR SALE!-

Custom-made Girl -NOT FOR SALE!-

Song Information

Custom-made Girl -NOT FOR SALE!-'s pop'n music banner, as of pop'n music 16.
Custom-made Girl -NOT FOR SALE!-'s jacket.

Artist: Togo project feat. Sana
Composition/Arrangement/Lyrics: Hiroyuki Togo
Vocals: Sana
BPM: 202
Length: 2:02
pop'n music Genre: BOSSA GOGO (ボッサGOGO)
pop'n music Character: Sanday [10-2P]
pop'n music Background: Sci-Fi Girl (pop'n music 8)
First Music Game Appearance: ee'MALL 2nd avenue
Other Music Game Appearances:



Kiss me baby, custom-made girl
My love is not for sale, just only your doll

私は あなたの カスタムメイド
プログラミングされてる お好みのしぐさ
甘えたり すねてみたり...

あなたは 私の 聖なるプレジデント
揺るぎない愛のビーム 注いでいてね
24-HOUR 年中無休
私だけ 愛してる


Kiss me baby, custom-made girl
You know I feel some lonely, coquettish doll
Keep me crazy, custom-made girl
My love is not for sale, just only your doll

(Doo- Waa-)


Kiss me baby, custom-made girl
My love is not for sale, just only your doll

watashi wa anata no CUSTOM MAID
PROGRAMMING sareteru wo konomi no shigusa
amaetari sunetemitari...
(P.S.) REMOCON mo tsukaeru no

anata wa watashi no seinaru PRESIDENT
yuruginai ai no BEAM sosoi de ite ne
24-HOUR nenjuu mukyuu
watashi dake aishiteru
kouyaku wa mamotte ne


Kiss me baby, custom-made girl
You know I feel some lonely, coquettish doll
Keep me crazy, custom-made girl
My love is not for sale, just only your doll

(Doo- Waa-)

Song Connections / Remixes


Custom-made Girl -NOT FOR SALE!-'s pop'n music 15 banner.
Custom-made Girl -NOT FOR SALE!-'s pop'n music 10-13 banner.
  • Custom-made Girl -NOT FOR SALE!- was added to pop'n music 10 on December 17th, 2003 via ee'MALL 2nd avenue.
  • Before pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE, Custom-made Girl -NOT FOR SALE!-'s character was Sanday [7-2P].
  • The Music Comment of Custom-made Girl -NOT FOR SALE!- was changed on the 2004.05.18 version of ee'MALL 2nd avenue.
  • Custom-made Girl -NOT FOR SALE!- is currently the only ee'MALL original song to appear in jubeat.
  • Custom-made Girl -NOT FOR SALE!- was removed from the BEMANI category in pop'n music Sunny Park.

Music Comment


Song Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

jubeat difficulty rated from 1 to 10.
pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from Pop'n Music Fever and jubeat@Wiki.)


Game Level
Basic Advanced Extreme
Notecounts 163 323 591
jubeat plus 2 6 8
jukebeat 2 6 8
jubeat plus (Android) 2 6 8

pop'n music

Game Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Notecounts 282 474 536 - 286 294
pop'n music 10→11 (via ee'MALL) 14 ※18 ※24 - 14 15
pop'n music 12 いろは→13 カーニバル (via ee'MALL) 14 18 24 - 14 15
pop'n music 15 ADVENTURE→19 TUNE STREET 14 18 24 - 14 15
pop'n music 20 fantasia 14 ↑21 24 - 14 15
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - 27 30 - 14 15
pop'n music 11 CS 14 18 24 - 14 15

※ Before the 2004.05.18 version of ee'MALL 2nd avenue, the notecount of these charts were different:

  • 9-Buttons NORMAL chart: total notes: 482.
  • 9-Buttons HYPER chart: total notes: 544.

Also, before pop'n music 12 いろは, the notecount of these charts were different:

  • 9-Buttons NORMAL chart: total notes: 475.
  • 9-Buttons HYPER chart: total notes: 537.