Denjin, akatsukini taoreru.
Song Information
Artist: L.E.D.-G
BPM: 165
Genre: Nu-NRG
VJ: kototoi
First Appeared On: AC GOLD
Length: 2:07
Song Connections/Remixes
- This is one of the VIP Room Extra Stages, with this song being the Platinum Room.
- This song is the fifth installment of the Denjin Jaeger series, but doesn't have a full length clip of it.
- A remix of this song by Sota Fujimori is on L.E.D's album, denjin-k.
- An image of the Denjin Jaeger (the face) appears at the end of the song. This is the only song in the Denjin series that only has the face appearing in the video. All the others have either 2D or 3D models of the full body. This may be due to the fact that it's also the only Denjin video not done by Yasi.
- The song title means Denjin, Dead at Dawn.
- This song has a Platinum color skin.
Song Production Information
Video Production Information