Burning Heat! (Full Option Mix)

Burning Heat! (Full Option Mix)

Song Information

Artist: Mr.T with Motoaki.F
Composition/Guitar: Motoaki Furukawa
Arrangement: Tomoyuki Uchida
BPM: 166
Length: 1:55
Genre: 12BEAT
Movie: HES, VJ GYO, and shiro
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania IIDX 7th style
Other Music Game Appearances: None.



Song Connections / Remixes


This song has different backgrounds, banners, jackets, or other related images. For more information, please see this page.
  • Burning Heat! (Full Option Mix) marks Motoaki Furukawa's only appearance in the beatmania IIDX series.
  • Actual gameplay footage of GRADIUS II can be seen throughout Burning Heat! (Full Option Mix)'s video.
  • Burning Heat! (Full Option Mix)'s unique title card was removed in beatmania IIDX 9th style.
  • Burning Heat! (Full Option Mix) received a Double ANOTHER chart in beatmania IIDX 11 IIDX RED.
  • Burning Heat! (Full Option Mix) is unlockable in beatmania IIDX INFINITAS from September 5th, 2018, after purchasing its charts with BITs.
  • Burning Heat! (Full Option Mix) also appears in several KONAMI medal redemption games, including GRANDCROSS and SEVEN'S BEAT (セブンスビート).
    • In GRANDCROSS, Burning Heat! (Full Option Mix)'s title was slightly changed to Burning Heat!(Full Option Mix).
  • Burning Heat! (Full Option Mix)'s Single NORMAL chart was re-rated in beatmania IIDX INFINITAS (2020) on April 20th, 2022.

Song Production Information


I present to GRADIUS fans around the country, Mr.T's power remix!
The image of this arrangement easily came to my mind, but it was surprisingly difficult once I started working on it, so I had a rather hard time before it felt nice.
In order to provide a sense of a thick beat, five bass parts are played at the same time.
After it was completed, "Motoaki Furukawa" played the guitar, which once again made Mr.T very satisfied!!
This movie should not be forgotten. It seems like a huge project involving all the designers.

Video Production Information


I was in charge of the prop production (head mounted display) and video materials for the GRADIUSII gameplay and direction.
The HUD was made while eating mochi in the New Year. (Two days of production. It was quite fun.).
I actually used the GRADIUSII footage that I played during lunch time. However, due to the connection of the captured footage, the only way to play it was on the small screen of the DV camera, so I had to play with my face close to the screen.
As a result, I finished at the 6th high speed stage... ugh.
Well, I couldn't clear it this time because of the small screen (that's an excuse), but I took hot footage? Including the boss recovery zone and Option Hunters capturing Options, so please look for those perfect shots.


I was in charge of the materials for the artificial sun and live action components.
I think this is the first among themany IIDX movies to have a collaborative production with more than three people (as "VJ ARMY" was a competition).
Except for the production of live action IIDX movies, I mostly work alone (I'm quite lonely), so going back-and-forth with HES and shiro to create this video was fresh and very enjoyable.
Well, HES is famous for playing shooting games, but this is actually the first time I saw him show his skills.
Watching him control the Vic Viper freely and wonderfully, I associated him with a master. As expected from him!


I was in charge of the materials for the dragon and final edits.
Anyways, with "Burning" as the focus, I centered this video on development without losing speed.
...Then, a certain person, who I had promised to be filmed, appeared unexpectedly for this video. I don't know why... Hehe.

Difficulty & Notecounts

beatmania IIDX difficulty rated 1 to 7+ from 7th through 9th style, 1 to 8 in 10th style, 1 to 8+ in IIDX RED, and from 1 to 12 from HAPPY SKY onwards.

Game SP Difficulty DP Difficulty
Notecounts 269 361 494 755 - 359 496 789 -
beatmania IIDX 7th style→10th style - 3 5 N/A - 4 5 - -
beatmania IIDX 11 IIDX RED - 3 5 N/A - 4 5 N/A -
beatmania IIDX 12 HAPPY SKY→13 DistorteD - 3 5 7 - 4 5 8 -
beatmania IIDX 14 GOLD→26 Rootage - 3 5 7 - 4 5 ↑9 -
beatmania IIDX 27 HEROIC VERSE→Present - ↑4 5 7 - 4 5 9 -
beatmania IIDX 7th style CS 2 3 5 5 - 4 5 - -
beatmania IIDX 10th style CS 2 3 5 5 - 4 5 5 -
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS/(2020) (9/5/18-4/19/22) - 3 5 7 - 4 5 9 -
beatmania IIDX INFINITAS (2020) (4/20/22-present) - 4 5 7 - 4 5 9 -
beatmania IIDX ULTIMATE MOBILE - 4 5 7 - - - - -
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