Five fathoms (beatmania II special version)

Five fathoms (beatmaniaII special ver.)

Song Information

Artist: EverythingButTheGirl
BPM: 121
Genre: House
First Appeared On: AC 3rd style
Length: 2:00


Lyrics are from the full version.

I walk the city late at night.
Does everyone here do the same?
I want to be the things I see,
Give every face and place my name.
I cross the street, take a right,
Pick up the pace, pass a fight.
Did I grow up just to stay home?
I'm not immune - I love this tune.

I wanna love more.
I just wanna love more.

I drag the city late at night.
It's in my mouth, it's in my hair.
The people fill the city because
The city fills the people, oh yeah.
I cross the street, avoid the freeze -
A city's warmer by a couple degrees.
The smell of food. The smell of rain.
I'm not immune - I love this tune.

I wanna love more.
There's a river in my head.
I just wanna love more.
There's a river in my head.

The only way out is down.
The only way up is down.

The days roll by like thunder
Like a storm that's never breaking,
All my time and space compressed
In the low pressure of the proceedings,
And they beat against the sides of my life,
Like fists against the sides of my life,
And the roads all lead behind me,
So I wrap the wheel around me
and I go out.

There's a river in my head.
I'll take you home and make it easy.
Love more.

Song Connections / Remixes

  • The song is from the album Temperamental by Everything But The Girl.


  • During the video, gameplay of beatmania and Dance Dance Revolution can be seen in the arcade (along with a few brief clips of a co-op light gun game -- presumably Time Crisis 2).
  • According to VJ GYO's production info, the video is filmed at a British amusement center.

Music Production Info

Dj TAKA / sound:

EverythingButTheGirl is still unknown to many people in Japan, but worldwide he's a famous artist. This track is based on a loop with few phoentic materials, making an odd but very cool house track. You can see some BEMANI series in the videos, which you might have missed at first glance, so I point it out for you to find it again.

Video Production Info


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