platonic love

Song Information

platonic love's pop'n music banner.

Artist: N.A.R.D.
Composition: Ichiro Yoshida
Arrangement: Taiga Yamato
Lyrics: Reo Nagumo
Vocals: masayo
BPM: 125
Length: 1:48
pop'n music Genre: MISTY (ミスティ)
pop'n music Character: Kagome [7]
pop'n CG design: shio
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 7
Other Music Game Appearances: None.



せつないくらい 見つめ続ければ
激しい恋 カギをかけてみるよ
優しい声が 遠く響いてく
悲しい程 不安になる気持ち

なにを 感じ続けても
あなただけ 見てる私がいる

見つめる 偽りの瞳隠す
恋さえも 迷い続けている
愛しい気持ちさえ 遠ざかって行く
声にならない… 伝えられない…


setsunai kurai mitsume tsudukere ba
hageshii koi kagi wo kakete miru yo
yasashii koe ga tooku hibii te ku
kanashii hodo fuan ni naru kimochi

nani wo kanji tsuduke te mo
anata dake miteru watashi ga iru

mitsumeru itsuwari no hitomi kakusu
koi sae mo mayoi tsuduke te iru
itoshii kimochi sae toozakatte yuku
koe ni nara nai... tsutae rare nai...
kono omoi

Song Connections / Remixes


  • Kagome was one of the characters from the PapaMama*7 character naming contest.

Music Comment


Song Production Information


Character Information


Staff Comments


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from Pop'n Music Fever and BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

Game Standard Battle PSP-Exclusive
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper 5B Hyper 7 Button 7B Hyper
Notecounts 163 233 616 848 226 476 354 210 530
pop'n music 7 8 13 27 37 ※23 - - - -
pop'n music 8 8 13 27 37 11 23 - - -
pop'n music 9 ↓6 13 27 37 11 23 - - -
pop'n music 10→20 fantasia ↑7 13 27 ↓35 11 23 - - -
pop'n music Sunny Park→Present - 19 33 41 11 23 - - -
pop'n music 7 CS 8 13 27 37 ※23 - - - -
pop'n music 13 カーニバル CS 7 13 27 35 11 23 - - -
pop'n music portable 2 DLC 7 13 27 35 - - 15 11 24

※ Denotes chart has been revised from the corresponding AC chart:

  • pop'n music 7's Battle NORMAL chart: total notes: 476.