Somebody Stole My Gal

Somebody Stole My Gal

Song Information

Somebody Stole My Gal's pop'n music banner, as of pop'n music 16.

Artist: ♪♪♪♪♪
Composition: Leo Wood
Arrangement: wac
BPM: 208-217
Length: 2:02
pop'n music Genre: NANIWA (ナニワ)
pop'n music Character: P-1&P-2 [TV&ANIME]
pop'n CG design: ちょび。
First Music Game Appearance: pop'n music 9
Other Music Game Appearances: None.



Song Connections / Remixes



Somebody Stole My Gal's pop'n music old banner.
  • Somebody Stole My Gal is a popular song originally composed by Leo Wood in 1918. A later cover by Ted Weems and his orchestra in 1922 helped propel it to a million-selling song that year. It has since been covered by many bands, and heard in several films.
  • Somebody Stole My Gal is the only instrumental license in pop'n music 9.
  • Somebody Stole My Gal was also used as a level theme in Konami's 1990 Japan-only puzzle game Maoi-kun (モアイくん) for the Nintendo Famicom. It plays in every even-leveled song in the game.
  • Somebody Stole My Gal's received a new ENJOY MODE banner in pop'n music 17 THE MOVIE, which replaced the old text (なにわ, naniwa) with Somebody Stole My Gal's title.
  • Somebody Stole My Gal was the final license from pop'n music 9 to be removed from the pop'n music arcade games, staying all the way up until pop'n music 20 fantasia.
  • Naniwa, the genre of Somebody Stole My Gal, can be translated as "What the!?".

Music Comment

That familiar comedy song appears!

Song Production Information


Character Information


Difficulty & Notecounts

pop'n music difficulty rated from 1 to 43 through pop'n music 20 fantasia, and 1 to 50 from Sunny Park onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from Pop'n Music Fever and BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

Game Standard Battle
5 Button Normal Hyper EX Normal Hyper
Notecounts 247 315 729 - 224 313
pop'n music 9→20 fantasia 9 14 27 - 11 15
pop'n music 9 CS 9 14 27 - 11 15