Hiroyuki Shibata

Revision as of 03:27, 11 December 2014 by GlaringRadiokid (talk | contribs)

Hiroyuki Shibata

General Information

  • Name: Hiroyuki Shibata (柴田 浩之)
  • Website: Unknown


Hiroyuki Shibata is a composer and vocalist for songs featured primarily in the GuitarFreaks & DrumMania series. He debuted into the BEMANI series in GUITARFREAKS 9thMIX & drummania 8thMIX. He also provided vocals for both SYMPHONIC METAL songs in the pop'n music series.


To be updated.



Song Artist Game Genre Composition Vocals Lyrics
サンデードライバー WILD SPYKE GUITARFREAKS 9thMIX & drummania 8thMIX - -
Dream Again... 柴田浩之 GUITARFREAKS 11thMIX & drummania 10thMIX -
RALLY (Cymbals) GUITARFREAKS 11thMIX & drummania 10thMIX - - -
The Legend Ritter GuitarFreaks V2 & DrumMania V2 - - -
真実~GFDM Ver.~ 柴田浩之 GuitarFreaks V3 & DrumMania V3 -
IMITATION TOUCH 柴田浩之 GuitarFreaksXG & DrumManiaXG - - -
Holy Forest Sarastro pop'n music 10 SYMPHONIC METAL - -
Sanctum Crusade Sarastro pop'n music 13 カーニバル SYMPHONIC METAL op.2 - -


To be updated.