Song Information
Artist: Shoichiro Hirata
Composition/Arrangement: Shoichiro Hirata
Lyrics: Kazuya Komatsu, Doublecheese
Vocals: Doublecheese
BPM: 98
Genre: R&B
VJ: VJ GYO (illustrations by GOLI)
Length: 1:53 (beatmania IIDX), 1:41 (DanceDanceRevolution)
First Music Game Appearance: beatmania IIDX 4th style
Other Music Game Appearances:
(This song dedicated to all young businessmen) 街は喧騒の止んだ午前2時 疲れ果てた体を何とか維持 大都会じゃ言い訳不要 そうあいつは浮浪 ゆらゆらslow danceする間もないままに なくしたの何? ままにならないままの make my money 今日もやっぱり 行ったり来たり yo それでも生きな Girigiri Daddy All you wanna do is to move on Do it like you want Can you see you are so active? Everything will be all right I want to make a move on You can make it now I can make it so active Baby, stay with me all night Everyday, everywhere まるで追われてる 限界寸前 とめどなく今日も吹き出すような流れる汗 それでもそれでもさらに精出せ 明日吹く風 その流れ変え 引き寄せるまで さあ駆けろ Girigiri Daddy All you wanna do is to move on Do it like you want Can you see you are so active? Everything will be all right I want to make a move on You can make it now I can make it so active Baby, stay with me all night
Song Connections / Remixes
- The DanceDanceRevolution series use a shorter version of GIRIGIRI DADDY.
Song Production Information
Video Production Information
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