Get on Beat

Song Information

Artist: ON
BPM: ???
Genre: Hard Bag
First Appeared On: AC 2nd style
Length: ?:??


woo get on!woo get on!

髮切った 昨日から
なにかかわった? がしてる

朝の光感じて めざめた私の目の前ひろがっている

地下室から誰かのこえ それは本?の心のこえ
何もかわらない日常 押しつぶされて行く

woo get on!

動けない 座りこんだまま
普通になれない わからないままただ繰り返して
あの時間の向こうへget on beat!
woo get on!Ah!

Song Connections/Remixes


  • ON is made up of vocalists MAKO and NORI. This is their only IIDX appearance.
  • This is one of the very few Konami originals in IIDX history to be taken out of the arcade after one appearance.

Music Production Notes

This time, for 2nd style, we have a song from Limited unit ON, re-establishing whether or not everyone's cheers are at stake. Sound and video are usually treated as separate divisions when making music videos, but in the case of this song, the song was co-produced with the video, and the recording left me with many feelings at the end. It's a lot of footage to compile and finish up for new artists, isn't it?

Video Production Notes

This movie was recorded in the second half of August on a Sunday, made in Nermida Ward, Tokyo at a Q-Studio. This vocal music video has a basic aspect to it, but in our case it's the first of its kind in IIDX. This song was shot a day before work on Second Style (Hip Hop Paradise)'s shooting, and we pulled out an all-nighter, with both a day shift and night work. In addition we took naps, waking up still sleepy, and the next day followed the previous day's sunny summer weather in full bloom. But worst of all, I had the only camera and the tripod wouldn't work, which wasn't according to plan. There was also the deal with the meeting of ON's members NORI and MAKO: MAKO came first and NORI second, and the meeting ended up being delayed by an hour and a half.

But (after the half-moon) we had exhibitors at the AM 37th show with other tie-in artists, and we presented a panel showing pictures of Get on Beat and the members of ON, getting two sets of customers in the process. Yes!