Bad boy
Bad boy
Song Information
Artist: Vivi
BPM: ??
Genre: Dance pop
VJ: VJ GYO (illustrations by GOLI)
First Appeared On: AC 2nd style
Length: 1:5?
Not available.
Song Connections/Remixes
First appearance of singer Vivi in Bemani. She also sang several songs in Guitar Freaks / drummania, as well as こっちを向いてよ in IIDX 6th style.
Music Production Notes
This song, a Dance Pop song, has the most atmosphere of any song in its genre so far in IIDX. The lyrics of a girl's crush may seem a bit corny, but Ueno Keiichi didn't seem to mind. The song's lyrics are a favorite of GOLI's in the increasing repertoire of songs we've received so far.
Video Production Notes