Gensou reflect

Revision as of 17:16, 3 October 2017 by GlaringRadiokid (talk | contribs)


Song Information

幻想リフレクト's jacket.

Artist: イルカブ
Composition: Jun Wakita
Arrangement: ikutaMachine
Lyrics/Vocals: Yuko Konishi
BPM: 138
Length: 1:44
Jacket design: poche
First Music Game Appearance: REFLEC BEAT
Other Music Game Appearances:



負ける訳にはいかないさ 僕は行く

月の光 何処まででも 追いかける 
心に想い描く ファンタジー どんな時も

押し寄せる 波は時に 僕を不安にするけれど 

さぁ 進め 僕の光よ ボールを投げる様に 高く高く跳べ

未来はいつも 気持ちで決まる 心のリフレクション 
返って来るんだ 投げかけた愛 そう全て鏡の様 
君の想いが 僕の想いが 二人のリフレクション 
今 君の光 放て 強く 反射して行く 
今日も 明日も 輝き続けるよ


tonari awase no taiyou to ame wa iu
makeru wake ni wa ikanai sa boku wa yuku

tsuki no hikari doko made demo oikakeru
kokoro ni omoi egaku FANTASY donna toki mo

oshiyoseru nami wa toki ni boku o fuan ni suru keredo
hanekaeshite shimae

saa susume boku no hikari yo BALL o nageru you ni takaku takaku tobe

mirai wa itsumo kimochi de kimaru kokoro no REFLECTION
kaette kurunda nagekaketa ai sou subete kagami no you
kimi no omoi ga boku no omoi ga futari no REFLECTION
ima kimi no hikari hanate tsuyoku hansha shite yuku
kyou mo asu mo kagayaki tsuzukeru yo

Song Connections / Remixes



  • 幻想リフレクト marks the first song composed by Jun Wakita, and the only song arranged by ikutaMachine, exclusively for the REFLEC BEAT series.
  • 幻想リフレクト is unlocked in REFLEC BEAT by reaching Level 75.
    • In REFLEC BEAT limelight, it's unlocked by reaching the first part of Glass Stage 1-3. It is the 19th old REFLEC BEAT song in limelight unlocked via Glass Stage.
  • In REFLEC BEAT +, 幻想リフレクト's title and artist were changed to Reflected Fantasia and IRUKABU respectively.
  • 幻想リフレクト received a SPECIAL chart in REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!. It could be purchased at the REFLEC Shop for 1200 Refle.
    • In REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA, it could be purchased from the Garage for 8 VOLZZA KEYs.
    • In REFLEC BEAT VOLZZA 2, it could be unlocked by clearing its HARD chart a specific number of times, depending on the grade obtained on it (AAA+: 1 time, AAA: 2 times, AA: 3 times, A or lower: 5 times).
  • After being removed from the initial release of REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア, 幻想リフレクト was revived on August 31st, 2017.

Difficulty & Notecounts

REFLEC BEAT to groovin'!! Upper difficulty rated from 1 to 10+, 1 to 13 in VOLZZA/VOLZZA 2, and 1 to 15 from 悠久のリフレシア onwards. (Ratings and notecounts obtained from BEMANIWiki 2nd.)

Old Charts

Game Level
Basic Medium Hard Special
Notecounts 177 283 410 543
REFLEC BEAT limelight→colette -All Seasons- 3 ↑7 9 -
REFLEC BEAT groovin'!!→VOLZZA 2 3 7 9 10
REFLEC BEAT plus 3 7 9 -
REFLEC BEAT + 3 7 9 -

New Charts

Game Level
Basic Medium Hard White
Notecounts 248 355 518 664
REFLEC BEAT 悠久のリフレシア→Present 6 9 11 12