Please stop uploading stills from generic movies used in the CHECK!Songs pages to illustrate IIDX songs that don't have a unique movie or overlays and calling them jackets. They are just placeholders. --ArrowsAndBeats (talk) 19:49, 6 January 2019 (UTC)
- I second this. They are in no way official jackets, it's just a BGA screenshot for the ranking page so IIDX songs don't have a white blank image. When they get into another game that supports jacket, they'll get a proper jacket there - and that will be the song's official jacket. --UBerserker (talk) 20:43, 6 January 2019 (UTC)
- I agree with both ArrowsAndBeats and UBerserker. I'll remove these stills ASAP. Please tell me if I miss any. --FinalOffset (talk) 22:32, 6 January 2019 (UTC)