Four pieces of heaven

Revision as of 07:13, 6 April 2011 by Morning Blue (talk | contribs)

four pieces of heaven

Song Information

Artist: Lion
BPM: 120-195
Genre: Jungle
First Appeared On: AC DJ TROOPERS
Length: 1:58

Song Connections/Remixes

  • One of 4 songs that are part of the Military Splash #02 Extra Stages, with this song being Battlefield Jungle. The video's enemy is "L.I・O-N", the depiction of Lion, with 3800 HP.


  • Like AC DistorteD's Cardinal Gate and AC GOLD's VIP Room Extra Stages, all Military Splash #02 songs have different color skins. This one has a gold skin.
  • Received an another+ single chart in CS DJ TROOPERS.
  • The four genres of music in the song are breakbeat, house, drum n' bass, and trance.

Song Production Information

Four pieces of heaven

Four different pieces of music are united, and brought together and formed into one.

Although the song is short of 2 minutes, it was my intention to have the characteristic of the music change wildly from one part to another.

By all means, keep playing four pieces of heaven. After the last scratch, see if something happens.

Video Production Information

Almost everywhere, the lion exudes the quality of dignity and nobility. Using these keywords, I made an image that coincided with that of boss.

Actually, after drawing the lion, I saw a male lion on television chasing after a female lion in the cold winter but she escaped. I was puzzled by that.