AC pnm 10

Revision as of 01:20, 6 June 2006 by Morning Blue (talk | contribs)

General Information

  • Released: August 2003.
  • First game released with the new Konami logo (the red stripe).
  • First year since 1998 where only one new Pop'n Music game came out.
  • Last game whose official website lists songs by star difficulty.
  • Last game to feature new songs with Atsushi Shindo. His contract with Konami expired shortly after the release of this game.
  • Theme of the game; Halloween.

Staff Information

New Songs

  • not complete

Secret Songs

  • [SYMPHONIC METAL] Holy Forest / Sarastro (Count.Ten)
  • [TELEPHONE SHOPPING] ポップン販売株式会社 / ポップン販売株式会社 (Mr. Fukumimi)
  • [FAIRY TALE] Princess Piccolo / Butapunch Philharmonic Orchestra (Mimi & Nyami)

Pop'n Music GB Remixes

Secret Stars Songs

Animelo Crossovers

From Pop'n Music Home Versions

Related Links