Masatoshi Sakashita

Masatoshi Sakashita

Artist Information


Masatoshi Sakashita is a composer affiliated to KSP CORPORATION. He has composed songs for several artists, like AKB48, Hironobu Kageyama, Maho Suzuri, and Haruko Momoi.

Masatoshi previously worked as a day laborer at the Japan Break Industrial Company (日本ブレイク工業), composing and singing that company's song 日本ブレイク工業 社歌 in 2002. At that time, Masatoshi used his 萬Z(量産型) alias. Masatoshi also performs his own songs under the manzo alias.


  • Masatoshi has composed several songs for the Tokimeki Memorial games.
  • Masatoshi has composed most of the BGMs for the Japanese animation Secret Society Eagle Talon series.


  • Db.Saka
  • manzo


Song Artist Game Genre Composition Arrangement Lyrics Vocals
CHARLOTTE Db.Saka feat.Piasa beatmania IIDX 9th style FRENCH BOSSA - -
クローバー♣かくめーしょん とりぷる♣ふぃーりんぐ(和久井優/金澤まい/今村彩夏) BeatStream アニムトライヴ - - - -
かくしん的☆めたまるふぉ~ぜっ! 土間うまる(CV:田中あいみ) BeatStream アニムトライヴ - - - -
星を辿れば 大原ゆい子 jubeat plus / REFLEC BEAT plus - - - -
ガッテンだ!! すわひでお with manzo pop'n music 19 TUNE STREET DOBOKU ROCK -
魔界! 痛快! ヘルダンス manzo pop'n music 20 fantasia DAEMON'S METAL
気づいてゾンビさま、私はクラスメイトです 山口 理恵 REFLEC BEAT plus - -
恋のビギナーなんです (T_T) 山口 理恵 REFLEC BEAT plus - - -
魔・カ・セ・テ Tonight 野水 いおり REFLEC BEAT plus - -
*** パショナート 野水 いおり REFLEC BEAT plus - -